[Chapter 4 part 1] Simon   - Conversing with Astra


Simon found Astra on a far off terrace with a vast network of fortifications between them. Should I leap there? No… That’d seem desperate. He made his way through the frozen labyrinth. Each section had its own architecture, and connecting passageways were on different floors. Irritatingly, the stairway layout was inconsistent. At least dead ends aren’t frequent.

He was certain Astra had recovered. Dark Age survivors are familiar with loss. She’d left him with her children in hopes of bringing him to her side. They were starving for information, especially Rose and Free. Simon knew who they were. Their hair color alone gave it away. He remembered the fairy atop Dawn. Hijacking a summon should be impossible.

Those eight had hardships ahead, and he’d help if he could. Having lived it himself, he empathized with the misfortunate, though that wasn’t the only reason. Whenever he saw suffering, he’d imagine the joy that man would feel, and his fury flared. I’m sure he’d laugh at them.

The Laughing Man… Whenever someone heard the name, the normal reaction was to assume it was a jest. The villain knew exactly what he was doing when he picked his moniker. However, the frustrating part didn’t end there. They never really get it. Even after discovering his history, they’d see an above-average criminal. This was wrong. He’s a psychopath with a vision. Causing misery was simply his method, not his goal. All the chaos so far was a mild preview of what he was gradually engineering. Like Sola, he’s a scourge which will transform the world.

Simon smiled wistfully. In a way, that maniac has defined my life. The Laughing Man would go out of his way to cause suffering, so Simon went to similar lengths to end it. The villain murdered to reach his ends, so he chose to save others to reach his.


Simon reflected on the upheaval back home. The grieving Lily Morgana was in no condition to fight for political survival. This would change dramatically if Astra joined her. Simon was banking on it. I’ll make sure Arther’s death wasn’t in vain.

Astra was gazing into the clear night sky. Once certain she was aware of him, he strolled out, “All the stars are still there.”

Astra nodded, “I know, but checking is a habit of mine… Especially after Arther’s death, it’s reassuring to see them.”

Simon stood besides her, “While there’s much to discuss, we must talk about the children.”

Astra didn’t react. So this is her normal state. The unreadable front reminded him she’d been a commander during the Dark Age. He resolved to play the subordinate.

“I answered their questions but mentioned nothing of their origins, much to Rose’s chagrin.”


Astra cracked a smile, “She must’ve been displeased…”

“She was literally steaming. It took time to mollify her. I gave them an overview of the HEAVENLY DAO and the Fracturing.” Simon continued carefully. “Why’d you keep them ignorant to that degree?”

Astra was unperturbed, “It was necessary. My children aren’t stupid, and one topic leads to another. With enough clues, they would’ve pieced together the truth. Rather than sorting books, it was easier to remove entire subjects. If they knew nothing of Sola and her creations, they wouldn’t suspect what they are. I wanted them to grow up unbound by the past.”

“If they travel with you, they’ll need to know.” Simon offered.

Astra went mute again so he moved on, “About the Isle of Dreams… Its image as a place of safety has been shattered. The message left behind has everyone spooked. Nobody knows how Arther was killed or where his body is. The Guild is paralyzed. Your arrival would restore normalcy.”

“Explain the murder in detail.” Astra’s voice matched the arctic.


“Arther was investigating two acts of terrorism. In the first case, everyone around the Pillar’s base was slain late at night. Witnesses reported the perpetrator wielded golden spears. In the second incident, an airship was hijacked and flown into the Pillar. Hundreds died.”

Astra interrupted, “This makes no sense. The only one who could open the Pillar of Enera was its architect, Jenna Crystal. With her death, all methods have been lost, and the outside is indestructible. This is widely known. If the Laughing Man was attempting a breach, he’s a fool. How was such a man able to kill Arther?”

“Because a copy cat was responsible for those incidents. Or at least that’s what Arther surmised. However, it’s undoubtedly the real thing which killed him, leading to a great deal of confusion.”This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

“What do you believe?” Astra asked.

“The original theory was correct. The impostor’s actions caught the original’s attention, and he tracked them down. Then, for some incomprehensible reason, they joined forces. The impersonator lured Arther to a secluded location where he was killed. It’s unnatural in that the Laughing Man rarely plays second fiddle to others.”

Astra eyed Simon, “You have history with him?”

That’s an understatement. “Yes, I do.”

Simon changed the subject, “Arther’s passing has affected Lily. She should be out there reassuring the public, not withdrawn from the world. While there’s sympathy for her mourning, it’s hurting her. Someone must restore her motivation…”

Unlike Astra, who’d recovered in minutes, Lily remained in a slump. It’s not surprising. She’d been a child during the Dark age, and her role had been back-line support. That’s not to say she’s inferior. She had her own accomplishments, including killing the avatar of hate in the most spectacular feat of power ever seen.

Lily had been made Regent for her contributions. Officially, the Isle of Dreams belonged to the HEAVENLY DAO, but, abhorring open meddling, it allowed a consensus candidate to rule in its stead. She’d been the obvious choice for the honor.

The Isle was where the HEAVENLY DAO formally interacted with humanity. Many of the legendary immortals who acted as its agents were stationed here. Tourists flocked from around Enera to see the Wall of Legends, wander The Endless Library, and pray at the Shrines of the Lost. It was the place you had to visit ‘at least once in your life’.

“Lily never did grow up, in more ways than one…” Astra whispered, shaking her head.

Simon felt compelled to defend his sovereign, “That’s not entirely fair. Arther Bard was a father figure to her, and the two coexisted for millennia. No one was more affected.”

Astra waved away his objection, “I wasn’t referring to her emotional state. It’s understandable Lily would be devastated, and I don’t fault her for it.”

Astra leaned on the balcony and sighed, “If the abnormal last long enough, people view it as ordinary. By the way you champion Lily, I imagine you’re a long time resident. While it’s true regents are tasked with safeguarding the Isle’s prestige and neutrality, that was never all they were meant to do.”

She’s a window to the past. The other heroes had lived out among humanity. They’d changed, softened by years of peace. Only Astra was different. There’s a harshness that the others no longer possess.

Astra continued, “Answer me this: if Lily had been active in investigating, would Arther have died?”

“That’s…” Simon wanted to offer a rebuttal, but he couldn’t lie. If Lily had been by Arther’s side, he’d certainly be alive. Defeating two heroes was beyond the Laughing Man. No, he wouldn’t even have tried. The madman had his own brand of caution.

“No one blames Lily for Arther’s death.” Simon said.

“And that‘s the fundamental problem…” Astra answered. “Being a leader means assuming the worst. Once lives are lost, it can never be undone. Relying on others at the beginning was normal, but it should’ve never turned into a permanent arrangement.”

“Arther Bard was the main reason world leaders felt comfortable handing the Isle over to a fourteen year old. He was expected to deal with security issues. They also established a special position, the ‘steward of the Isle’, to manage the mundane aspects of governance. After a century or two, Lily should’ve reclaimed this delegated authority.”

This is the perspective of one who’s lived far longer than me. Astra remembered a time before the regent’s authority was divided. She’s right. Lily was fulfilling the watered-down version of her obligations. It’s a pity because she’s not lazy. One did not become an immortal at twelve without serious effort. She would’ve done a fine job on her own.

“The problem stems from her entitled mindset. Lily lost everything: her friends, family, and country. Despite this she fought on and saved humanity. Her reward was to be trapped forever in the body of a child. She feels cheated, that the scales weren’t balanced at all.”

I’ve proof of this in my pocket. Lily was well-known for juvenile whims. When she’d expanded her residence, she’d used pink marble and renamed it the ‘Rose Palace’. Although she reined in these impulses in performing her duties, long-time residents lived in fear.

“I can appreciate being upset by twists of fate.” Astra continued. “I never expected to be exiled to the arctic. That said, wallowing in self-pity serves no one.”

“The guilt and pity of others have permitted Lily to remain an eternal child, her way of rebelling. That’s why, when violence came, everyone turned to Arther.”

Perceptions contributed too… While most would be repulsed by infantile behavior in an adult, Lily’s demeanor fit her body. How do you pressure such an immortal? Nobody wanted to abuse a ‘child’.

“If a past Regent had allowed the head of the Adventurer’s Guild to be murdered in their stead, they would’ve been finished. People aren’t blaming Lily because they never expected anything in the first place.”

Blunt, but accurate. “While I see truth in your assessment, it’s the kind necromancers usually keep to themselves. I hope you won’t speak so candidly in public.”

“Of course not, I’m familiar with the Isle’s nature. It’s always been a beacon of hope, even back then. People need something to cling to, and there’s value in letting them deceive themselves.”

So the frank talk meant she’d acknowledged him. It’s such a waste she’s been stranded here. History might’ve taken a different course.

“If I travel there, I won’t be spoiling her. Lily took advantage of Arther’s generosity, which I’ll not permit. She’ll mature, mentally if not physically.”

This… will be interesting. Lily’s obstinacy was infamous, and he’d believed it unchangeable. Now, he wasn’t sure. It was Astra who rescued and recruited Lily. Simon foresaw fireworks. Assuming she returns.

Astra had yet to state her intentions. He’d initially interpreted this as a power play but was revising his opinion. She’s lived at Earth’s End for eons. He wasn’t in a position to understand that.

“Let me know when you are ready.” He said.

(continued in part 2)