Author Note: (.U⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ U.) Tomorrow I have will be posting my next novel, so expect an author note with that
If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead, go to
I'm currently on chapter 129!
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[Olenna Tyrell POV]
Drugging my son was easy. Now it was time to contact the young bear, and avoid House Tyrell downfall, I didn't even like the Lannister's to begin with, I just reluctantly accepted this alliance because Margaery wanted to be a Queen… but no crown is worth it if you can use it for more than a week.
Perhaps it was a sign from above that she wasn't destined to be a Queen, two "Kings" she had been betrothed, and both had been destined to die.
But she could always aim for her kids to rule the kingdoms one day, after all, Ronard had two kids, a boy and a girl, both without betrothal.
"Father is feeling sick," Margaery commented, "How long will the drug take to knock him out?"
"A day or two," I replied, the drug I had giving him was very powerful, and would put on a bed for weeks, "After that… we will send a Raven to the Young Bear,"
"I see," Margaery sighed, taking her leave.
"Remember to tell the foolish of your brother to not mess the plan up," I added.
[Tyrion Lannister POV]
I had come to a decision, I was not going to let my family destroy this Kingdom just because of their pride, because of that idiotic nature of - "If I don't have it, no one will" - it was utterly pathetic and cruel to sentence thousands to death just because they felt they couldn't win. Maybe there was a chance for a family to win, father was a pretty resourceful man, but it was the chance of defeat that frightened me, because my family had decided to destroy everything just so Ronard didn't rule it.
I couldn't in good conscience allow this, it was inhuman to standby and watch innocent people suffer because they couldn't fathom the possibility of defeat.
Besides there were only three people I wanted to save, Myrcella, Tommen and Jaime, the rest of my family was…. despicable to say the least, and if I helped Ronard… perhaps he would allow them to live.
"Bronn, I have a mission for you… well for both of us," I said, turning my gaze into my sellsword bodyguard.
"And what is that mission?" Bronn replied with his trademark wolfish smile.
"I need you to help me kidnap my youngest nephew and niece, so we can go and talk with Ronard," I answered, making Bronn spit out all of his wine, "Oh yeah, and escaping king's landing with them… that too,"
"You must want me death…" Bronn chuckled, "I won't do it pal, I like living,"
Time to use Bronn's one and true weakness, gold, "Ronard is the richest man alive, he owns the Iron Bank, he will pay you handsomely, very handsomely if you do it,"
Bronn stopped for a second, pondering over that, "How handsomely are we talking about? Small lord handsomely? Or big lord handsomely?"
"Big lord handsomely," I answered, smirking internally at how easy it was to exploit his greed.
"Well…. I suppose life is too short to not take any risks," Bronn smirked, "I'll do it, but he better pays me… or I'll kill you little guy,"
"Don't worry, he will," I nodded, hoping that was the case.
"Then let's get to it already, we have some royal kids to kidnap, and I have a fortune to get," Bronn smiled.
[Ronard Mormont POV]
I was a day ahead of the border of King's Landing, but instead of rushing to attack, I had decided to wait, letting my men rest in the meantime, while I waited for my infiltration plans to work.
But by what my ravens had informed me, I might not even have to do that, both Tyrion and Olenna were betraying Tywin, therefore betraying Joffrey and Cersei.
In the end, things were playing out wonderfully for me, and I didn't even have to do anything, but wait for the card castle to fall. "The bases are ready, and the men are rested in case you want to start moving your grace," Jon informed me.
"Not at the moment," I replied with a smile, "I still have to wait for some allies to come," magic
Jon looked at me with befuddlement, but didn't dare to ask, "As you wish your grace,"
Soon the seven kingdoms would be mine, and I would have all the peace of mind I needed to prepare for the long night.
[Melisandre POV]
I had finally managed to accomplish what my sweet prince had requested of me, creating steel that would work against the others, it took me some time, that was filled with a lot of try and error, but I finally had it.
My result was no Valyrian steel, in fact it was the same as normal steel, but blessed by the god of light to work against the others, meaning my light, my sweet and pure light, my prince had more weapons to fight the others.
I had completed his task, just like I had promised, but I couldn't stop here I needed to make sure he was more than happy, I needed to make sure he would think of me and indispensable, and that is why I decided to create more items alongside the blacksmiths, blessed armors, blessed arrows, anything that could help my master win.
"I will show you master, what a loyal servant is capable of,"
[Cersei Lannister POV]
Victory? Defeat? Nothing really mattered anymore, if we didn't win, Ronard would lose, if we won, Ronard would lose, no matter what that bastard would meet his end, one way or another.
That much I was sure of, or should I say that much I would make sure of, Westeros was mine to rule, and if I couldn't rule, then it would burn, I would not step down my rightful place without taking everyone with me.
"I hope you are ready, young bear, I hope you are ready to hear me roar!" The males in the pride lead, but the females hunt, and the bear had yet to fight a lioness protecting her territory, and he would see soon enough why lioness are feared
[Neltharion Mormont Ravenicus ]
Father was close to get the land piece of land of this side of the sea, and yet he looked like it was only the beginning, the others like he calls them seemed to be the enemy clouding his mind with worry.
But I wasn't worried, my father was an unbeaten beast, whose fire burned the brightest in battle, I could feel the fire within him, growing stronger every single day, that fire would burn his enemies, I was sure of it.
Father has never disappointed us, he has always come on top, no matter how hard the challenge was, he always proved to be superior, better, stronger, and this time it would not be the exception, and if the rare case of him not being enough came to happen, we his dragon sons would fight by his side to the very end, against all odds the four of us together would be more than enough to destroy anything that gets in our way.
*I will protect our family father… don't worry... you don't have to carry this weight all alone,*