Author Note: Upcoming Novel Dragon Ball Z: Fanalis Edition.
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Jon and Ned argued for hours to no end about their little problem, while Oberyn and I passed the time in one of the rooms outside trying to avoid the altercation, waiting patiently for both wolves to stop arguing.
I knew they needed some alone time, ergo why I had been playing with Oberyn different games for the last five hours.
"You are unbelievably good at this game," Oberyn commented, moving one of the pieces.
"Thanks," I smiled, moving my queen to checkmate him.
"Once again I have lost," Oberyn sighed, "While I love being destroyed in every single game we play, don't you think those two had enough time to deal with this?"
"Maybe, I don't really know, they need to work things out themselves," I shrugged as I set the pieces back in place in the chest board.
"I suppose, well I already lost fifty games," Oberyn chuckled, "I don't think losing fifty more will make my self esteem go any lower than already is,"
"Oh come on, is not that bad," I chuckled.
"Who in their right mind would play if they knew defeat was their only path," Oberyn said, and well, he had a point, he had been losing since we got here.
"Fair enough," I conceded, as if in cue Jon entered the room, his eyes red from what I assume was all the crying he did.
"Well….?" I inquired.
"Please tell me you two solved this….." Oberyn inquired with a bored expression, "I will kill someone if you said you didn't, and I already tried with Ronard and that's impossible, so that leaves you and your father," Oberyn said in a playful manner, but I couldn't be too sure, he was unpredictable at times.
"I'm sorry for the way I behaved my King," Jon apologized, probably for the way he shouted at me a few hours ago.
"Apology accepted," I smiled as Ned Stark entered the room behind him.
"We are ready to talk about the walkers," Ned Stark informed us.
I eyed the two wolves for a second wondering if I should try and see if they fixed their shit up, before realizing I didn't care if they patched up or not, I wasn't a family counselor or something. "Very well," I nodded.
"Finally," Oberyn smiled, happy to do anything but play games with me.
There wasn't much to discuss about the white walkers and how to deal with them, because the plan was still the same, I would put the seven kingdoms under one banner and face the long night of winter with humanity…. no… with the living as one, only then we would have a chance against the others.
A part of me was confident I could face this challenge like I had done before with other challenges , but another part of me knew I could still lose, it wasn't a single man I was facing, but an army that doesn't slow down , an army that is fearless and has nothing to lose.
I was but one man, against a monster, but I would have to find a way to win, for my kids, for my wife, I didn't care about anything else but ensuring they survived.
"I'm ready to be turned in to the watch," Jon said with determination.
"Well, too bad that ain't gonna happen," I sighed, "You are part of almost extinct House, you are needed elsewhere,"
"I made an oath," Jon said, making me wonder how the hell someone so stupid survived this long.
"I'm the King, and I get to decide if that wall gets you or not," I said with a tone that depicted that I wasn't leaving any rooms for arguments, "You are Jon Targaryen, the Lord of House Targaryen, you are needed on the living Jon, and you know it, we will face the long night, and we need every man,"
"I'm not fit to be a lord," Jon said with his head low.
"No one really is, this game fucks with your mind, believe me I know," I chuckled, as I poked him in the forehead, "But we do the best we can, and I know you will, now… stop whining, get your Lordy pants up and shut up,"
"I…" Jon Targaryen was about to start with the same repeated line about how he made an oath and blah blah, but a simple glare was more than enough to silence his whining, "I will fight for the living, as one of your Lord's my King,"
"Besides, the Watch won't be complaining too much, of that you have my word," I smiled.
My plan was simple, to buy their compliance with gold or men, I'm sure they would happily let Jon go if they got better equipment or more men, of course this plan could still fail, in which case I would use force to subdue them, so I suppose I will see when the time comes.
"You won't kill them right," Jon inquired with a worried expression.
"Oh god, no…. I mean…." I hummed deep in thought.
"I'm down either way," Oberyn commented with a happy smile.
"There won't be any killing," Ned Stark said entering the conversation, "While very rare and uncommon, is not impossible to get out of the watch, especially if you have a King on your side and the commander doesn't complain about it, which I doubt he will, so you practically have your freedom back already son,"
"Well, that settles that," I smiled.
[Sansa Stark POV]
Ronard was different, more mature, more handsome, and more frightening, I wonder what kind of things he has gone through to be how he is today. Father always said, war changes a man, I suppose it's true, and if I know him like I think I do, he must be doing almost everything by himself, which most have him on a constant edge.
But it didn't matter how much he had changed, because deep down he was the same guy that changed my life, save my family and showed me that life was more than following my role.
"Ronard sure looks awesome," Arya said as she practiced with her new rapier, "I wonder how strong he is,"
"Well, he has yet to lose a battle," I giggled, "I read the Dothraki only follow the strong, and that the Khals must be undefeated to rule,"
"And he has the biggest Khalasar in history right?" Arya inquired excitedly.
"Yes," I nodded.
"Then I have to train extra hard if I want to be his best warrior," Arya smiled, as she continued with her training.
"I'm sure he will be delighted to hear that," I smiled at my little sister. magic
[Catelyn Stark POV]
Fear was the main emotion I felt when thinking of Ronard now, I was afraid of him, his eyes promised me death should I cross him again, I had never seen such a monster before.
He wasn't the young man I had met years ago, nor the bear of the stories that came across the sea, no… he was a monster, a very dangerous one.
"Please Gods, guide me," I prayed, as I begged the seven to help me.
[Ronard POV - Outside Winterfell]
After a long day of seeing two grown man cry I decided to go out for a walk, to cool my mind off, working everyday of the week can be quite taxing and walking does wonders to a troubled mind.
"Hello," A cold icy sharp voice said, startling the crap out of me.
With my sword out, I turned around fast like a thunder to notice that the voice came from a Raven, but this wasn't one of my ravens, no, this one was clearly dead, or at least it should be, because it was showing its empty rib cage with no organs, that the fact that his eyes were glowing blue pretty much gave that shit away.
"You are?" I inquired, knowing the answer myself already, a dead talking bird only meant one thing, the fucking Night King.
"You know…" The bird said in an emotionless tone, "I came here to warn you, to tell you… you won't win…no matter how many men you gather, or how many monsters you tame in the end… you are alone, child. And whether you want to admit it or not, there is only darkness and death awaiting for you and your people."
"No victory is truly assured," I glared at the bird.
"A mortal sentiment, that doesn't apply to me for I will command an unstoppable army that will lay waste on the living until every light in this world has been extinguished." The Raven said with somehow an even colder tone that I could swear made the temperature drop a bit.
"I will stop you, so don't get your hopes too high," I said with determination.
"You are strong, Ronard that much is true, but I am beyond strength, I beyond the living. I am the end, and I have come for all of you, and there is nothing you can do to stop it," The Undead Raven said, "So enjoy the time you have left, for its the last breath the living will take in this world,"
With that the Raven fell to the ground dead.
"Fuck!" I shouted.