Getting out of the job
Monday, continued …
Meanwhile, after Christmas closure of the firm Jane returned to the office to commence her full-time position here.? Walking into her office she wondered how long it would be until the partner's determined to terminate her employment.? Would it be hours, days or weeks?
Ten minutes after she arrived, there was a knock on the door and in walked her senior partner.? Having been taught by the Lu Jingho, Jane not only had jamming equipment, she had also located recording equipment that would still record despite her jamming equipment.? She knew she had to protect herself from whatever happened.
As she turned on both pieces of equipment, the senior partner shut the door, Jane said "What can I do for you sir?"
"You know your deal with me still applies…"
"That is not something we will discuss here."
"Do not tell me what I can discuss.? But, speaking of discussing things, along with the other senior partners we had a meeting over the weekend regarding legal staff…"
"The decision was made to terminate my employment," came the resigned response from Jane. ?She knew that this would be coming within the firm.? Any given what she had to do with the senior partner sitting here simply to get and retain the lead on Lu Jingho's case, despite even her own s*xual preferences it was the one thing she had not been comfortable with.
"Most wanted to get rid of you, but as you are part of my group, they opted to leave your fate in this firm in my hands."
With the senior partner pausing Jane observed the look on his face and knew what was about to come. ?He would require her, to keep the job, provide him with ongoing s*xual favours.? To keep representing Lu Jingho, she was happy to agree, as Lu Jingho was indulging her s*xual proclivities, but it never sat right with him.
Continuing "Any Miss Gang given what you have done, anyone who is realistic would view that you are not suited to your position and there is not any more senior positions in the firm for you.? The obvious thing is that you should leave but I am quite willing to keep you on provided you satisfy my needs in my office."
"Just to clarify for myself, if I do not meet those needs or refuse to meet them in the future, you intend to terminate my employment?"
"You have it correct. Those tastes that you and your now jailed lover have given me of your charms and what you can deliver to me are not going to be enough.? I need much more for you to keep your job."
"So if I say no, how long do I have to leave?"
"You are kidding me.? Your job will be terminated with immediate effect.? You only keep it if you perform whatever I demand of you s*xually whenever I demand it.? Get that through your pretty little head.? The only way women belong in the law is to service the men who work in it.? You manipulated yourself into a position that you were not suited to, and you need to go back into your place."
Now ready to fire, Jane responded "Any you will be the one to put me there?"
"Absolutely little girl and let me tell you it will be my absolute pleasure to do so.? Starting right here and now."
With that he ripped open the blouse that Jane had on, before she could put her hands out to stop him.? Taking a couple of steps backwards, Jane pulled the torn blouse across her chest and said "Do you really want to go there.? My legally recognised lover has taught me well over the last couple of months…"
Those few words made the senior partner pause, and look directly at Jane, who continued "And I have this all on film.? Your blackmail and threats, plus I know exactly where the footage and stills are of what has happened at the Lu Villa."
"You b*tch."
"Language sir.? Let me be realistic, if it had not been for the case, I would have left this firm a couple of months ago, because the misogynistic attitude of the males in this firm is shocking.? But let me tell you sir.? I will be leaving with a proper reference and it will be known that the reason for my leaving is that there is a mutual agreement that given Lu Jingho's case the firm have determined that the opportunities for someone with my skills will not be available in the firm.? You will authorise the bonus on the case for me as the senior lawyer and give me four months salary.? Refuse, sweetheart" now the tone was very sarcastic "refuse me and I will release all the material, totally ruining the firm while taking you and each of the partners for everything I can."
The Senior partner looked directly at Jane and determined that she was serious with her threat.? There was no way he wanted that material to get out, as it would ruin him, the firm and his marriage.? With his shoulders slumping he responded "You have me cornered.? There is no way I want that material out…"
"So, …"
"Your decision when you want to leave just let my secretary know." With that he turned and walked out of Jane's office.? As the door shut, Jane could not believe how easy it was to blackmail her way out of the firm.? She sat and looked at a calendar to determine when she wanted to leave.? Her plans were to leave before she dropped the agreement bombshell on Lu Jingho, but now …