Sol went to the Temple of Minerva alone without Nerva or Miya and Moon, Nerodia was with him but it was sleeping in the way.
This time he came in politely, he knocked at the door and bow his head before he went inside, He hoped that his attitude will make the Goddess less likely to bring him trouble.
When he got to the throne, Minerva already waiting for him while munching on sweets, she looked at him and beacon him toward a seat she just materialized into existence.
Sol took his seat and wait for the Goddess to finished her sweets, her sweet supply was inexhaustible and her stomach never got full.
He knew that if he waited, it would take forever, but did not want to make her annoyed at him because his fate was in her hand.
An hour later, Nerodia woke up, it looked around at the familiar Tempel, "Hsss... what are we waiting for?" It hissed at him in annoyance because he kept his silence before the Goddess.
Its voice attracted the Goddess's attention and she stopped her hand from reaching toward another sweet.
"So, what brought you here?" She looked at him with a smile, her smile was very cute and charming.
"Nerodia wanted her reward and I need your help with it because I don't know how or what to give it" Sol explained, he knew the Goddess already knew what he wanted, she just wanted to hear it from his mouth.
"Oh! That!" she said with a fake surprise, her acting was so bad that he knew she was just messing with him.
"Then I will tell you what it wanted first," She started, "it wanted to have a human body so it could ascend into Godhood rather than being a Titan in the future" She giggled like that was funny but Sol didn't get which part was funny.magic
"How will you grant this? Can you just snap your finger and abracadabra it turns into a human?" Sol questioned her by reflex.
His body and reflex had improved considerably but he still needed to control his extraordinary reflex, he could not stop himself from saying things by reflex.
If other Heirs have some kind of superpower or ability then his would be a super reflex, nothing could take him by surprise other than himself, he could automatically defend himself, whether his body capable to defend is another problem.
Sol had his eyes open very wide, he was shocked by his own word, he had tried his best to be polite but he just dashed all his hard work with that question.
Luckily Minerva did not take offense to his question, "Hahaha, no silly, We Gods are capable of a miracle but every God has their own domain."
Sol held his tongue and tried his best to talk politely, "Your Cuteness, how will you grant this then?"
The Goddess smirked at him and said, "My plan was for it to be reborn with the help of the grail that we use to make Nerva"
Sol had his back drenched with cold sweat, but her wording give him some hope, "was?"
"Yes, it was, but now the situation had changed, you don't need to use grail again, we could just let it make a bond with you and you don't need to pay me for it" She nodded sagely."What is this bond?" Sol did not let his guard down, there was no way for them to suddenly have a better solution that did not have any demerit, there must be an equal exchange somewhere.
The Goddess gave him a knowing look, "You don't need to be afraid, let me explain, Bond is what God does to increase people potential, they usually make it with their descendant so they can ascend easier"
"As for you, because you suddenly have a source of your own that does not connect to any God, you could make this bond with the snake," She pointed at this hand, where Nerodia is.
"Both of you will share your potential with each other, you will get some of hers while she gets some of yours, that way she could freely turn into human form as long as you exist."
"it also opens the path for It to ascend into Godhood" Minerva explained patiently to the suspicious man.
"Ugh... I could see that it will give me some profit but I don't see where is the demerit" He said straightforwardly.
"well, the bond between God and their descendant is one way, so when their descendant perish, then God would not be affected, but if the God perished then the one bonded with Him will also perish"
"As for you, because your Bond goes both ways, if anyone of you died, the other will went with him." She said truthfully.
"Fuck! Won't that mean I will be stuck with it for life? I just want to get rid of it!" this time Sol got to kept his inner voice to himself.
"Umm... Your Cuteness, is there no other way to grant its wish?" Sol tried to find another way.
The Goddess shook her head, "There is no way a God would make a bond with Snake, If you don't want the bond then we can just use the grail" She grinned at him, he could feel that he have no other way out of this.
Being in the palm of the Goddess, Sol could only agree with the bond, Minerva had given him the knowledge on how to make the bond but he needed to make it by himself.
They needed to make the bond outside the temple so it would not be affected by the Goddess presence.
"I hope this will not give me more trouble" He wished in his heart.