"The plan is to send a delegation from our city to theirs, we would send a team of an heir to ensure their safety" Hilda continued on the technical part of the plan.
"The journey would be dangerous so we hope that the temples would lend a hand in this plan and send their strongest Heir to protect the delegation," she looked at everyone for their response.
No one opened their mouth as they did not want to be the one to decline, sending their heir to the neighboring city was similar to sending them to the unknown, no one knew what would happen out there.
Nobody wanted to risk their strongest asset to gain nothing out of it, at worst the heir they sent would die, at best they come back with an urn of soil.
Hilda did not look surprised by this, so she asked a representative directly, "what do Temple of Jupiter think about this?" she had chosen to asked him because people temple of Jupiter were proud of themselves there was no way he would decline to help.
Out of her expectation, the man laughed at her, "Hahaha, I think Ms. Hilda is asking the wrong person this time" he told her with a smile.
"Can you please explain yourself, sir?" She asked him in confusion, in her mind there was nobody else to be given the question.magic
"I think you should have asked Mr. Vestitor about this," he started, "Mr. Vestitor here are the most familiar with the wild, he had a vast experience at surviving the outside world and he is undoubtedly the strongest person here"
"So, you are suggesting that Mr. Vestitor here go with the delegation?" she looked at him so he would say it directly.
"Yes, I believe so" he replied with confidence, the whole room hummed in agreement with the man, for them sending Sol was not a problem, its more like convenience.
They had felt threatened by his show of power, for a single person to be so strong was a sin in their eyes, it would make their power to control the city lessen.Sol was troubled by this, to take such a risk without and reward is too much a hassle, he would rather let others do it.
Hilda looked at him and asked, "what do you think about this Mr. Vestitor?"
"It depends on what I get from this, I suppose the temple would gain tax money from trade between city but I don't get any of this," he tried to decline softly.
"What do you want Mr. Vestitor? We can discuss it here if everyone agreed with your price" The person from the temple of Jupiter said to him.
"hmmm..." Sol thought for a bit and replied, "I would like twenty percent of the tax income" he said an unreasonable price to dissuade them.
To everyone, it would be unreasonable to agree, if the tax was split twelve way for every temple, then they would be left with less than ten percent, but Sol wanted twenty percent of it.
Before anyone able to said their disagreement, the temple of Jupiter's representative already talked, "is that all or there is any other thing you wanted?"
These give Sol a shock, he never expected that the man would agree, he even asking if Sol wanted more.
" want two armaments, both for defensive purpose, one for me, and one for my daughter" he raised the price.
Defensive armament also costs a lot because it was made from the body of a creature with bloodline so its materials are strong enough to be used as defensive measures.
"Ok, the temple of Jupiter agreed to this," he told him lightly.Sol did not understand at all, the temple of Jupiter was against the plan, why would he agree to his price?
"To tell you the truth Mr. Vestitor, I am glad you are going, we don't need to do much and we could get the tax." He said happily.
Hearing the man reasoning, the other temple quickly agreed as well, for them it was an investment where they don't need to take a risk but can get the benefit.
Sol's face turned into the gloom, "Fuck, this old man is playing with me, no wonder he could become the leader of temple Jupiter, he is very cunning." He complained in his heart.
"then, it is decided that Mr. Vestitor would personally go to protect the delegation, is there any more we need to discuss?" Hilda continued to lead the meeting.
This time Sol open his mouth, "I would like that you send some reinforcement with me, it quite hard to protect others when I am alone" he told them.
Sol knew that he was not as strong as they think, so he could not be too proud and go alone, at least he would ask for a backup.
In response, the old man from the temple of Jupiter replied, "I believe you have your own team, Mr. Vestitor, a wolf girl with bloodline and your newly wedded wife, the snake girl both are strong enough as a creature with the bloodline."
"I also believe that our payment for you is big enough for you to take the whole job," he said rightfully and everyone else nodded in agreement, it made Sol speechless.
Actually, Sol also wanted to refute about him marrying Nerodia but he holds himself in fear it would make a rumor that he did not acknowledge his wife despite marrying her to take responsibility.
His name was far too deep in the mud for him to salvage at this point, if he tried to clean his name it would only have the opposite effect.
"fuck this shit! I should not have come to this meeting!" he cursed in his heart in annoyance.
Sol was too unfamiliar with politics to fight against these old foxes, they would just use him as a pawn.
The meeting ended shortly with him as part of the delegacy team, the team would depart in two weeks.