Boom, a gunshot rang in the air as bullet speed toward Sol's exposed face, everyone was shocked by the guard's sudden impulse.
Because of the need for manpower, People were getting hired without having proper training, the guard was one such a person, he lost himself in nervousness and fear.
Sol had a strong and fearful presence as he was on the border of being a Demigod, it made people who oppose him felt dread and people with him felt calm.
Being under the pressure, the guard lost himself and shot at Sol, it almost gives the other guard a heart attack as they fear of the consequences of offending the man before them.
The Guard leader was an Heir he could sense that there were multiple people with bloodline in the snow car, he was trying to finish the encounter according to the protocol but who know that one of his men made such a mistake.magic
"Damn it! if that man dies then we would die as well!" Cursed the guard captain in his heart.
Out of his expectation, Sol tilted his head to the side and dodge the bullet with lightning-fast movement and reflex.
As to avoid more accidents, Sol decided to disarm every guard around him, moved faster than the guards had expected, and appeared beside them, and knocked the gun away from their hand.
Sol's movement was almost as fast as the former Alpha wolf that Nerodia had killed, normal guard did not have a chance to dodge, even the guard captain was caught unprepared.
"Can we talk peacefully now?" Sol's voice could be heard behind them.
The guard turned around in shock at his speed it was as fast as the fastest heir of Mercury, they did not have a chance to react.
The guard captain signals his man to stand down and nodded at Sol, "Yes Sir, I'm so sorry for what my man did, can you tell us what business you have in our City?" he said politely while sweating.
"We are from the neighboring city, we come as a diplomat to setup teleportation gate between our city, can we met with the city leaders?" Sol said directly.
"Ah right, there was such a plan" the man seemed to remember but his face suddenly turned troubled.
"I'm sorry Sir, there is a bit of complication, you might want to reconsider the deal, the last few days, the city government change hand" the man explained.
He looked around in wary and whispered to Sol, "The city is under a creature control now, they are from the temple of Gaea."
Sol was shocked as that was the first time he heard about the temple of Gaea, "How do they control the city?" he questioned.
"There is a rumor that they have a Demigod in the temple of Gaea, it said that the demigod could beat every other temple's heir," He said carefully in case someone was listening to their conversation."A Demigod!" Sol was alarmed by the revelation as he had tasted the horror of a Demigod, Creature Demigod had a lot of descendants with bloodline it made fighting them even harder.
Even fighting against one Demigod was incredibly hard, if Blacky did not have an ability that made it close to undying, then it would not even last a second against the Demigod.
To beat a Demigod was not easy too, Sol had use a mythical arrow to kill one but now he could not use it again, so Sol was feeling reluctant about the prospect of meeting another Demigod.
In fact, Sol wanted to run but with his previous show of power and being all cool, he was embarrassed to turn back, what more, he also wanted to meet Sasha's parents in the city.
"Tell me more about this Demigod, is he hostile to a human?" Sol turned to the Guard captain for some information.
"Sir, let's talk inside" the guard beaconed Sol toward a guard post as he was afraid that people of the temple of Gaea would hear them.
"Sure, let me get everyone out too, they must be tired of their journey" Sol said and turned to the snow car.
When Sol gets back to the man, the man was shocked as Sol's group was way beyond his expectation, two creatures with a bloodline, two heirs, one predator, and one mysterious girl who had a strange aura about her.
Nerodia might be weakened, but her status as a Demigod was not false, she was above mortal, others could sense this difference.
"Lead the way" Sol said to the guard captain who was stunned at their line up.
"Ah... yeah this way," being pulled from his stupor, the man leads Sol and the others to the guard post.
It was a small building but it was better than standing outside, the other guard was told to wait outside as the captain lead the group inside.
"Ok, start talking" Sol command as the guard captain had assumed himself to be some kind of subordinate.
"The Demigod was a bird-woman that commands fire, after she becomes a Demigod she could turn into a human or a giant firebird. I heard she has immunity to bloodline power." The man says in all seriousness.
To his surprise, Sol's group did not seem to be shocked by the information he gave, even the little girl did not seem to be amazed by it.
"What does she think about humans? How did she control the city?" Sol asked the most important thing.
If the Demigod was hostile to human then he could not risk meeting the Demigod, unless he could advance to be a Demigod or reuse the bronze arrow, Sol would not risk fighting a Demigod.
"She was just sending people to hunt creature out of town and giving ban on childbirth, rumors said that she was helping Gaea the Goddess of the earth to lower human population." The man told him.Sol was dumbfounded, "what? Is this a joke?" he did not expect that there was such a stupid rule in the city.
The problem was, he could not judge, whether the Demigod was hostile or not, if it was clear then he could plan his next move, but it being vague made it hard for him.
"Is this Demigod, hostile? Will he try to kill us?" Sol decided to ask the guard captain for his opinion as Sol could not conclude for himself.
"Not really, the Demigod is quite reasonable, but your city needs to be able to beat her if you don't want to be controlled too." The guard answered honestly.
"What about the other temple? They did not fight back for control of the city?" Sol tried to gauge the situation.
The man turned solemn from the question, "The Demigod doesn't take no as an answer, she would kill people that rebel, the temples had lost quite a bit of their heir and was not eager to lose more."
"The Demigod kill heirs?" Sol was shocked as he thought that it would just control people.
"Do you think she will approve of our plan for the teleportation gate?" Sol asked in case the Demigod refuse and wanted to kill them instead.
"I do not know, it may agree but I am not sure" the guard replied.
Sol continued to ask the guard many questions but there was not much he knows about the Demigod.
He concludes that the Demigod most likely are not hostile, but they still needed an emergency plan in case it tried to kill them.
There was two way to solve this problem, the first was becoming a Demigod himself and second, was making use of the arrow again, but both were not viable for the moment, so Sol could only ask for help.
"Can you lead us to the temple of Minerva? We need to do something there" he asked the man to show them the way.
"I will tell one of my men to accompany you there" he replied while getting up.
The guard captain went out and come back with a man in black, he did not look older than twenty but Sol could sense a powerful bloodline from the man.
"This is Jacob, He is an heir of Jupiter that work for the temple of Minerva, he will lead you there" the man explained.
Sol nodded and said, "lead the way"
He was eager to go to the temple as it would keep him safe from the demigod attack, as long as he was with Nerva, her mother would not let the Demigod do anything to them.
When he got near the temple, what he saw was not camps but a lot of houses and building, this city build a permanent building around the temple rather than camps, they adapt better toward change.
Sol was also amazed that the temple of Minerva could hire an heir as there was no heir accept such an offer in his city.
"Different city feels like different world already" Sol lamented.