The running time for the war film was two hours and thirty minutes. The movie depicted both sides' struggles as they fought in the war. But mostly the perspective is focused on the Ruthenian side, where they show their complete arsenal from land, air, and the sea.

Yamato's perspective was nothing but shocking and surprising. Witnessing technology far superior to theirs and their reaction when they are fighting the beast itself. All of it was eye candy for the patrons watching the movie. They felt rejuvenated, hearts filled with thrill as the action scene unfolds on the big screen. Some parts of the movie are overdramatic to make the youth that is watching now or in the future join the Imperial Ruthenian Armed Forces.

During the filming of the movie, Alexander involved himself by acting as a rubber stamp for them whenever they need to shoot which requires permission from the military. Though some parts are not filmed to protect sophisticated technology that could potentially fall into the enemy's hands.

To sum the movie up, the movie evoked emotion similar to when Alexander first watched the Pearl Harbor movie. Enraged at the start but when things started going in the Ruthenian way, he was smiling all the way to the end, happy that they got what they deserved for fucking with the Ruthenia Empire whom they think can be defeated because they won the first war with them.

Of course, not everyone has the same taste. At this time, Christina and Anastasia were just silent, watching the movie with no reaction whatsoever. Tiffania's eyes sparkled when the movie featured a lot of military vehicles that she had seen when she went with Alexander to Moskva for a tour. As for Anya, well, there are parts that aren't suitable for her age so whenever there is an action scene that depicts gruesome death from a huge caliber, he would block her eyes with his hand, not allowing her to see it.

Though he could have decided not to let her watch the movie, who is going to watch over her when he watches the movie? The Imperial Guards? Well, they could but when everyone is watching and she's the only one excluded, then that would affect her emotionally.

"So how do you like it?" Alexander asked, looking at his sisters expectantly. "I'm sure you love it."


"It's fine for me. The actress who played us in the movie was portrayed as well. Though we weren't that overdramatic, the point still stands. " Christina said.

"Same for me too," Anastasia said. "So this is what you have been working with, brother? The technology is shown in the movie I mean."

"Well, you could say that," Alexander nodded his head in affirmation. "There will be more to expect in the future. Just watch and see, in another five or ten years, the place you are seeing right now will change dramatically."

"I love that you featured military vehicles in the movie, what it can and cannot do," Tiffania shared her thoughts. "The actor who played you is okay. So that was your thought process when you were caught up with a sudden attack?" Tiffania paused and brought both of her hands, covering her mouth. "You truly cared for us…"

"Of course I do! What do you think I am? A careless brother?" Alexander scoffed as he thought her sisters couldn't believe that he'll do everything to protect them. He defeated the Empire in the east, wiped out the entire member of the Black Hand, and removed the mole out of the Ruthenian government.All of them were done by him through orders, and he will continue to do so even if the threats are neutralized. Alexander knew that this was just a start. A peaceful era will not remain forever peaceful, it will have chaos. That is what he is watching out for now.action

"So, I guess that's the end of the movie. Should we proceed to another one?" Christina asked but Alexander shook his head.


"Should we watch the last movie, we would return home late. So I think we will call it a day and return to the shopping mall once everyone's schedule is clear."

"Eh? We are going home now papa?" Anya asked while letting out a sigh of disappointment. Does she badly want to stay for a bit longer in the mall?

"Sorry, sweetie but mommy is waiting for us back home. We can't have her wait for long and I also have work to do at night. I hope you understand," Alexander said while stroking her face lovingly. Her expression changed into one which seemed like a relief. She understood what her father was telling her.

"Okay, papa. But we will return to the shopping mall in the future right? You know, we are going to watch all the movies?"

"Of course, that's a fact. We will definitely return for more. So, stand up now, and fix yourself," Alexander said as he rose to his feet. His sisters stood as well, picking up the trash they left while they were watching the movie, and proceeded to the exit.

They threw their trash in the trash bin located by the exit.


They are calling the movie trip off, but it is not off as they haven't done the last thing they should do in the mall after long hours of staring at the projection screen. Eating dinner.

Instead of eating dinner at the Winter Palace, Alexander decided that they should eat here. But—

"I'm already full of popcorn," Tiffania said. "I don't have the appetite to eat more, brother. Let's just go home."

"Same goes for me as well, brother," Christina said. "I had eaten a lot of popcorn so I think I won't be able to eat dinner."

Alexander looked at Anastasia and she shook her head, indicating that she was also full. Alexander sighed. If that were the case, then there is no dinner for them.

"Okay, I'll go buy something at the department store so you guys wait for me in the car. The Imperial Guards will escort you." After saying that, Alexander flickered his gaze to Rolan. "You'll come with me."

"Yes sir."


Thirty minutes later, they returned to the Winter Palace. His three sisters, knowing that they are full, immediately went to their bedrooms, spending the rest of their time there before sleeping. Anya rushed to her bedroom as well to take a rest, while Alexander went to the kitchen and cooked something.

Normally, the chef employed in the Winter Palace prepares food but Alexander wanted that he'll be the one to cook a meal for someone special. It took him fifteen minutes and after that, he went to Andrei's chambers, where Sophie is located.

Carrying a hot dish in his hand, he pushed the door open with his back. There, he saw Sophie silently staring out the window, taking in the picturesque scene of the stars blanketing the night sky.

As soon as she heard someone's footsteps treading upon the floors, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Alexander.

"Oh, since when did you all come back?" Sophie asked.

"Just now," Alexander said. "Anyways, I cooked you your dinner for today. A grilled salmon."

He placed the plate on the table by the bed. Sophie moved over there and took a look at the grilled salmon.

"You cooked this yourself?" Sophie asked, glancing at him.

"Yes. I figured you need salmon. It is loaded with fat called docosahexaenoic acid, a crucial omega-three fat for the development of the baby's nervous system. Though all breast milk contains docosahexaenoic acid, levels of it are higher in the milk of those who get more DHA from their diets. Aside from that, it also helps with the mood and prevents postpartum depression," Alexander answered in detail as he sat down beside Sophie.

All the words he just said went over her head. But despite that, she took a bite.

"This is actually really tasty," Sophie remarked. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," Alexander smiled.

For a while, they stayed silent, enjoying each other's company.