Reality of actions

Monday, continued …

Inside the room, after Jane left, Lu Jingho sat at the desk, and started to read the document Jane provided him with.? Turning to the financial obligations within the document Lu Jingho realised that he was hit financially.? While the agreement provided that Jane got nothing if she ended the agreement, there was a provision that allowed her to get ten time the amount she would have received if he reached normal life expectancy for males plus four properties if he was jailed within the first three years of the agreement.

The worst thing was he could not claim he knew nothing as each of the financial clauses were initialled and as he looked at the last clause, it clearly stated that Jane had told him to get legal advice before signing and both him and his wife acknowledged that they knew this and signed without getting such advice.? That b*tch, she played on his s*xual needs in her actions.

Meanwhile after leaving the prison, Jane headed towards the Care Facility, calling David to see if he was in his office.? Forty-five minutes later she was being shown into his office.

Looking up David realised something was different "What is it?? What have you done?"

"David do not worry.? Two things have happened today…"


"You told Lu Jingho it was over, and you were taking your money?"

"I have just come from the prison and have told him that.? Can you call the lawyers you engaged for me to have them immediately enforce the agreement?"

"That quick?"

"It needs to happen that quick.? He cannot use my firm, as I am still an employee and that is a conflict.? I struck the deal to end my employment at the end of the month…"

"I can tell that you are happy to be out of there."

"Absolutely.? It is so toxic, that no woman would want to be employed there long term, and I only stuck it out as for all its faults as a legal firm there are few firms as good to have in your employment history.? I have the reason to get out of there without it looking bad, and I need to use it."


"Let me make a call." With that David picked up the telephone and called the corporate legal firm that they used quickly advising them to act to enforce the agreement for Jane and get the money into their control for her.

After ending the call David moved to the couch and sat down beside Jane.? "Are you certain in what you want to do?"

"David, as I have explained to you, multiple times, since I took the decision to do this, it is not about the money for me, it is telling Lu Jingho and his family that money cannot protect you.? He used it to cause the harm to Belinda and my parents that he did, left me an orphan.? Taking that from him is karma."

Jane looked at David and realised that he still had doubts about what she was doing.? "David, almost everything is going into the charity in Belinda's name.? That money will be used to help and support vulnerable women, not only in the entertainment industry but wider.? All I am keeping for myself is the apartment that is one of the four properties that the agreement gives me, plus enough money to put proper headstones on my parent's and Belinda's graves.? I intend to sell the apartment, which is a penthouse, and buy something smaller.? The profit on the sale is the only thing I will keep."

"But your career?"

"David, A good lawyer will always be able to find something.? Whether it is working as a lawyer or in some other capacity that is the question.? Yes, I love the law, but being a lawyer does not define me.? My guess is that you will say that my s*xual preferences and the need to target Lu Jingho for revenge has.? That has shaped me, but you know that I care.? I have always found ways to volunteer and given money whenever I can.? Now, I just have access to significant funds to do that.? My time will be still be there, but what otherwise happens with my life will simply happen.? Whether I stay or go in the end will only be something that I can figure out.? I have to give myself time to do that."



"David do not worry.? You will always be my big brother, and I need that to be here.? You know I have never properly grieved for my parents and Belinda.? That is something I have to do, and maybe I can figure out what my life brings."

The two of them simply sat talking in David's office for another thirty minutes before Jane left and headed back to her apartment.