[Book II Chapter 34] ROSE: SEPARATION
On a rocky plateau deep in a Twisted Land, Rose and Wise stood around an opening. At the bottom, Cedric Grinfield was frozen with a look of dawning comprehension on his face.
“Can’t you free him somehow?” Rose asked. It was strange seeing the man who had once threatened them in this state.
“It’s not that simple.” Gareth Black responded. “The space down there is in a near total stasis. An amazingly potent magical array has been inscribed on the walls to keep him trapped for centuries. At best, we can shorten that period to a decade.”
When Rose and Wise had arrived, they’d found Gareth Black conversing with Nagara Ubilon and Angela Greaves, two immortals from the Isle of dreams. Julius Edgar had joined them from the nearby village used to lure Cedric.
“Is there really nothing that can be done?” Rose pressed. To her knowledge, any enchantment could be forcibly dispelled with several times the energy used to create it. The contravening magic could come from channeling or from crystals. Considering all the immortals and resources available to the Aventurer’s Guild, let alone Nordric and Remnant, how can Gareth be so pessimistic?
“He’s correct.” Nagara explained. “I experimented earlier. The enchantments below are protected by high sorcery, and it’ll take incalculable amount of power to break them. The only realistic way to achieve this is to set up a high-efficiency magic circle on the surface to aply the dispelling force. No matter how large, there is a limit to how much energy these can take in. Hence the long time frame.”
Rose glanced back down. Simon really set up something incredible…
“Going to this much effort doesn’t make sense.” Angela stated. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to dispatch him?”
“Simon will avoid harming innocents by his own hand for as long as he can.” Gareth sighed. “That’s the type of person he is. It’s the reason no one suspected him.”
Angela shook her head. “We face a strange foe this time round.”
“By the way,” Julius Edgar faced Wise, “thanks for your warning. Too bad it was too late.”
“Sorry…” Her brother wore a pained expression.
Arriving at a city south of here, Wise had identified the massacred village as the work of Torak’s acolytes. They’d sent word to Nordric’s Adventurer’s Guild and rushed over. Wise moved at a pace I could match, so I knew the outcome was already settled.
“No need for apologies.” Julius said. “If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I alerted Cedric and allowed him to head out on his own.”Unauthorized use of content: if you find this story on Amazon, report the violation.
“It’s not your fault either.” Angela responded. “I would’ve done the same. Cedric’s opponents have always been villains to which his ‘Righteous Fury’ reacts. Hell, he’s even chased off the Laughing Man. To think there was someone strong enough to defeat him who had no blood on his hands… I still can’t believe it.”
“I suspect Salazar Rook has been brought back or will be soon.” Wise said. “That’s the reason Simon targeted Cedric. He’s the natural enemy of revenants.”
As they absorbed these words in silence, Angela chuckled. “I sort of wish I could see it, the meeting of Cedric and Salazar. What would ‘Righteous Fury’ turn him into?”
“An unstoppable god capable of slaying all of Enera’s immortals.” Nagara answered earnestly. “Salazar has been active for millennia. All those slain by the Laughing Man are a drop in the bucket in comparison.”
“This will have a major impact.” Julius declared. “Cedric was a paragon, and Revenant will feel his loss. With Simon and his followers still about, Aery and others won’t be so keen to lend out their immortals.”
“And we’ll need them more than ever.” Gareth added. “With those former masks of Xarst running about, evacuating airships will require immortal escorts. This will slow our efforts.”
“At least there’s little chance of this happening again.” Nagara gestured to Cedric. “That trapped took several years to set up. I doubt Simon has many more prepared.”
The discussion continued a few minutes until Julius eventually declared, “No point in remaining here any further. We’ve all got work to do.”
As everyone walked away, Rose rushed after Julius. “You’re just going to leave him like this?”
“I’m sure Remnant will send someone to seal this hole up.” Julius answered.
“What about dispelling the trap?” Rose asked, but the immortal had already jumped away.
“This place is too isolated.” Wise explained. “It’ll fall to the undead before the enchantment is lifted. There’s no point in wasting resourses until the dark age is over.”
“I see…” Rose faced her brother. “Sorry you weren’t able to stop the acolytes.”
Wise winced again. “I should’ve anticipated this. When using my foresight on a wide scale, of course I’d pick up smaller disasters. There was never a chance to reliably track them.”
“That said, you were right about their plans. Ignoring that village might have been worth it.” Rose suggested. “I know this sounds callous, but we’re dealing with the fate of the world.”
Wise shook his head, “While saving Cedric could’ve changed the course of the dark age, I can’t ignore those in clear and present danger. It’s something I swore to myself.”
“So what now?” Rose asked.
“I’m switching my approach. I’ll travel these Twisted Lands, casting a wide net with my foresight and protecting everyone I can. In cases like the werewolves, I’ll interfere myself. If it’s the acolytes, I’ll send warning to the Adventurer’s Guild. This is what I can do to save the most people.”
“Which is why it’s time for us to go our separate ways.” Wise finished.
Rose smiled sadly, having expected this. “I’d only slow you down, right?”
“I’ll be heavily relying on my foresight and mobility.” Wise agreed.
“I suppose I’ll find my way back to the Veritas War Academy.” Rose said.
“No, you’ll head North to Remnant.” Wise corrected. “Roxanne is waiting at the Fortress of Regret. Lucy will guide you to her when you arrive.”
“Wait, when did they pass us by?” Rose though they’d been making fairly good time on their journey.
“Jay Belleron sent an advanced airship to collect them shortly after we left.” Wise pointed to the horizon. “There is a town that way. Spend the night. Tomorrow, travel over the crystal wall and find the Fortress. You can’t miss it.”
With that, he turned and left. Rose realized she was alone in a Twisted Land with Torak’s acolytes somewhere close by. The sun was also setting. I’m sure it’ll be fine…
“You’ll arrive safely!” Wise yelled back before disappearing.
Rose rolled her eyes. Really, way to spoil the adventure.