Sol and his team departed the next morning, they drive a mini-bus type of snow car, it was way faster and stronger than the snow car he used to drive as this was developed by the temple of Vulcan.
Temple of Vulcan did not only dabble in forging but also dabble in modern technology, even though there is nothing concerning magic, their creation still a notch better than the technology before the upheaval.
Magic and anything related to it had not made an appearance in the new world as there is no one becoming a Lesser Demigod yet, as the Goddess had explained to Sol, Magician of the past was a Lesser Demigod.
Once people start becoming Demigods, the technology would surely take another leap as magic integrates into society.
From God's perspective, humanity had two choices once that happened, either they abandon technology for magic or they integrate magic with technology.
To some wiser Gods, the Integration of magic and technology was inevitable, they knew that humanity could not detach themselves from their technology, they are even more loyal to their technology then the Gods.
The delegation team consists of Tanya the Heir of Venus, Blacky the hellhound, Sol as their Protector, Miya, Moon, and Nerva as his company.
Nerodia still had not woke up from whatever she did, he starting to become worried as it had been more than two weeks since she went asleep.
Their journey was estimated to take four days at best and seven days at worst, as they did not have a clear road, Sol needs to use a compass and a map to navigate to the next City.
It became harder to navigate as every landmark had been buried under the snow, it had been a few months since the upheaval, and anywhere without human presence was buried a few meters under the snow.
A few hours after Sol and the company had left the city, the snow had risen by at least five-meter, anywhere looked the same, everything is white.
Actually, the snow was not so bad, it helps them evade stronger Creature as there would be less snow around stronger creatures because stronger creatures were supposed to generate more heat.
There were a few exceptions to this rule, creatures that aligned to cold weather or creatures that had a bloodline related to ice mythical being would not generate heat like other creatures.
Sol had evaded any road with less snow to kept them from encountering any strong creature, if they met any creature as strong as Nerodia or the former alpha wolf, then there would undoubtedly be a casualty.
Sol did not want to risk any dangerous encounter as they were not out for hunting but for a diplomatic journey.
So far, Sol did not sense anyone with bloodline near them other than their own people, he had kept his sense sharp for any possible danger as there is a possibility that a creature camouflaging themselves on the snow.Intercity-road between their city and the neighboring city was supposed to pass a Forest but Sol decided to go around its at there must be a lot of creature in the forest.
The forest was not submerged under the snow because it was filled with creatures and some of them undoubtedly as strong as Nerodia or the Mother wolf.
There was enough resource in the forest to grow creatures with power closer to Lesser Demigod in the forest but what Sol actually fear was Evil Spirit.
If Evil Spirit was formed inside the mountain then they would come across a real Lesser Demigod rather than something on the borderline of being Demigod.
For something at the borderline of being a Demigod, Sol had prepared a secret weapon, he was quite sure if they were forced to fight one, then they would win with their combined power.
They had started their journey at dawn, so by sunset they had overcome quite a distance, by his estimation, they had passed a third of their journey.
It was faster than he had estimated before their departure because no creature had tried to stop them.
Because there was no light, they decided to set up a camp, I was not wise to continue their journey as most predators hunt in the night.
Sol had accumulated quite a bit of fatigue because he needed to stay focused all the time, physically he was in perfect condition but mentally he need rest.magic
The girls went out of the car like they were on a picnic, they ran out and stretched their bodies while giggling with each other.
"I wish I could be as free as them" Sol lamented, from his point of few, he was like bringing a bunch of little girl on a trip, it was tiring for him.
Sol set up their camp while Tanya prepares for dinner, Nerodia was not awake so he could only let the teenager did the cooking.
Nerva had volunteered to cook but Sol decile her, there is no way he would let a few months old kitten to cook, he thought it was too dangerous to let her cook.
The little girl insisted to help so he let her help Tanya wash their ingredient and any other easy task.
As for the other two, Sol would never let them cook, their cooking was horrible at best and not a food a worse so she told them to scout their camp for any danger.
They also needed to put some sensors and cameras for monitoring their surrounding, the task was easy enough for them so Sol let them do it.These Sensors and cameras were given by the temples, it was one of their accommodation for the group safety.
Sol needed to set up three tents, one for Tanya and Blacky, one for Nerva and the girls, and the last one was for himself.
This was the setup given by Hilda so Sol would not do anything untowardly to Tanya, their tent even had a safety lock in case someone tries to get in.
Sol did not think much about it because it was normal to separate male and female, if he knew about it, then he would undoubtedly curse the Heir for her distrust in him.
After everyone finished their task, they gathered to eat dinner, Tanya was talkative, she tried to prob Sol about his personal life.
"Mr. Sol, I heard you are married to the snake girl named Nerodia but aren't sister Miya is your daughter's mother?" the little girl with an adult body asked, "isn't it more appropriate to marry sister Miya?"
Sol was speechless, "how did this dinner on the wild suddenly change to an interrogation?" he lamented.
Sol was trying to clear the misunderstanding but as a curious little girl, Tanya could not wait for his answer, "or are you going to marry sister Miya and sister Moon as well?"
Being a teenage girl, Her favorite topic obviously was romance and looking at Sol being surrounded by girls she could not help but tease him.
Nerva stared dagger at the girl, she still did not like the girl, and her question just rub her in the wrong way, "No! Daddy did not marry anyone and isn't going to marry anyone!" she cuts in.
Tanya turned to her with a big smile, she looked at Nerva as if she just found a fun toy, "Oh, Is little Nerva jealous? You also want to be your father's wife right?" she teases the older girl in a little girl body.
Tanya's word made Nerva's face turned to beat red and she started to stutter, "Wa. Wa. What do you mean?" she said in a pout and then turned her head away.
Sol could not help but shook his head at the girl's antics, "Enough talking, let's finish our dinner and get to bed, we still have a long journey ahead." He told them as an adult.
He felt that if they continued the topic then Tanya would only give him a headache, "Hilda was right, this girl is very naughty," he lamented.
It would not be as bad if the girl was just a normal person but as an Heir, her word contains her power, She clearly played with other feelings through it.
At the night, they made a night duty in case there was a creature attack on the night, on the first duty was Sol, the second was Miya, and the last was Moon, they would need to guard for three hours each.
Sol had taught them how to operate the monitoring system so they could make use of the sensor and camera they had set up/
On the first night, there was not much trouble, other than one group of wolfmen that attack at Sol's turn for night duty there was no other attack.
The wolfman did not have any creature with bloodline among them so Sol could dispatch them easily without needing the other's help.
The second day was not as peaceful though, Sol got a headache from it.