Chapter 127

Capital Middle School, competition class.

"For this question, among the contestants from our school participating this time, only Ji Ruochu, Jiang Zhi and Qi Yibin got it right. The other students all fell into traps."

The teacher leading the team pointed at the question on the blackboard and said.

Upon hearing this, the other students all felt somewhat discouraged, and looked towards the three people in the back row who didn't have any smug expressions on their faces with admiring gazes.

"But don't be discouraged, this question is indeed quite tricky. As far as I know, only a few got it right in this competition."

The teacher adjusted his glasses, "Of course, this is not an excuse I'm trying to find for you all, I just want you to understand that there will only be more and more such question types going forward, so mentally prepare yourselves."


In an instant, complaints resounded throughout the class. Heaven knows, by the time they got to this question, they didn't know how many of their brain cells had died.

As a teacher who had led competition teams for over ten sessions, Jin Qi had no plans to directly reveal the answer.

Instead, he pushed up his glasses, and looked towards the three people sitting in the back row who were currently lowering their heads to work on questions, saying:

"Now...which one of you three can explain your thought process in solving this question to the other students?"

Nearly in the next second, Ji Ruochu and Jiang Zhi stretched out their hand to point at Qi Yibin next to them.

The latter: ......


"Alright." Jin Qi smiled amusedly, "Then Yibin can go first to talk it through. Ruochu and Zhi, if you have other approaches, supplement after he's done."

The two people who didn't want to move at all nodded in unison at the same frequency, not giving their resentful companion any chance to shirk responsibility. With no other choice, the chosen one Qi Yibin could only stand up, take the marker from the teacher, and start explaining:

"From this question, I've currently identified five distractors. The first one is..."

As the clear exposition from the youth sounded out, the students below instantly concentrated their attention and started taking notes.

At the same time, a certain middle school in Y City.

"For this question, our school suffered a total wipeout." The teacher at the podium said somewhat helplessly, "Not only our school, even the key middle schools in Y City only had one person get it right."



Looking at the thought process the teacher was slowly writing out on the blackboard, the several students participating in the joint competition had varied reactions.

If Ji Ruochu and the other two were here, they would certainly be able to recognize at first glance that these were precisely those boys from back then who were so certain of themselves.

Of course, there were some differences. Those boys were brimming with confidence back then, and now they were just as incredulous.

"It really was 3.7..."


"Therefore, after eliminating the five distractors, the final answer came out, 3.7." Having finished speaking, Qi Yibin returned to his seat.

Students below: (???) Very good, knowledge has entered my brain!

"Mm, very well explained." Jin Qi said smilingly. Then he turned his head to look at the two people in the back row who were silent, "Do you two have anything to add?"

In the next moment, everyone's sights were fixed on the back row, including Qi Yibin who had just sat down.

Ji Ruochu blinked, then turned to look at Jiang Zhi who had one hand propping up his chin and one hand silently twisting a Rubik's cube beside him. Then—she kicked his calf.

The latter raised his head expressionlessly.

The two engaged in a stare down for three seconds, before Ji Ruochu won by grabbing the Rubik's cube and messing it up again in front of Jiang Zhi, forcing him to stand up with the shoe print still on his calf to go to the front.

"I also only identified these five distractors, but as for the solution method...I self-studied some university courses before, although they're useless for you guys now, I'll just briefly write it out."

After speaking, the youth proceeded to write out another approach to solving the question. Jin Qi, who was sitting quietly in the front row listening the entire time, didn't say anything. He only asked again after the boy finished writing: "Anything else?"

This time, all the students unanimously looked towards the last great figure.

Ji Ruochu...Ji Ruochu helplessly held her forehead, then seemed to let out her breath when she messed up the pyramid-shaped Rubik's cube that Jiang Zhi was about to restore.

Jiang Zhi who had just sat down:!!


The girl's face was completely innocent. Didn't he write it out already? Why did he still have to treat his Rubik's cube this way?

By now, Ji Ruochu had already gone up to the front.

Looking at the fully filled formulas on both sides of the blackboard and the large empty space left in the middle, she seriously suspected that these two did it on purpose.

"For this question, there indeed are quite a lot of solution methods, but I feel like what the teacher who set this question wanted to test is..."

As Ji Ruochu spoke, she wrote out her train of thought. As her solution steps were gradually revealed, the students below instantly had a moment of sudden realization one by one.

Not only the students, even the teacher sitting below was extremely satisfied.

Until she finished writing the last number, returned the marker—

She successfully met a sea of starry eyes.

Ji Ruochu: ......

When Ji Ruochu returned to her seat under the uncomfortable piercing gazes, she naturally glared at the instigator beside her.

The wrongfully accused Jiang Zhi hurried to explain, "I really didn't think of this, I thought you were the same as me..."

After all, in terms of efficiency in learning math, no one in class could compete with these three.

"Then you think too highly of me." Ji Ruochu said expressionlessly, seriously suspecting that Jiang Zhi was mocking her, "I haven't even fully grasped high school knowledge yet."

She said this earnestly, but the two companions beside her didn't think so at all. A person who had finished learning all middle school knowledge back in primary school is now saying she hasn't fully grasped high school knowledge yet, who would believe that!

Ji Ruochu: ...Tiring.