Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.)

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I'm currently on chapter 118!

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As Lord Stark had said, the Tully arrived two weeks after Highgarden conquest, bringing with them food, weapons and ten thousand men ready to fight die for me.

Taking this opportunity? I had now to make my next move, and attack Casterly Rock, because I knew that would lure the old lion out in the open, which in turn would be the end of his long career.

After taking that useless piece of land that it was casterly rock after their mines ran out of gold, I would turn my undivided attention to King's Landing, destroying my enemies once and for all, at least the ones within this side of the wall.

"The men are ready to march, we are waiting for your command, your grace," Ned said as he entered my newly acquired solar, alongside Cat's younger brother, Edmure Tully, a eager lord ready to prove himself, but sometimes eagerness only leads to failure.

"It will be an honor to fight by your side," Edmure Tully stated with the utmost admiration, which by itself took me by surprise, after all, it was no secret, his older sister hates me. magic

I smiled at his enthusiasm, wondering if only the woman on the Tully family were crazy, "We will leave to Casterly Rock soon," I informed the lords, attacking Casterly Rock leaving them no room to prepare was the best course of action, considering they are still barely processing the fact a mighty dragon was on my side.


Ned Stark nodded, "I will let the men know," and with that Lord Stark took his brother in law out of my solar as I prepared for the upcoming battle.

As I was about to leave the solar and talk with Neltharion about the upcoming battle and what was our strategy a raven flew into the solar landing o my desk, *Caw! I bring news!*

I turned to the Raven, "What news?"

*The Spider is planning to use Jon,* The Raven cawed.

"I see," It seemed the spider had yet to learn who was on top of the food chain, and I would gladly be his teacher for that lesson, "Keep an eye on the spider.... and if he breaths out of line... let me know," But for now dealing with the spider would have to wait, his time was already set on stone, and besides he was at much an inconvenience, with no real power to be a real threat, he would die, but after I dealt with the more problematic players of this game.

But for safety measures, I would still have to talk with Jon, I knew he would never betray me, or anyone if he could help it, but I still felt like it was my responsibility to talk with him about this situation.


"Your grace," Jon's voice got my attention, it seemed I wasn't going to need to look for him, "Jaime is requesting to talk with you,"

"Lord Targaryen," I smiled offering him a seat, "we need to talk,"

Jon looked at me with a worried expression, probably wondering if he had done something wrong, or if I had something for him to do, after a long second of silence, he took a deep breath, and sat, "In what can I be of service your grace?" Jon inquired.

"Well, it's about a spider," I started telling Jon in detail everything about Varys and how I thought he planned to use him, Jon was shocked, and reassured he didn't even want to be a lord, saying he would never go against me, after all, I was family.

"I would never betray you," Jon smiled, as he took the liberty to add a joke, "Uncle,"

"Haha, uncle… well I suppose I am," I did marry his aunt, but it was weird when we both had the same age, then again, seeing Jon joke was weird enough, "I never thought you would betray me, but that man can manipulate you into doing something you may not think as a betrayal, that's why, from now on, the spider is a kill on sight target,"

"I understand," Jon nodded.

"So you said Jaime Lannister wanted to talk?" I asked going back to the point he had previously talked about.

"Aye," Jon nodded.

"Very well," I nodded, wondering what Jaime wanted from me, either way this would prove to be entertaining.


[Varys POV]

The young Griff was probably dead…after all, it had been months since I last heard of him, while this was a sad turn of events, I couldn't lose my focus, after all, I had a real Targaryen available, ready for the crown.

Jon snow had ended up being a Targaryen all along, which was something I myself could confirm, but unfortunately for me, Ronard had found out first, putting the rightful king under his claws.

I had to do something to bring the realm their rightful king, and I had to do it fast, because I knew that as soon as Ronard won this war, my head would roll, not only because he knew of my deals with the Young Griff, but because he had vowed to kill me for my indirect involvement in the assassination attempts on his wife and kids.

But finding a way to deal with Ronard was easier said than done, he had shown to be a very capable man, with a terrifying amount of information at his hands and besides killing him would amount to nothing… well aside the fact that we would have to deal with a very angry Dragoness, to deal with Ronard, I would have to find a way to kill him and his family at the same time. But first I had to secure Jon on our side, as the last heir to the throne his role would be crucial, but unfortunately for me this had also proven to be a difficult task to accomplish, Jon had no desire for power, but it was just matter of time, before I found something to push the young dragon on the right path.

"Every path I take… leads to a dead end," I sighed, I had quite the work cut out for me, but deep down I knew, I shouldn't be complaining, it was my fault Ronard grew to be this threat, I gave him a Queen, and he became a King, I made the monster that is destroying all my plans, I was the one to blame for all of this, but it was still not too late to redeem myself from this catastrophic error.


[Cersei Lannister POV]

Father had lost the first battle against the bear, losing not only Highgarden, but Jaime, terror filled my nights, wondering if he was still alive, that idiot! How could he leave me alone! He promised he would never leave me alone!

Father promised me we would win, and in the end, they all lie to me, like always, but I would put an end to this, I would destroy the Ronard myself, ending his pitiful attempt at the throne.

And it was all thanks to Illyrio, who before dying paid the alchemist guild to produce more than enough wildfire to destroy our common enemy, no matter how good the kids is at playing war, the fire would consume him, ending this charade, once and for all.

"It will be quite the show," I muttered darkly as I eyed at the window, where a Raven was sitting, ruining my view, "Begone…" I swayed the Raven off the window.

*I will caw! Take a dump on her wine next time caw!* The Raven cawed at me from the air before flying off.


[Nick Fury Ravenicus POV]

I was going to meet with my squad today to see how was our favorite toilet doing, to my surprise I found my entire group poking at the man with sticks.

*What are you doing?* I inquired.

*Caw! He hasn't moved in two days sir caw!* One of my squad members said as he poke the last eye Euron had.

*Yeah the motherfucker is dead…* I cawed at my squad.

*Soo…. Do we still take shits on him?* One of my ravens asked, holding a piece of corn with jalapeño on his peak.

*I mean…. if you want to… we are leaving anyways…* I answered as I asked, *Why the jalapeño?* I couldn't help myself, I wanted to know.

*Well, it kinda made my ammunition be all firey, burning his eye and stuff....* So he was eating it to make his poop spicy…. I don't know if I should feel proud or concerned, or both… it's both.

*We leave in ten, so move the fuck up,* I cawed as I flew off the area.


Author bonus: the last comedy bit was inspired on a meme of a dragon eating spicy food