One Final Trip - Part 4
Anna accompanied Hou Yi to Jax Corp where they were met by Andrew and Chester Yao in the foyer. Anna looked around, and saw Lexi running over to them. It was obvious she was angry but seemed to calm down somewhat when she came close to them.
Lexi turned and said, "How many hours do we have for shopping you three?"
Andrew responded "Be back here by three. No ditching the bodyguards at all Lexi, or your ability to do anything will be restricted, if not by Matthew by us. You know the dangers."
After sticking her tongue out at Andrew Lexi said "Fine. Who is picking up…"
Chester responded, "You know sister that is always arranged, calm down and go."
Taking Anna's hand Lexi pulled her away from the men, who headed into their series of business meetings. Having spoken to Hou Yi they had this morning worked through a few issues for the meeting Anna knew that this was for a shopping centre development here in City K. Yao Tan knew about the meeting and had signed off that he did not consider it to be part of the joint venture. Hou Yi promised her that he would call her if it became necessary during the meetings, but otherwise enjoy herself.
Followed by her bodyguards, and a few new people who Anna assumed where the bodyguards assigned by Chester and Andrew Yao, they headed out and were soon in a convey of cars. Lexi turned to Anna, and said "I figured we would head to a shopping mall first, have lunch and as my design studio is closer to Jax Corp headquarters we could end up there before I have to have you back to Jax Corp given our curfew."
Having picked up from last night and this morning that Lexi needed someone to talk to Anna said, "Could we sit and have a drink before we do some shopping?"
Lexi nodded, and when they arrived at the Shopping Mall, she quickly took Anna to a quite Coffee shop, where drinks were arranged, along with something to snack on. Anna turned and asked, "Are you OK?"
"That is a question I should be asking you. I am guessing you are about seven months pregnant, and you came on a business trip with your husband. I remember when I was that far along. It was even a struggle to get out of bed, let alone do anything."
Not remembering what Hou Yi had told her, Anna asked "You have a child?"
"A son. He was only a few weeks old when my husband died, and I was not in a state of mind to care for him. Chester agreed to be his carer while I got myself together, and I left the country and headed to France here I studied design. I was back frequently to spend time with him, but I never felt like returning."
"Around two years ago I was ready to return, but it took eighteen months to shift my business here and I returned permanently six months ago. Since then while I have been the main carer for my son, he spends part of his time with his Uncle Chester as Chester has always been the primary male figure in his life." Lexi paused, then continued "When are you due?"
"In about two months. This is the last time I am going to be able to travel before I give birth, and before you ask, we decided not to know the sex of the baby. We want a surprise. Now, can you answer my question?"
"You are determined. Cutting a long story short, just after Christmas, a group of us had a dinner where we found out Phillip's younger brother Matthew had been posted to the military base here. He came with Phillip to the party, and towards the end of the night Phillip and Chester ditched us. Understandable as Phillip is having his third cancer battle, and they wanted to spend time together."
"I agreed as my villa is near the villa Matthew was given by his grandparents to drop him home, as he did not have his adjunct nearby. We were kidnapped by terrorists and to protect me" Anna noticed when Lexi said protect me she used her hands to indicate that they were in quotation marks "he agreed to go through what I simply took as a sham marriage, after claiming when we were kidnapped he was my fiancé."
"The joke was on me, as given the ceremony was performed by a religious minister licensed to perform marriage ceremonies and Matthew's rank the law of the land despite the absence of any official paperwork considers us married and the paperwork was later issued. The law here also says that for military marriages there are penalties for those who interfere with the marriages of military members and that the non-military spouse cannot get an official divorce without the approval of the military member. And there is more …"