As if commanded by a higher power, which he supposed Mei Lingxi was, the crowd of mortals that was keeping him hidden from sight parted.

William's lips twitched into a smile as he met almond-shaped eyes, which were surprisingly a bright violet, making it all the more unnerving.

"Little Brother Wei," Mei Lingxi smiled gently and beckoned for him.

William was hoping to stall and hope for someone from the Jade Healing Clinic to arrive and save him from having put himself in unknown hands, but the almost imperceptible narrowing of Mei Lingxi's eyes hinted at knowing exactly what his thoughts were.

That unglued his feet, and he started to walk as slowly as acceptable, which wasn't slow at all because he was no longer a mortal when it would be reasonable to drag his feet. William wished he still had Daoist Chen's mark.

"Senior," William bowed when he was a few arm's lengths away from Mei Lingxi, unwilling to look at her because she was even more distracting up close. He didn't dare test his discipline on this unknown woman.

"No need for such formality, Little Brother Wei," Mei Lingxi chuckled, "You may call me Sister Lingxi. After all, we will be quite familiar with each other."


"We will?" William asked in confusion, something Mei Lingxi ignored.

"Come, let's not disrupt the street any more than we have already."

William blinked at her wording, wondering when he had become party to what she had done. Still, he followed her into the carriage, but not before giving a last look toward the direction of the Jade Healing Clinic, hoping somebody was on the way.

Nobody was.

That was why he was sitting on the plush cushion inside the richly decorated carriage while trying to avoid Mei Lingxi's amused look.

"I don't bite," Mei Lingxi reassured gently, "You are Sentinel Lan's Junior Brother. If anything, I should be the one cowering, not you."


"Senior Sister?" William latched onto the person that seemed to have more power than he thought, "You know her?"

"Of course," Mei Lingxi nodded with a smile, "It would be shameful if I did not know my Master's future wife."

All the thought processes that William possessed halted in their tracks. Was this the start of some plot that was at the beginning of every cultivation novel? Lan Yin was obviously outstanding in the Jade Healing Sect, so that should mean that her fiancé would be a waste if he was the protagonist.

"Who's your master?" William asked curiously, shivering when Mei Lingxi's eyes sharpened momentarily.

"Prince Yuan, of course."

He wasn't sure what to think about that answer. It should have been evident that Mei Lingxi's master would be extraordinary since she herself was outstanding. Still, he didn't think it would be a Prince. Especially that Prince.


This suddenly turned from a standard cultivation romance to something better fitting a struggle for the throne. Or perhaps he was thinking in cliches too much, and it was neither of those.

"I see," William said slowly, "And what does the Prince want with me?"

"Want?" Mei Lingxi asked, as if amused that word left his lips, "My Master doesn't want anything, Little Brother. That was his question to you. Since you are Sentinel Lan's Junior Brother, you may choose three treasures from Xuanjing City's Treasure Pavilion."

"Three treasures?" William repeated in surprise before quickly stamping down his greed, "Prince Yuan is generous, but I can't accept until I let my Senior Sister know."

"Sensible," Mei Lingxi nodded, "You can ask Sentinel Lan right now."

William looked at her in confusion before he heard the horses whinny loudly as the carriage abruptly stopped. He saw Mei Lingxi smirk before she leaned toward the door and pushed it open.

"Mei Lingxi."

If there was ever a time to cry tears of relief, this would have been it. Luckily, William didn't shame himself and simply stared at the glorious arrival of Lan Yin with gratitude.

"Sentinel Lan," Mei Lingxi motioned to the seat next to William, "We were just talking about you."

"Were you?" Lan Yin entered the carriage and closed the door behind her, "And here I thought you were planning to steal my Junior Brother."

William was more than happy to make himself as small as possible, letting the two focus on each other. He was feeling much more secure in his safety now that Lan Yin was here as protection.

Was it shameful? Who cares. Safety comes first.

"I was simply giving Little Brother Wei a ride to the Clinic, Sentinel Lan," Mei Lingxi was calm in the face of Lan Yin's glare, "Isn't that right?"

William stiffened when she turned her attention to him. "Er, yes. That's right."

"Still not willing to call me Sister Lingxi," Mei Lingxi shook her head in amusement before saying to Lan Yin, "Your Junior Brother is overly careful. Prince Yuan offered him three picks from the Treasure Pavilion, but he insisted on asking you first. Perhaps he wanted to do the same before addressing me so familiarly."

Lan Yin gave William an approving look before replying to Mei Lingxi, "As he should. Why is the Prince being so generous?"

"You already know this, Sentinel Lan," Mei Lingxi said casually, "It would shame my Master if he did not offer this to your Junior Brother."

William observed how Lan Yin scowled, an expression that seemed over the top of the usually well-controlled woman.

"If he wishes to give such good things to outsiders for a destroyed hope, then so be it," Lan Yin said fiercely, "Junior Brother, do you wish to take a look? While the treasures might not be as good as what our Sect can offer, those will cost you Spirit Stones. This will be on Prince Yuan's coin."

He tried to see if this was a trick question, but he was no mind reader. With Lan Yin's proclivity to be straightforward, he decided that this was truly an option he was being given. If that was the case, why pass on such an opportunity?

"Then I'll take a look, Senior Sister."

"Good!" Mei Lingxi smiled widely, "However, I need something from Little Brother Wei before I take us to the Treasure Pavilion."

If Lan Yin wasn't there with him, William would have flushed a bright red as his mind went to fantasies that a boy his physical age could never imagine. It was the first time since he arrived in this world that he regretted being so young. And it was caused by a smile that Mei Lingxi made effortlessly flirty, something he was sure she didn't even mean to.

"Call me Sister Lingxi."

William's fantasies died an early, brutal death. He had forgotten that he was adorable to women, nothing else. He realized that he had already gotten friend-zoned numerous times, or was it kid-zoned… whatever it was, it was depressing.

He sighed before glancing at Lan Yin and saw she didn't seem to care either way.

"Sister Lingxi," William said, feeling like he had been demoted from a kid to a toddler when Mei Lingxi's eyes sparkled at him.

"I can see why you treasure him, Sentinel Lan," Mei Lingxi knocked on the wall separating them from the driver and said, "Take us to the Treasure Pavilion!"

[Side Quest Added | Select 3 treasures compatible with your cultivation technique or martial skills]

William glanced at Mei Lingxi and Lan Yin, happy they were more interested in talking to each other tersely, at least on Lan Yin's part, instead of paying attention to him. He looked out the window, pretending to stare at the passing streets while trying to command the system.

It might be foolish to do something that has seldom worked, but it didn't exactly cost him anything but a second or two. He first tried to pull up a detailed view of the quest in case there was an explanation of the reward, and to his surprise, there was.

Select 3 treasures compatible with your cultivation technique or martial skills

[Reward: Variable | Penalty: None]

William had to stop the snort of annoyance from escaping him. He supposed he shouldn't have expected anything more.

After he started to actually take in the view out the window, he let himself feel the excitement that should have already been filling him. He would be getting to pick treasures that were valued in Spirit Stones.

If William was able to make the right choices, it could be the boost needed to get to level one hundred as quickly as possible.