Sol did not want to fight the female alpha, he did not think it will be easy, even with Nerodia's help, he did not think he could beat it.
There was a reason why he had only met the wolves at that time, it was because they were the most dominant creature up the mountain, the female alpha was the king of the mountain.
"I will think about it, let's get back to sleep." He petted Moon's head and started to get back inside.
he wanted to reject but he did not have the heart to, she had been his family, even if it was not that long since she joins the family. he still cared for her, he decided to think of a solution the next morning.magic
Sol got to bed and closed his eyes, he was about to fall asleep when he felt a soft and fluffy body lay on top of him.
Usually, it was Miya or Nerva that sleep on his chest but both of them already sleep so it only left Moon, who was looking at the moon outside.
A soft whisper could be heard from his chest, "thank you", Moon whispered to him, he just patted her head in a comforting way and continued his sleep.
He had the plan to refuse her wish if he could not find a solution, but now with her suddenly being so close to him, he could not, "Ugh... if push comes to shove then I will just ask Minerva for a favor"
Normally he would not entertain such an idea, he did not know what got into him that day.
The next morning he found himself being surrounded by three girls who look at him with intensity and curiosity.
He looked down on his chest to find Moon who was still sleeping comfortably in his hug, he had one arm hugging her when the other arm on top of her head.
He silently picked her up and put her to his side, with his enhanced strength, it was easy for him to pick her up.
He looked at everyone and cleared his throat, "ehemm... let's talk after Moon wakes up, there is something we need to discuss."
A few minutes later, Moon woke up groggily and she gets out of the bedroom to find Sol and the other was waiting for Nerodia to cook breakfast.
She looked at Sol and move toward him, Sol who had noticed her greeted, "Good morning, Moon, come take a seat"
Moon pulled a chair and put it beside him, she licked his face then took her seat, she had put it very close to his seat that their shoulder touches each other.
Sol was perplexed, "what had gotten into her? She suddenly so clingy with me"
Miya and Nerva looked at him suspiciously, he just averted his eyes to act like he did not see it.
After their lunch, he explained to them about how Moon had been exiled and how she wanted revenge.
"So basically we need to find a way to help Moon beat her mother," he concluded while looking at the other."Anyone object?" Sol asked, he had expected Nerodia to oppose him but she did not utter a word.
Seeing that nobody object to this, he turned to Moon, "Moon, can you tell us, how strong is your mother and what ability she had?" he asked her about her mother to gauge her strength.
Moon thinks for a bit before she talked, "she can beat anyone on the mountain all alone, she could bleed the enemy to death after a single attack because any injuries she inflicted can not be healed or cured, it will keep bleeding, as for physical strength then she should have more strength than that Brutus guy and her speed also very fast"
Sol felt troubled by it, his body strength had increased but it was still inferior to Brutus in term of raw strength, if he expects the mother wolf to have a speed equal to or more than an Heir focused on speed, then there is a little chance for him to win.
He could not take a single hit from the mother because it would bleed him to death, the only solution in his mind was asking for Nerodia's help, she could stop the wolf before it could attack.
Sol turned to the snake and asked, "will you help us in this fight?" he had hoped that she would help but how could it be so easy.
"This is not my fight, if you want revenge then you need to do it by yourself, I will just make sure that you won't die," Nerodia replied with her melodious voice, it was so different than her hissing snake voice.
Sol was disappointed, "ugh... it would be so much easier if she wants to help" he lamented in his heart.
Luckily Nerodia promised to keep him alive, unless the wolf was immune to Nerodia's power, his life would not get into danger.
Sol turned to his family wolf, "Moon if you are fighting your mother, who do you expect to win?" he asked.
This time Moon did not need time to think, she directly answers, "Mother will" she seems a bit down, "I have the same power as her so I'm immune to her bleeding ability but physically I'm still not her match."
This was the first time Sol had heard of her ability, to think she had such an amazing ability, he was amazed by it.
If He had her ability to be immune from the mother wolf power then he would have a chance to beat the mother wolf.
"If I could move faster than the wolf then I don't need to be immune, sadly there is no way I get that fast" he lamented.