[Book II Chapter 35] DYLAN: Panacea
<<The auction house is always busy at the close of the Godly Herb Garden, but this is the liveliest than I’ve ever witnessed.>> Dowart Fain observed.
Dylan sat in a small private booth on the second story of a crowded hall as numbers were frantically called out below. “It’s because the Fate Pavilion announced Panacea will be retrieved. That’s what has attracted cultivators from far and wide” Dylan whispered back.
A strange dynamic had developed since the Fate Pavillion’s announcement. Famous disciples from rival sects were competing against one another to auction off their treasures, with highest sale prices gaining the most prestige. When reviewing the catalog of these items, a certain image had caught both Dylan and Dowart’s attention. Han Xiao’s sword. He’d last seen the weapon when he’d fled the Sacred Cloud Sect.
Dylan glared off at Teng Ling and Bao Pan, who were in attendance. “Which one is responsible for this?”
<<It matters not.>> Dowart answered. <<We must recover my blade.>> The ghostly saint had been the original owner, the sword retrieved from his final resting place.
Dylan peered anxiously into the Ouroboros ring with his spiritual sense and counted the two hundred and seventeen translucent marbles he’d acquired. Refined from dozens of demonic beast cores, spirit stones were a versatile and portable form of energy. Too valuable to consume in most cases, they were used as currency when gold would be cumbersome. I hope I have enough.
Dylan had stayed alone in town to oversee the liquidation of his spoils, leaving Lin to return to the Morning Dew sect with Kailen and Yanfei. There was too much to transport so it was a necessity. I only wish I’d had more time to refine the lesser herbs to increase my profits.
<<It’s up next.>> Dowart warned.
“Now for something special.” The auctioneer declared. “Our head appraiser will explain.”
An plump old man waddled in holding a sword. Pushing up his glasses, he carefully drew the weapon from its worn scabbard, and murmurs went out upon seeing a blade as white as snow. Murmurs went out upon seeing a blade as white as snow. Dylan smiled fondly at the sight. I remember thinking it was made of chalk.
“Before you is Resplendent Delusion, an early work by the immortal smith Zhong Cai. Made of white orichalcum and virtually indestructible, this catalyst is able to match the elemental affinity of its channeler. It’s an honor to witness such a unique masterpiece which was believed lost to history millennia ago.
Dylan turned “You never mentioned it was forged by Zhong Cai!”
<<He was mortal then, a saint like me.>> Dowart answered. <<Even so, it cost me a pretty penny. I regret I didn’t have more time to wield it.>>
Dylan grimaced. Zhong Cai was Sanwue’s most famous smith. Even his lesser creations would have value to collectors. I won’t be winning this cheaply.
The auctioneer smiled, pleased with the excitement from the various VIPs. "The starting bid of this wondrous weapon is 10 spirit stones!"
Dylan sat in quiet resignation, waiting for bidders to drop out.
"100!" Called out a mortal in exquisite robes. At this jump, the others fell silent. Time to join in, Dylan sighed.
"110!" He announced.
"120!" The noble snapped, irritated.
Before Dylan could respond, “200!” echoed the hall. In a private room across from him, a cloaked stranger had thrown out an absurd number.
Praying, Dylan yelled out his final bid, “210!” Everyone glanced curiously between the noble and cloaked newcomer, but neither made a sound.
"210 going once, 210 going twice——sold!" The auctioneer slammed her gavel down. "Congratulations to the bidder in Room 11, Resplendent Delusion is yours!"
Dylan slouched back, glad the booth’s obfuscating enchantment kept him hidden from prying eyes. The reality of what he’d done slowly sank in. Seven spirit stones left…
<<It might’ve been cheaper to commission a new one.>> Dowart lamented.
Dylan search the hall and found Bao Pan with a radiant smile surrounded by sycophants congratulating her. Meanwhile Teng Ling appeared to have swallowed something bitter. She’s next.If you spot this story on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.
The auction proceeded and soon there was a knock on the door. Outside, two staff members handed over Resplendent Delusion after draining his wealth. One then gestured to the hooded figure leaning against the wall nearby, “This gentlemen wishes to meet with you.”
Dylan frowned at the breach of etiquette, but the attendants fled without a word. So this is someone too important to offend?
<<I must hide.>> Dowart disappeared.
The stranger walked into the booth and revealed his face. “Do you recognize me?”
“Zhong Cai.” Dylan said. So I was bidding against Sanwue’s immortal smith?
“May I see my creation?” He asked.
Dylan reluctantly turned over Resplendent Delusion, praying he wasn’t being robbed. Zhong drew the white blade, observing closely. “I made this for someone I regarded as friend. He was a stubborn fool, pursuing a ludicrous dream. Yet his passion won me over…”
He looked up at Dylan, “The reason I let you have the blade is that, for a moment, I sensed him in you.”
“He hasn’t failed yet.” Dylan spoke despite himself. “I will complete Four Element Transcendence in his stead.”
For a long moment, Zhong studied him carefully then chuckled. “Very well, if you’re determined, I’ll once more lend my aid.”
The immortal began channeling, terrifying Dylan at the raw power he drew. The smith held his hand over the blade and dropped a spirit stone, which instantly melted into the white metal. He then dropped another and another. Enough wealth to buy several cities disappeared.
Finally it was over, and Dylan could breath again. Zhong sheathed the sword with a satisfied look. “Now, it’s more worthy of my name.“ He declared, turning over his work. “Should you succeed in your ambition, seek me out and I’ll reforge Resplendent Delusion into a weapon of legends.”
After Zhong’s departure, Dylan waited until the commotion died down and snuck out before the auction ended. On the streets, he heard a few speculating about the immortal-level channeling and swore to keep his new weapon safely withing the Ouroboros Ring. The other six already know I killed Mingzhu Su. If they learn I was purchaser, they may grow suspicious.
<<What happened with Zhong Cai?>> Dowart asked.
Dylan relayed the details. Dowart listened, a smile spreading on his lip, <<Zhong was always a romantic at heart. The promise of Four Element Transcendence allowed me to retain his services at steep discount. It appears you also profited from his benevolence.>>
Indeed, I’ll have to study Resplendent Delusion carefully later. Dylan made his way into the Shrine of Sending. Gen Jiang was already waiting in the interior courtyard, along with many others. Seeing him, he made his way over, ”You’re here early.”
“I concluded my business at the auction house.” Dylan responded. “Are they really returning?”
“At least one of them is.” Gen affirmed. Of the two arches in the courtyard, the left one had gone inactive, but the right one shimmered with a veil of uniform gray.
Dylan noticed Dowart floating beside him. “Is it alright to show yourself?” He whispered. “Immortals are in attendance.”
<<There are enough people to mask my presence.>> Dowart responded. <<Also, this is something I must witness for myself.>>
The right archway suddenly came alive with color. “They will arrive soon.” Gen declared confidently.
Since time moved faster in the Godly Herb Garden, the hour before noon on the ninth day was the last chance for anyone to return. More onlookers gradually trickled in, filling the shrine and courtyard. Everyone waited with baited breath as the minutes ticked by.
Just before the sun reached its zenith, Soul Skyfell and Yingtai Qiao came crashing through the archway. Panting, they collapsed on the gravel. Soul rolled on his back and noticed the huge audience around him. He raised and opened his hand. On his palm, resembling a cross between a tulip and a rose, rested a transparent flower.
Someone began clapping, and others joined in. Soon the entire shrine was loudly celebrating. Dylan was surprised by the display of good will.
Noting his reaction, Gen laughed, “Never let it be said that Sanwue is incapable of welcoming a hero. Sure, we cultivators are so jaded that we question any altruistic behavior. However, some acts are so selfless that no cynical interpretation is possible. Retrieving Panacea is one such example.”
The crowd parted to allow two people through. One was an elderly woman in the most exquisite robes Dylan had ever seen. The other was the young woman afflicted with withering roots who’d pleaded with them.
“Our matriarch came to personally collect Panacea.” Gen explained.
The old woman approached Soul, “May I?”
Taking the flower, she turned to the young woman and brought it close. There were gasps as the bright red roots woven into the skin turned to dust and the wounds left behind vanished. Freed from her torment, the young lady dropped to her knees, weeping with relief. Cheers rang out again, even louder this time.
“What happens now?” Dylan asked.
“There’s little point in hoarding Panacea.” Gen answered. “A single petal can cure a hundred thousand, and its power has never been fully depleted before it spoils. The colorless flower will be divided up and distributed across Enera to all who need it.”
<<They actually succeeded.>> Dowart Fain appeared shocked. <<They did the impossible…>>
Hearing murmuring nearby, Dylan saw Sulai Chen making her way forward. “Now this will be interesting.” Gen remarked.
What is she doing? Dylan had expected Sulai to pursue her revenge, but not here. It makes no sense. Does she believe all those who cheered will stand aside?
Soul and Yingtai got to their feet and regarded Sulai warily. With an unreadable expression, the Red Sky disciple got on her knees and lowered her head, “Thank you for sparing my life. I have behaved in a way that brought shame to my Sect. To make amends, please allow me to accompany you in your journey through Sanwue.”
Dylan’s mouth dropped. Behind the stunned Soul, Yingtai’s blank look suggested her mind had stopped functioning.
The courtyard exploded into chatter as Sulai waited on the ground. Finally, Soul answered, “You’re welcome to join us if you wish.”
Shacking his head in disbelief, Dylan noticed Gen doubled over, struggling to contain his laughter. Not caring about form, he grabbed the man and demanded an explanation.
“Sulai contacted the patriarch of the Red Sky Sect when she returned. Accustomed to being doted on, she no doubt expected his support. This was a mistake.”
“You see, two thousand years ago, it wasn’t just Lily Morgana who came to Sanwue’s aid. Ethan Skyfell came too, playing a large role in buying time for Argadon’s summon. The Red Sky Patriarch fought side by side with the hero and was furious to learn Sulai had attempted to murder his sister’s son. Worse still, she’d gotten a fellow disciple killed in the process. Not only was she ordered to apologize, she was told to not to bother returning until Soul has reached the capital, alive and well.”
Gen watched Sulai hang back as Soul and Yingtai were swarmed by the curious. “Since her future now depends on Soul’s safety, Sulai made the decision to join him. A wise choice considering the boy’s propensity to land himself in trouble.”
Dylan smirked. Forced to babysit that fool… What a horrible fate.
He spotted Bao Pan among the crowd and his mood soured. Felling the Radiant Sight disciple would be the perfect occasion to put Resplendent Delusion to the test. You will not return home alive.