Chapter 451

The sword dance scene was a big scene, with several times more shots than usual. The storyboarding, details, emotion portrayal, plus Director Yuan's own demanding requirements meant everything had to be flawless.

So they filmed take after take, while the weather cooled down unnoticed.

Qin Wei yawned, wrapping herself in an overcoat on set, eyes lifeless.

She thought back to shooting the first sword dance scene a month ago, when Director Yuan was still cheering her on nearby. Now, a month later, they were still filming sword dances, again and again, and it felt like the plot hadn't progressed at all.

"Your hands are so cold," Qiao said. She didn't seem to mind, but couldn't conceal her fatigue either as she walked over and touched Qin Wei's fingertips before handing her a hot coffee.

"Drink some to wake yourself up."



Qin Wei drank the coffee and checked her phone. Shen Qingqing had sent her a message.

Her eyes widened in shock.

"What's wrong?" Li Hanming was running lines nearby and asked when he saw her horrified expression.

"According to the lesson schedule, the final exam for Calculus will be held on the last day of class at the end of the month.

Considering how busy everyone is with their internships, full attendance is not required. Grades will be based 30% on completed homework assignments, and the remaining 70% on the closed-book final exam..."


Qin Wei read out Shen Qingqing's message, growing more panicked and anxious as she continued.

"Failing results in having to retake the class when school resumes... Failing the retake means having to repeat the course... This is a required course for the entire school, aimed at developing logical thinking. I hope everyone will take it seriously!

Li Hanming, are you taking the exam???"

Li Hanming shook his head. Although he felt afraid because of her panicked expression, he answered softly:

"I'm...taking semester..."

Qin Wei sighed. She had wanted to empathize, but it turned out their situations were vastly different...


"Where's Su Yang?"

Qin Wei started looking around.

Looking for that god-like figure.

Without exaggerating, of everyone on set, Su Yang was known to be the only one who could help her, who could save her.


Su Yang: "......"

Qin Wei: "......"

Su Yang: "............" Qin Wei: "....................."

Su Yang conceded first: "But only on one condition..."


Qin Wei agreed decisively, but instantly felt a little apprehensive.

"Um...nothing illegal or criminal...nothing against public order or morals...still have to adhere to baselines...nothing too expensive either..."

Su Yang: "......................................................"

Su Yang slammed the small table angrily:

"I'm a law-abiding citizen too!!! What could I possibly want from you!!! I just..."

Qiao Sixiao walked over, and Su Yang didn't finish his sentence, his eyes landing on her.

Qin Wei followed his gaze and looked back, her expression gradually becoming complex and heavy.

"Don't do it, Su Yang... This is between the two of us. I'm just her roommate, I can't make decisions for her... I can't have her satisfy your outrageous ideas..."

Oblivious Qiao Sixiao came over:

"Hm? What's going on? What ideas?"

Su Yang pressed his forehead in embarrassment, his face reddening.

Qin Wei helpfully shielded him and spoke on his behalf:

"Qiao Sixiao, why are you so gossipy?"

Qiao Sixiao: "?"

"You're talking to him but keep looking at me. Can't I ask?" Qiao Sixiao retorted.

Qin Wei shook her head:


Qiao Sixiao pinched Little Qin's cheek. Su Yang looked aggrieved.

"She asked me to tutor her in calculus,"

Su Yang didn't want Qiao to misunderstand, so he took the initiative to explain clearly.

"I told her I'd help if she agrees to a request, but she kept imagining strange things."

Qiao frowned slightly:

"But I advise you not to imagine anything inappropriate."

Su Yang: "⊙〈⊙..............."


Su Yang's request was humble and simple. He merely wanted—

"Pay attention in class, don't sleep."

Qin nodded profusely:

"Mm-hmm, okay, okay, if I sleep, Qiao can testify for me. Teacher Su, you can slap me if I doze off!!" Qiao: "Hm? You can try." Su Yang shook his head:

"I wouldn't dare... But listen carefully, Qin Wei. I'll say it straight—it's your exam not mine, you're the one in trouble not me.

Math is cold and detached, one is one, two is two. It may seem heartless, but it's also the fairest subject. Don't say you don't have a math brain, don't make excuses for yourself. At this stage math isn't about talent or intelligence, otherwise it wouldn't be a basic course for the whole school."

Qin was more docile than usual.

So on set one could see scenes like this—

When filming, Zhao Yu was Lu Wei's superior, always condescending towards him:

"Lu Wei, get a hold of yourself! Assassination is a major crime, it could lead to war and loss of life! Can you bear this responsibility?!"

"Chief, I was wrong......"

"Lu Wei, don't act tough!"

"Chief, I was wrong......"

During breaks, Qin was Su Yang's grandchild. Su Yang pointed at the workbook and scolded her, yet she didn't dare get angry.

"Qin Wei, where's your brain? Don't you consider other conditions when calculating?"

"I'm wrong (><)! I'm sorry!"

"Qin Wei, stop making basic operation mistakes, okay?!"

"I'm wrong (><)! I'm sorry!"

Li Hanming was stunned watching this. He knew Qin had a good temper, but didn't expect it to be this good—whenever Su Yang scolded her, she just nodded and admitted fault, practically kneeling before him.

Li Hanming sighed:

"So submissive..."

Qiao nodded:

"This must be what it means to be humble and pious towards knowledge..."


Stay hungry, stay foolish...


After another two weeks, the entire sword dance scene was finally filmed. Everyone was exhausted but also very fulfilled.

Such an important scene took them one and a half months to complete!

Director Yuan gave the crew chicken legs again, and used the opportunity of changing locations to give everyone time off once more.

Nothing made people happier than time off!

But this was also a virtuous cycle—

High efficiency allowed them to finish work early and take group breaks. After fully resting, everyone regained their energy and could continue working highly efficiently.

Director Yuan had a clear mind. He knew long-term work would only ruin morale, while efficiency was key. Endless work that squeezed labor to make them work overtime would only make people slack off, lowering efficiency for the entire crew.

Having a leader like this, the crew cheered.