He thought he had seen what a packed crowd looked like at the market where Wang Xiaoling sold her goods, but clearly, he didn't know anything. Even though he could easily overpower any mortal that wasn't a freak like Wang Xiaoling, the thought of leaving the carriage was uncomfortable.

Luckily, the chance of Lan Yin or Mei Lingxi joining the rabble was slim to none. William imagined it would cause a tragedy when the mortals couldn't give them enough space to walk untouched.

However, William winced in sympathy when the carriage forced itself through the packed crowd, somehow doing so without injuring anyone though there were plenty of scared faces he could see as the mortals in front of the horses tried to get out of the way.

"I never did like coming to this part of the city," Lan Yin muttered before saying with a louder voice, "And I never thought that the Prince would make my Junior Brother go to the Treasure Pavilion like a mortal. I would have been glad to cover the cost if he couldn't spare a few Qi Stones for the array."

"Sentinel Lan, you slander my master too much," Mei Lingxi sounded disappointed, but William thought she looked amused like always, "Little Brother Wei has been secluding himself to a small part of Xuanjing City, and my master only thought he would prefer to see the sights. After all, the Treasure Pavilion is located at the intersection of Silk Road and Phoenix Street, the busiest part of our City."

William had to agree that it was an experience to see it, though with how Lin Yin scoffed disdainfully, he guessed she had other thoughts.

"The Prince thinking of someone other than himself?" Lan Yin said with disbelief, "Mei Lingxi, don't take me for a fool. Stop trying to give him credit for your ideas."


"I am but my master's humble servant," Mei Lingxi bowed slightly before standing up just as the carriage came to a stop, "Put aside your doubts, Sentinel Lan. This day is for your Junior Brother, not old grudges."

William felt that it was unfair that they didn't give the context of what they were talking about, but at least it helped him get more of an understanding of Prince Yuan. He was clearly more than the careless philanderer that he showed himself as, and it was making it likely that he was no conman. William could only hope that meant there were ways to block the system from showing accurate stats after using Observe.

He followed Lan Yin and Mei Lingxi out of the carriage, looking at the luxurious space with plenty of standing room compared to the roiling mass of mortals walking in every which way outside the gates.

"Welcome to the Treasure Pavilion, Little Brother Wei," Mei Lingxi took William out of his distraction, bringing his attention to the building itself.

It had the traditional design of sweeping curved roofs adorned with the golden tiles that he suspected were mandatory to show off wealth with how common it was around the City. But what set apart the Treasure Pavilion from the others was what was on the walls.

They were embellished with stunning, beautiful murals depicting vast landscapes, immortal cultivators, and legendary treasures birthed into the world. At least, that was what William understood them as.


"It's… amazing," William couldn't help but say aloud, much to Mei Lingxi's delight and Lan Yin's annoyance.

"Don't believe the boastful murals," Lan Yin commented, "If the Treasure Pavilion has something so precious, Venerable Spirit Severing Seniors will fight each other to claim it."

"Ignore your Senior Sister. This is simply a good decoration, nothing else," Mei Lingxi said with a chuckle. She nodded at a greeter before motioning them to follow her.

William walked up the stone steps, glancing at the statues decorating either side, trying to figure out which creature they were based on. It vaguely looked like a dragon, only if it was the ugliest one in existence. There was a thought that it was simply a poorly carved statue, but with the wealth this Treasure Pavilion apparently had, that was extremely unlikely.

Mei Lingxi nodded at the men guarding the doors as they opened them for her. She led them into the building before turning around to face them a few meters past the entrance. "You may pick whatever you wish inside this building, Little Brother Wei."

William nodded wide-eyed as he looked around the main floor in wonder. If he thought the exterior of the building was stunning, it was nothing compared to what he was seeing now.


The spacious hall was occasionally adorned with towering pillars that brought to attention the sheer height of the ceiling, where ornate chandeliers were evenly spaced. Just like the exterior, the walls were decorated with images of treasures, though instead of murals, they were on tapestries.

William could see a few dozen or so people talking to attendants, and after a quick check with the system, he confirmed that they were all cultivators in varying stages. Though, most of them seemed to have a question mark for their level, which meant they were above the Qi Gathering Realm.

"Unlike the murals outside, what you see on the walls here is all available for sale," Mei Lingxi said as she walked closer to them, "I'll be taking care of Little Brother Wei today, so feel free to ask me any questions you have."

"You?" Lan Yin asked with suspicion, "Since when do you lower yourself to act as a shop attendant?"

"It's my honor to do so for Little Brother Wei," Mei Lingxi said innocently, "Especially when you are going to be otherwise occupied."

"Occupied?" Lan Yin repeated in confusion.

"Sister Yin!"

William recognized that voice. He turned in the direction where he heard it and saw Prince Yuan walking toward them with a broad smile.

"And Sister Yin's Junior Brother! Welcome to the Treasure Pavilion!"

"Prince Yuan," Lan Yin said stiffly, "So this is why you were so generous to my Junior Brother."

"Perhaps," Prince Yuan admitted shamelessly, "If you feel the exchange isn't worth the cost, then the exit is right there."

When Lan Yin looked at William, he shrugged, telling her silently that he didn't mind either way.

The few seconds it took for Lan Yin to make her decision felt like an era, especially since William had never seen her hesitate with anything so far.

"Very well," Lan Yin nodded reluctantly, "Go with Mei Lingxi and choose the treasures you desire."

"Excellent," Prince Yuan laughed as he held out a hand to Lan Yin, "We have much to discuss!"

Lan Yin ignored the offered hand and walked past Prince Yuan, though it seemed he didn't care one bit since he winked at William before quickly covering Lan Yin's fast strides.

"Where would you like to start, Little Brother Wei?"

William took his eyes off Lan Yin and Prince Yuan to see Mei Lingxi standing far too close to him, his height putting his eye level right at her ample bust. He flushed a bright red, cursing his body's uncontrollable hormones, before looking up at her amused face.

Mei Lingxi knew precisely what she was doing.

"H-How about weapons?" William suggested with a shaky voice before clearing his throat, "Maybe swords first."

"Oh?" Mei Lingxi raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know you were training to be a sword cultivator."

"Er, I'm not. But maybe I can find something that fits me." William just wanted something he could use to protect himself on the mission if necessary. Using his fists was working fine so far, but what was he supposed to do if someone started swinging a blade at him? As for the choice of sword, it was the first thing that came to his mind.

"I see," Mei Lingxi said doubtfully, "Very well, we have plenty of time, so it wouldn't hurt to show you the available swords."

William had to stop himself from shivering when she gently touched his shoulder to lead him. He was quickly becoming tired of these involuntary reactions to her. Sure, she was stunning, but it was turning into something far too exaggerated.

"Most of the swords the Treasure Pavilion possesses are right there," Mei Lingxi pointed across the hall to where a few people were testing the feel of some swords in their hands. But that wasn't what caught William's attention.

"Sister Lingxi, are those Martial Skills?" William interjected as he stared at the section full of scrolls and manuscripts, with the occasional jade tablet he knew was for the high-tier techniques and skills.

"They are. Would you like to browse through them first?" Mei Lingxi seemed more satisfied with his new choice.

"Very much so," William didn't hide his eagerness as he dreamed of getting a martial skill with better compatibility.