While Moon still talking to her mother, the rest of the wolves had already surrounded them, they seemed ready to attack any moment the alpha command.
The male alpha was also among them, this one was not as strong as the alpha Sol had killed, but this time it would not fight him in a one on one duel but in a group fight.
Everyone knows that wolves as a pack were excelled in a group fight, they could coordinate seamlessly with each other.
Sol had expected this to happen, but he was not bothered by it, as long as there was no additional Heir in the pack, he could handle it.
Nerodia just slitter toward a tree and rest there, she did not intend to help unless his life was in danger.
The mother wolf also notice this, it saw this as a chance so it barked an order at the rest of the pack and they start to attack.magic
Even if there were dozens of wolf attacking him, they could not attack simultaneously, at most four of them could attack in one time, unless they develop some long-range weapon or fighting style, Sol did not need to be bothered too much by their vast number.
The first ones to get into melee with him were the male alpha and three other wolves who excel in speed.
For Sol, their fast speed was not a problem, he could dodge them easily with his superior reflex, he even cut their arm tendon, rendering three normal arms useless, he did try to disable the alpha's arm too but it barely dodges it."It seems this wolf really deserves to be an alpha, it clearly a notch better than the other" Sol observe his enemy.
The four wolves pull back and another four wolf already upon him, they use a human wave tactic to wear him down, none of them missed a beat, they already attacking before Sol had any time to rest.
He used his long white coat like a matador and made two of the four wolves collide with each other while he dodges another one attack and smoothly beheads a wolfman head.
The next wave he expects did not come, the wolves put some distance between him and them, they looked at him in wary, he was different than when their first meeting, in their first meeting, four wolves are enough to kill him a few time that he needs to run but now, he did not only take eight of them without a scratch but also behead one of them and injuring three other in a single exchange.
That was the difference between those with bloodline and those without, seer number advantage means nothing, Sol might even able to dodge a gunshot.
After being a pseudo Heir, he was amazed that he was able to beat a few Heir up until now without being one himself, it was just too hard for a normal person to beat an Heir, that was why he never heard of such a case other than him.
Back at the fight, the wolves already falling back and stop attacking Sol, as for Moon, she had beaten more wolves than him, she only needs to hit them once and they would bleed to death, well as for that moment no one had died yet but six of the wolves already bleeding like crazy.
Dozens of wolves were pushed back by only two-person, the mother wolf can help sigh, it finally made its move.
In a blink of an eye, it already reached in front of Sol, its claw had connected with his abdomen, sending him flying until he hit a tree, his wound was big enough for him to bleed to death within ten minutes.Sol was surprised, he did not expect the attack was coming, even with his reflex he was not able to react, he drinks Moon's blood that he had put in his mouth before the fight just in case.
His head was buzzing, when he looked up, he found Moon got sent flying into a tree, like he was, "ugh... 6 life to go" he muttered.
His would already stop bleeding but his wound had not healed, even with his healing speed, such a big wound still take time to heal.
Sol quickly picked himself up before the mother wolf could beat Moon further, the mother wolf turned at him in shock, it did not expect him to survive that hit nor affected by its power.
It changes its target to him and reappears beside him, this time clawing at his face, out of its expectation, Sol dodges it with ease.
Sol had moved to dodge before the mother wolf appears beside him, with his exceptional reflex and training with Moon, he could predict the mother wolf movement and dodge it in advance.
The mother wolf kick him in the chest, sending him flying again, Sol was not able to dodge in time, he still did not fully understand its fighting habit as is attack pattern was not perfectly the same as Moon's.
Sol uses the impact to gain distance from the wolf and quickly drink another vial of Moon's blood, he needs to take it so his broken organ could heal or he would die.
"5 life to go" he muttered, he was depressed, he had used 2 vials without even able to counter-attack the wolf.
The mother wolf about to get to him again but Moon had attacked it from behind, she draws a bit of blood from its back but it was not fatal to the wolf.
The mother wolf did not even turn its head at her, she used her tail like a whip, sending her flying back again.
"Fuck! That thing is too overpower!" Sol cursed at his rotten luck to fight against such a monster.