Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)

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While the Lannister were fighting the remaining forces Stannis had left behind attacking casterly rock, I decided to start marching with my army towards the Tyrells. Destroying their major ally, and only food provider.


Normally even with my army this would not be easy, I had to be smart about it, one wrong move and the Lannister's and Tyrell's would mobilize against, and in a unfamiliar ground they would and could overwhelm me.

This is where Neltharion came into the board of this wretched game, he was still considered by many a myth or a lie on my part, I knew for a fact Tywin and Olenna didn't believe it, which meant they had no preparations for my dragon son, while he wasn't as big as he was in the show when Daenerys came to Westeros, he was certainly big enough to burn cities and trash armies down.

And during this last push of war, it was time to reveal my card, Tywin was a genius when it came to war, his mind was born for it, and the best way to deal with someone like that was to attack them with an unknown factor fast and certain, not giving them the chance to retaliate.

"Tell Neltharion is time," I ordered one of my ravens, as I walked towards Melisandre's chambers.

"My King, I have been waiting for you," Melisandre said, greeting me, opening the door before I even got close to it. magic

Knowing this witch had the creep factor up to eleven, I decided to ignore her antics and go straight to the point, "I have some questions for you," I informed as I entered her room, taking a seat. "I will do my best to help you, my light," Melisandre said with hungry eyes.


Ignoring her thirsty look, I asked my first question, "Sometime ago… I had a meeting with the other champion…" immediately Melisandre tensed up, all carnal lust vanishing as if it was never there, "What happened next was… what I want you to help me figure out,"

"Did he do something to you?" Melisandre asked with a hint of fear on her voice, "No… it can't be, your light is pure and uncontaminated,"

"Yeah, he didn't do anything," I sighed, motioning her to shut up and listen for a second so that she knows what my real question is, "He came to gloat about he was going to kill everything, and after he left… I started to angrily question why the fuck your god wasn't helping me… or at least the people he said he wanted to save…" I stared at my hands for a second before continuing, "Anger fueled me… and… my body became hot… very… very hot… the snow around me melted down… and there was steam around me… I even left some burn marks where I was standing… after I noticed that… whatever it was happening went back to normal… so my question is… do you know what happened?"

Melisandre stares at me for a second, as she probably studied the facts of what I had just told her, "R'hllor… the great and powerful R'hllor… he blesses his subjects with powers… some can heal wounds… others are immune to fire… the blessings go from small to big… taking me for example, the Great R'hllor blessed me with magic, powerful magic for a human, and thanks to that I have lived on this world for hundreds of years," with this she took off her Ruby collar, and her true form appeared, "I made this with the blessing he gave me," with that demonstration out of the way, she put back on her collar returning to her young self, "If followers, mere and pathetic followers get good blessings… I can only imagine what blessings he gave his champion,"

"I already had some inkling to that… but… how do I control it? It would really help me against the others," I asked, taking a deep breath in, why gods couldn't just give powers with manuals in how to use them.

"For each… their own," Melisandre sighed, "For me, I learned to harness the power the great R'hllor had given me through faith… but I can see you have no love for R'hllor," Melisandre chuckled, "Quite ironic but not all sons love their fathers… anyway… what I'm getting at is that you have to find your own way to control what has been given to you,"


So I was back to square one, not knowing what to do, "Any ideas at the very least?"

Melisandre hummed, "Ask your dragon sons… dragons are the oldest sons of R'hllor, they might be young, but perhaps they can guide you better than I can," she sighed.

"Very well," I nodded, at least that was something.

"Anything else my King?" Melisandre inquired.

I nodded, "Yes, as you know… the others are weak to certain things…" getting a swift nod from her I continued, "I need you to find a way to forge Valyrian steel… or something similar, all I know is that blood magic and dragon fire were needed,"

"Valyrian steel… I don't think I can replicate that without the Valyrian records, but I will try to create something that works similar to that… it may not be Valyrian steel but will do the trick against the others," Melisandre said with determination.

"No killing, and if you must… it goes through me first… is that clear?" I glared at her. "Your orders are absolutely my light," Melisandre nodded.


[Tywin Lannister POV]

Destroying Stannis forces was turning to be a child's game, no strategy meant they were vulnerable in all accords, and while losing men in our side was unavoidable, considering the numbers we were dealing with, we were doing beyond excellent.

"Our scouts said there still are around twenty thousand soldiers left, but retreating," Jaime said as he entered my war tent, as always unscathed.

"We have barely lost any men, two thousand so far, for each man we lose they lose ten," One of my generals added with a prideful smirk.

"Don't feel pride on this victory, we might as well be fighting a child," I muttered with annoyance, "Stannis went mad and forgot how to fight, it's good for us, but is frankly beneath me to feel pride in such victory," Ronard on the other hand, his defeat would surely bring glory to my house for generations.

"A victory is a victory," Tyrion chuckled, "But that leaves us with the big question… what's next?"

"Ronard," I answered calmly.

"I know that… but.. how?" Tyrion chuckled.

"He is a brat, he will fall when the time comes," One of my generals laughed.

"A child yet to be defeated, with an army strong enough to face us, and for the first time in history… with more gold than us," Tyrion said shutting everyone up, "Or have we forgotten he owns Braavos and the Ironbank now? Or the fact that he might or might not have three dragons? Maybe we are forgetting he technically has more kingdoms supporting him that we do?"

"You talk as if you think he will win brother," Jaime laughed.

"If we don't prepare we might as well roll our heads to him," Tyrion said.

"And prepare we will," I said, getting a surprised expression from Tyrion, "As I told you before, I never underestimate an enemy, I did once… and look where his at… fighting against our family for the Throne, I won't give him a chance, not again,"

"Maybe we could demand a duel? And use the mountain?" One of my generals inquired.

"That would prove to be futile, if the information about him is anything to go by, he rivals the mountain is brute force, but fights like Arthur Dayne, all we would do is lose a great asset, the mountain stands no chance against him is all the rumors are true," I shook my head off, to kill Ronard we would have to overwhelm him.