A week later, in the St. Petersburg port. Alexander was in the Beast, looking out of the window as he saw a battalion-sized soldier neatly standing in formation as the commander briefed them on their overseas mission.

They are the first batch of soldiers to be deployed in the Ruthenian new territory, Senegal. Alexander stepped out of the vehicle, followed by Sergei, who was with him in the Beast all along, and followed him.

Sergei was clutching a document in his hand. When Alexander stopped in his tracks, he opened it and showed it to him.

"Your Majesty, this is the document of annexation containing procedures and terms to the Senegalese temporary government that will be signed by them at a later date. It first needs your signature."

As Sergei briefed him about that particular document, his gaze never shifted from the soldiers that were coming with Sergei to Senegal. Their families watching them were crying subtly, sad that they won't see their sons for six months.

Though they are not going to be deployed for war, they are still being sent to a territory unknown to them. It would be the men's first time traveling to the Black Continent, for any young Ruthenian troop that is.

The Ruthenian Empire didn't have colonies in Africa until now. Their task is to protect Sergei and diplomatic officials during their stay there. Even though they have superior firearms at their disposal, not knowing the geography and the people living in it serve as a disadvantage.


"Uhm, Your Majesty? You need to sign this paper," Sergei called carefully, handing out a pen and paper to Alexander.

Finally, Alexander turned and faced him. He glanced briefly at the papers and the pen Sergei was holding in his hands. He took both of them and signed the papers, sealing the fate of the territory of Senegal that would soon become effective should the Senegalese people sign it.

"There, done," Alexander returned the pen and document back to Sergei.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Sergei said after receiving the pen and document and bowed politely before continuing to follow him to the group of soldiers.

Alexander shook the hands of the commander giving a full briefing to the soldiers who were standing dutifully from their positions.

"So, you are the commander of these men? What is your name sir?" Alexander asked respectfully."My name is Yuri Baluyevsky, Your Majesty," the commander replied.action


"Yuri Baluyevsky huh?" Alexander repeated his name as if etching the name into his mind. "Well, I'm sure you know me and the man behind me as well."

Yuri glanced behind Alexander. "I know him, Your Majesty. He is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The man we are tasked to protect during his stay in Dakar."

Foreign Minister Sergei, bowed his head in greeting, to which the commander returned the gesture.

Alexander turned towards the battalion-sized men standing in front of him and addressed them.

"So, I think you all know what's the description of your job. You are to protect my friend here Sergei in Senegal who will meet the representative of the Senegalese people. You are the first batch so expect that the military infrastructure will be different from home. There are no supports as well, only the warships that will sail along with you and the armaments that you are carrying. Now I believe Senegal is a peaceful land, and cooperating and harmonizing with the locals will increase the chances of us absorbing them into our empire peacefully. Like a smooth voyage toward Senegal. That's all, I wish you all good luck on your journey towards Africa."

The soldiers stomped their left feet to the ground and performed a salute in an orchestrated manner.


After that, Alexander turned around and faced Sergei. He extended his hand towards him, offering a handshake. "Well, looks like we aren't going to see each other for a while. Communication would be a pain in the ass as the telecommunication infrastructure in Senegal is underdeveloped at the moment."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Should there be an emergency during my stay there in Senegal, I can just ask the captain of the ship to send you a message," Sergei said.

"I think that settles it," Alexander smiled before removing his hand from the handshake and motioning towards the Aircraft Carrier Belorussiya. "Sadly, the battleship that we scuttled in London won't join the voyage as you are aware, it has been scuttled. So instead of the battleship, you'll sail in the aircraft carrier. Its sheer size should be enough to make the locals gulp. Hmm…I think sending an aircraft carrier would be a wise choice as it doesn't have cannons on the deck. Well, I suggest you take care of yourself, Sergei. Don't do anything stupid without telling me beforehand."

Sergei replied in a nod and then proceeded to climb the stairs towards the aircraft carrier, leaving Alexander behind as watched him go inside. Alexander turned and faced the soldiers that would be coming with him. They are in the middle of bidding farewell to their loved ones.

"You have to take care, son. Here's your coat, take it with you," the mother of one of the soldiers said.

"Mom we are going to the equator, I won't need a coat," the soldier replied.

"Just take it," the mom straightened his lapel and smiled with gruff pride, and hugged her son.

"I'm going to miss you, my boy, take care of yourself there," the mom said softly, her eyes moistening, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. She wiped them and looked up to meet her son's gaze, smiling reassuringly.

"We're going to be fine."

"How about the bag you are carrying? Is it heavy?"

Her son glanced back to his military backpack. It's huge and heavy but he could carry it with ease. He took a deep breath in and exhaled through his mouth before answering, "Yes, Mom. It's heavy but I can handle it."

"Okay, goodbye, son. I love you."

"I love you too, mom," the soldier said before kissing his mom on the cheek. After that, he joined his comrades who were lining up to get to the aircraft carrier.

Although not all of them. One of the soldiers was currently speaking with his dad.

"So you are on your way huh?" the father said, puffing off a cigar.

"Yeah, dad..."

"Your mother is going to miss you, you know?" his father said.

"I know..." his son nodded and continued. "Dad. I had a dream that I'm going to die over there," he confessed.

"That's not going to happen, son. Your mother will pray for you. You know she's got a direct line to god," his father assured.

"She always does dad," his son smiled. "Well, I'm going to join them now dad, see you in six months."

"Yeah," his father nodded and puffed another puff of smoke. His son walked towards his friends who stood waiting in line.

Alexander was touched by the affection he was witnessing before. He prayed to the almighty that they return home safe after their tour is done.

And then, one by one, the soldiers boarded the ship. The mooring lines tied to bollards were removed by the personnel in the port. The aircraft carrier is not going there alone. It'll be escorted by two destroyers from whatever danger they would face along the journey.

Thirty minutes later, the ships departed.