Chapter 452

At a crew dinner, Qin Wei originally did not plan to go, but when she heard that He Hong hoped Su Yang would go to get along better with colleagues, Qin Wei went too.

That night, Qin Wei sat in a corner of the bustling crew dinner venue booked by the production team, listening to Su Yang teach her calculus.

It was tragic.


Fortunately there was still some time before the exam. Learning is not something that can be accomplished in one go. After listening to Su Yang explain the knowledge points, Qin Wei could not digest it all at once. She planned to go over it twice more after getting home.

Then after getting home, she took a bath, watched a movie, spaced out, prepared to study, felt the desk was too messy so tidied it up a bit, felt the living room was too messy so tidied that up a bit too, sat down to study, wanted some milk, got up...


"You sit down!"

Her roommate really could not stand to see any more. She pressed down on Qin Wei's shoulders and did not let her get up,

"You want milk right? I'll go heat it up for you..."

Qin Wei opened her book again. The milk was brought over, so she drank that first...

She seemed to recall the PR gift a brand sent over recently was a real silk nightgown she wanted to try on to see how it looked...

Just as she was about to get up, she saw her roommate standing there with arms crossed, watching her.


Then her roommate pulled out the chair across from her and sat down staring at her:

"What else were you thinking of doing? Hm?"

Qin Wei smacked her lips and started reading her book.

As she read, she started picking at her fingernails.

When she looked up, she happened to meet her roommate's gloomy gaze. Qin Wei raised her hands innocently to show her:

"You see, my nails are too long..."


Qiao Sixiao smiled:


At two in the morning, the only lit room in the entire 21-story building was theirs. One cried as she read under the lamplight while the other gritted her teeth and gave her a manicure.


She simply could not focus. What Su Yang taught made sense; it was just difficult for someone who had not done math in a long time to comprehend right away. Also...

"If you can't focus then stop looking." After helping trim her nails, the maid saw that she had no heart to study and decisively advised her,

"Go to sleep. This past month and a half has been too tiring for you. And it's not like the exam is tomorrow. You pulling all-nighters here without studying, who are you doing it for? Will your exam paper give you extra points because you tried so hard...? Stop putting in useless effort..."

Qin Wei immediately closed her book:

"It's not that I'm not working hard. You were the one who told me to sleep. I know you're tired. I could still study but you said I shouldn't."

Qiao Sixiao: "?"

"I'm going to sleep now. Turn off the lights for me."

Qin Wei rubbed her eyes. She really was exhausted...


"Sixiao~ Scoot over, Ju An and I are coming to sleep with you. Your voice is perfect to lull us to sleep. Tell us a couple stories okay?"

"...Come on over..."

There was no use refusing. If she could have fallen asleep, she would have done so already.

Refusing her was like refusing a pitiful puppy.

Qin Wei happily hugged Ju An and went over to lie down. Qiao Sixiao turned on her phone, yawned, and began reading her a story:

"After lunch every day in preschool, the children would get fruit. Each kid got something different.

At this time Vivi was least happy, because she wanted an orange, but her classmate Xinxing also liked oranges. Whenever Vivi got an orange, Xinxing would forcefully trade with her.

Xinxing was much taller than Vivi and very lively. The teacher and kids all liked playing with her.

Not like Vivi the scaredy cat, who only knew how to cry when bullied.

Until a new transfer student arrived, Xiaoqiao.

Xiaoqiao was very pretty and always smiling at her classmates, so everyone liked her. Whenever they got fruit, they would let her be first in line to pick her favorite.

Xiaoqiao would always take oranges but not rush to eat them.

'I want the apple in your hand.'

Without waiting for Vivi's consent, Xiaoqiao snatched away her apple and stuffed a peeled orange into her mouth, fearful that Xinxing would grab it away..."

Qiao Sixiao picked a random story and read it to her. Her roommate was so easy to coax to sleep...

The next day when Qin Wei woke naturally, she finally felt alive again.

In the past month, Qin Wei had only slept four hours like the other actors and martial arts instructor.

On days when filming went smoothly, they could pull an all-nighter. Meanwhile her waist injury had flared up twice, hurting so badly at night she could not sleep. Only with her roommate caring for her all night could it alleviate slightly.

She still preferred her bed at home. Lying on that medium soft mattress lessened her stress by so much. Sleeping deeply through the night, she did not wake until 11 AM.

Groggily crawling out of bed, she opened her room door to see her roommate already washed up and watering the plants on the balcony. "You're up?"

Qiao Sixiao glanced at her then continued watering the flowers. This whole time the housekeeper had come by every few days to take care of the foliage and fish.

Previously there was nothing in their home. She had been afraid she would often be away and unable to keep anything alive. But after getting them, she discovered many ways to overcome difficulties. Even though she would worry and fret over them, each time she came home and saw everything, she did not feel it was messy, only felt—

[Not bad.]

"You're awake. I'm surprised Li Yao has not contacted me at all. It truly is a miracle..."

Qin Wei rubbed her eyes and tossed Ju An onto the sofa. Then she slowly went to wash up.

"I told him to give you a break for now."

Qiao Sixiao said to her while putting down the watering can and walking to the kitchen:

"I said I was taking you to the hospital today and couldn't keep treating you like a cash cow machine, that you needed rest. Otherwise you'd be worked to death.

Even He Hong does not dare push me like this without sleep just to earn money."

"Oh this is great!"

Qin Wei stuck her head out to talk to her:

"Just tell him I'm sick. If you say it he won't dare question you. Last time when I lied to him he still demanded to see my medical records. This time that works out perfectly. I can lay at home..."

"I already planned to bring you to the hospital." Qiao Sixiao carried out breakfast plus lunch and set them on the table.

"To get your back pain looked at. Of course you can refuse. I won't force you either. But next time you're in pain, don't whine and cry about it. We either face it together, I bring you to the hospital, or you take responsibility yourself..."

"I'll go!"


Hot Entertainment Search Trends——

#[Qin and Qiao Hospital Checkup] [Breaking]

[Kumquat Reporter: Recently @Qiao Sixiao and partner @Qin Wei_Vivian appeared at a hospital accompanied by an assistant. The two were casually dressed and seemingly in good spirits, sparking speculation. What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment telling Little Eight. [View Photos]]


[It's happening!]

[My ship!]

[Qin Wei_Vivian: Got no real news so you gotta write this? I ain't blasted y'all in too long. Back acting my waist got injured, was at an orthopedics getting CT scans and treatment. Y'all satisfied?]

[Going to the hospital with your friend is very normal. How is this news?]

[My goose's temper has been awful lately. She hasn't posted to clap back at people for so long, previously she always took the high road.]

[Whenever she goes to the hospital she gets blessed with a baby afterwards. No wonder anyone would be annoyed... And back pain really is excruciating... No sick person has a nice temper...]

[Hope Little Qin will be okay... Her TV series is truly so good. I never liked these traffic stars before but fell into the pit from her drama. As long as she keeps acting I'll keep chasing.]

[Can't celebrities get sick too?]

[Is there a possibility... that she too is just a person?]