Chapter 128

Three of them were chatting, while Jin Qi on the stage had already started analyzing their problem-solving steps.

"In terms of test-taking skills, the three of you are evenly matched, but when it comes to knowledge mastery and integration, both of you fall short compared to Ji Ruochu."

Jin Qi pointed at Jiang Zhi's problem-solving approach and said, "Although Jiang Zhi's method is correct, if I were the examiner, I wouldn't give it a perfect score.

Math Olympiad is not about showing off skills. Its purpose is to cultivate your reasoning ability and flexibility in problem-solving. It's a mental training.

The focus is on your way of thinking and problem-solving methods, rather than trying to tackle the most difficult questions or show off -- ahem."

Laughter and whispers erupted from the students below.


"Ahem." Jin Qi adjusted his glasses and continued, "Of course, I believe Ji Ruochu, you are also aware of this. That's why your final method is the same as Yibin's.

The reason why you both fall short in applying knowledge is primarily that both of you have a desire to show off.

On the other hand, Ji Ruochu's method can make even those who haven't participated in the competition understand it easily.

Whether it's better to solve the most difficult questions using the simplest method or to use the latest knowledge, it's hard to say. But what I can be certain of is that Ji Ruochu understands the thinking of the question-setter.

Not just this question, but also the previous few problem-solving questions, even though there may be multiple ways to solve them, only Ji Ruochu's method captures what the question-setter truly wants to examine.

Therefore, you all should learn from Ji Ruochu as much as possible. I hope that no matter when, you won't be led astray by the questions."


He pointed to the side of his temple and said, "The flexibility of thinking and reasoning during problem-solving is often more important than actually solving difficult problems."

After his speech, the students present seemed to be lost in thought, and Ji Ruochu was silently agreeing inside her mind. Truly, he was a teacher who led the competition team.

In her previous life, she hadn't been able to understand these conclusions before she stopped at the national team. It was only after these years of struggling in the sea of questions and the guidance of excellent teachers that she gradually realized it.

That's why she didn't rush to learn college-level knowledge. Knowledge knows no bounds, and Ji Ruochu was clear about her own talents.

She didn't have the same level of comprehension as Jiang Zhi. Even if she were to start learning these subjects again, it would still be somewhat challenging for her.

Compared to their instant understanding and connections, Ji Ruochu resembled more of a bookworm who would bury her head in diligent studying.


For her, the knowledge before high school was simply free points, but after that, it became a hurdle she had to overcome on her own.

Even though she had walked this path before, it was more than twenty years ago. Moreover, she wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but many of her memories from her previous life had already started to blur.

Sometimes, she couldn't even remember what she had done in her previous life, as if she truly were just an ordinary high school student.

Fortunately, over the past few years, she hadn't slackened. Whether it was in her studies or her life, she took one step at a time, neither arrogant nor impatient.

Therefore, before those memories gradually faded away, she simply wrote down the unfulfilled wishes from her previous life and no longer dwelled on the past.

As the ancients said, "Those who abandon me cannot stay with me beyond yesterday, and those who trouble my heart bring me much distress today."

Regardless of how memories may fade, she only moves forward relentlessly towards her predetermined goals.

With each step that follows, she proceeds with unwavering patience.

At present, even though her learning speed may not match that of the geniuses, she can confidently say that they don't have the same depth of understanding as she does.

Whether it's the focus of the exam questions or the intentions of the examiners, she sees them clearer than her peers.

And that is her confidence.

Is being a genius important?

Even geniuses require ninety-nine percent perspiration to sharpen their skills.

But she can dedicate one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand percent of her efforts, honing her skills for a decade. Once she unsheathes her sword, no one can surpass her.


In mid-October, the list of participants for the league was announced.

The original Class 10 of Little i School astonishingly ranked top in various subject competitions at the provincial level.

It aligned with Jin Qi's expectations. Ji Ruochu was the top scorer in the province, followed by Jiang Zhi and Qi Yibin.

In late November, the Winter Olympiad Mathematics Camp (CMO) officially began.

This time, their opponents were over five hundred participants from various provinces and cities across the country. A pinnacle showdown was about to unfold.

On November 22nd, Ji Ruochu and the team leader arrived in B City. It was the registration day, and there were dedicated personnel at the train station and airport to receive them.

The Beijing Province representative team arrived at the airport at two o'clock in the afternoon.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Beijing Province representative team successfully checked in at the lobby of the B City International Hotel, traveling in the organizer's designated vehicle.

At half-past five, the teachers and students dined in the hotel using meal coupons.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the team leaders held a meeting. By that time, Ji Ruochu, who had already heard about the hotel's famous desserts, managed to grab the last serving at the designated time and even brought an extra portion for her new roommate.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the team leaders counted the number of people and instructed the students to rest early as they had to wake up early the next day. Don't misunderstand; it wasn't an immediate exam. The next day was the opening ceremony of the winter camp, and those who made it this far were the cream of the crop from each province.

On November 23rd, students started having breakfast using their room keycards from half-past six in the morning.

The girl sharing a room with Ji Ruochu was named MiaoMiao. She came from L District and was also the one and only representative from their city's competition. Oh, I forgot to mention, this girl is also a fan of handsome guys.

But after spending a night together (don't think the wrong way), she clung to Ji Ruochu. As a result, the trio became a quartet during breakfast the next day.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the team leaders took attendance and everyone boarded the bus. MiaoMiao sat next to Ji Ruochu.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the winter camp's opening ceremony officially began, and MiaoMiao still sat next to Ji Ruochu.

At eleven twenty-five in the afternoon, the opening ceremony concluded, and everyone took a group photo. MiaoMiao held Ji Ruochu's hand, smiling sweetly, with Jiang Zhi and Qi Yibin standing behind them.

All four of them had exceptional looks, and even without any beauty filters, their group photo was captivating.

Fortunately, the winter camp had real-time coverage, allowing the couple who wanted to accompany them but were rejected by their own daughter with the excuse of "I'm afraid you'll be nervous" to see the photos on the official website in real-time.

Both of them didn't need to search carefully; with just one glance, they locked onto their own daughter.

"Who is this child? She looks a bit unfamiliar," Ji Mochen looked at the girl who was holding their daughter's hand and smiling, her eyes and eyebrows curved in amusement, and asked in confusion.

"Perhaps she's a new friend," Ling Chujin had already downloaded the photo and saved it in a separate folder she had created for their daughter.


After taking a group photo, the teachers from the various provincial teams led the students to familiarize themselves with the examination venue. After about half an hour, they all returned to the hotel by bus.

There were no other arrangements in the afternoon, so the students either returned to their rooms to study or engaged in leisure activities.

Although cramming at the last minute was not effective, Ji Ruochu's daily practice volume had become a routine, so she didn't force herself to "relax," but instead took a pen and, as usual, delved into the sea of questions.

November 24th, the first day of the CMO exam.

They boarded the bus at seven o'clock and successfully entered the examination venue before half past seven.

The exam officially began at eight o'clock, with a total time of four and a half hours.

"The examinees may begin answering the questions."

As this announcement sounded, Ji Ruochu, who had already browsed through the exam questions, calmly picked up her WENQI XING exam pen.

Hmm, it had been improved because she had mentioned last time that the pen cover was too heavy. Ji Mochen, who was obsessed with the mysterious power of WENQI XING, naturally had someone modify it.

Therefore, the pen in her hand didn't have a heavy pen cover and looked similar to an ordinary pen in appearance, except that it had a very festive color, with the image of WENQI XING printed all over the pen body, and it had a slightly frosted texture.

Passing invigilator: ...


Oh my, how frustrating! I originally wanted to combine two chapters, but it's still a few hundred words short. Well, forget it, I won't combine them. I'll post a small chapter after midnight. My dear readers, don't wait up, get some rest early!