[Book II Chapter 36] NEPHRITE: The Silent Village
“Over there is an outpost.” Jayden whispered. “Remain hidden while I check it out.”
Jayden leapt across the purple landscape and disappeared into a giant glowing mushroom. The rest of them crouched in the inverted underbrush, keeping an eye on the swarm of wasps patrolling the area.
The hidden Village of Fang lay in the deepest portions of Harakoune. As shinobi specializing in dealing with magical beasts, they didn’t cull the surrounding wilderness as the other villages did. Rather, the aggressive fauna was their first layer of defense.
Unlike their experience heading to Basdrum, Jayden had been moving at a pace they could keep up with. This caution had them all on edge.
A nearly invisible fairy suddenly fluttered over to them. “Jayden summons you.” The sprite spoke softly.
The outpost entrance was in the gills on the mushroom’s underside. A surprising amount of space had been hollowed out, with several tiny sleeping quarters, and many of the walls were enchanted to be like one way glass, transparent when looking out. They found Jayden in what was probably the briefing room. He invited them to sit at a table.
“It was deserted.” Jayden reported. “No traps either. This actually makes matters more complicated. I was hoping to gather intelligence from those stationed here.”
When Hearth lost contact with Fang, no one though twice about it. The four original hidden villages were secretive, and it was assumed they were concentrating on their own evacuation plans. However, the silence grew suspicious as time wore on. Exchanging information with representatives of Ash, Tempest, and Gloom revealed that no airships were sighted heading in Fang’s direction. Not one of their shinobi had been seen in weeks. This empty outpost only thickens the mystery.
“What now?” Nephrite asked.
Jayden crossed his arms and closed his eyes. “I knew I could handle the ninjas stationed here. It won’t be the same at the village. We’ll be facing several supreme shinobis and the Fang lord. Not to mention many there have a grudge against me, especially the three of my generation. It’s too dangerous to approach without knowing if they’re hostile.”
“Nephrite,” Jayden continued. “You and Light have stealth abilities not even I can match. You’ll go on ahead to ascertain the situation. We’ll await your report here.”
Jayden brought out two pendents hanging from silver chains and handed them over, “I prepared this pair of Lovers lockets for a situation like this. They’ll allow you to communicate telepathically over short distances.”
Jayden fixed his eyes on Light, “Let me restate our mission. We’re tasked with discovering Fang’s plans for the Dark Age and gathering intel on Kaygren. Obey Nephrite’s instructions under all circumstance.”
He then turned to Nephrite. “Do not enter the village under any circumstances. The wards are capable of dispelling concealments. Your goal is to gather information from a distance. Pay special attention to any airships as they may reveal who Fang has allied with.”
“Finally, if you run into anyone on your way, capture them if feasible and bring them back. I’ll take responsibility for any fallout from the kidnapping.”
Nephrite and Light dropped out of the mushroom and activated their stealth abilities. <<Can you hear me?>> Nephrite asked.
<<I can.>> Light responded. While she couldn’t make him out, she could vaguely sense his general location through the lockets. I guess it’s better than nothing.
<<Listen, these lockets have a range of about a thousand feet.>> Nephrite explained. <<To avoid losing each other, I’ll point out landmarks as we move. If separated, return to the last one and wait.>>
Nephrite led them carefully through the warped earth. Eventually they reached the large opening Jayden had described. <<Fang is through there, inside that bulb.>> She said.
They weren’t ready for the sight that greeted them. Half the interior ——where the village was supposed to be—— was nothing but a stretch of dirt, as if someone carved out the top layer and everything on it.
<<Fang is gone.>> Light observed.
<<I can see.>> Nephrite answered, deactivating her cloak and summoning a greater earth fairy to fetch the others. While they waited, she noted the several enormous rifts rippling above the empty space. They transported their entire village into the Ether?
Jayden walked out onto the barren field, shaking his head. “What madness… It pains me to see the place I grew up so desolate.”
“Can you make sense of this?” Nephrite asked.
“Yes…” Jayden answered. “Fang has retreated from the fight. Torak aims to eliminate all life on Enera and those who abscond to the Ether are of no concern to him. His legions won’t intrude there.”
“If you can avoid the dark age that way, why don’t more do so?” Light asked.
“Spending time in an ephemeral space slowly wears away one’s existence. “ Jayden explained. “The weaker someone is, the faster the process. Even a couple of hours in a tethered realm can give an ordinary person transience sickness.”
Nephrite nodded. Transience sickness was common ailment, most often cause by the consumption of summoned food and drink sold by an unscrupulous vendor. The soul would desperately try to counteract the lack of permanence, and the condition could be fatal for those with low channeling ability.Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.
“Only the stablest realms are suitable for long term inhabitation. That realistically limits possibilities to the HEAVENLY DAO’s dungeons and Shangri-la, whose the entrance is in Catalonia on the far side of the Green Hell.“
The continent of Shangri-la was a reality maintained by sovereigns friendly towards humans. Many summons made permanent called it home.
“So Shangri-la is a safe alternative for those nearby?” Light pressed.
“To a degree.” Jayden answered. “The experiences of humanity, conveyed through our dreams, are the building blocks of the Ether. If Enera perishes, all realms will ultimately share its fate. Since every soul which disappears into the Ether means one less obstacle for Torak, migration to bastion is preferred. It increases everyone’s odds of survival.”
The Black Citadel is the same situation. All those within Xarst’s shadow no longer contributed to the planet’s lifeforce. Fortunately, the inability to have children keeps many away.
“Back to topic,” Arika broke in. “Where did Fang go?”
Jayden grimaced. “It can’t be to Shangri-la, as we would’ve heard about it by now, and the greater planes are too dangerous for a civilian population. That leaves only one option: Mount Gull, the continent-sized mountain Kaygren is building. The fang lord has allied himself with demonic beasts…”
“Enough speculation.” Jayden turned to them. “I’ll explore the rifts. The rest of you separate into two groups and explore the surrounding forest. Maybe someone got left behind. Regroup here when done.”
Haron and Arika took off without without a word, leaving Nephrite alone with Light. The two work together so often they didn’t consider a different pairing.
Nephrite glanced at her young partner, “We’ll move in stealth, as we did earlier. Do you want to take the lead?” This is a opportunity to judge his decision making.
Light nodded excitedly, and they entered the trees covering the other half of the bulb’s interior. They soon found several large structures, all abandoned. Inside were hundreds of holding pens. Likely for demonic beasts. These woods must have served as a training grounds for Fang ninjas and their pets. There were no traces of either being present.
Proceeding deeper, they discovered the first sign of life. In a clearing, a huge form was sleeping, waves of blackness flowing over its dark fur.
Nephrite recognized the creature. <<A demonic shadow wolf. Those aren’t native to Harakoune. I wonder if it was left behind?>>
<<A demonic shadow wolf…>> Light repeated. Nephrite didn’t like the sound behind the thought.
<<That’s a saint-level beast. Don’t go starting trouble.>> She cautioned.
<<If it’s saint-leveled, it should have the ability to project its thoughts. It might be able to tell useful information.>> Light jumped down and revealed himself.
He is so going to pay for this, Nephrite seethed while remaining hidden on a branch. The boy was taking unnecessary risks.
The wolf’s eyes opened as Light approached. <<What do you want, human? Don’t disturb my rest.>>
“I was hoping you could tell us me about the missing village of Fang.” Light pointed upwards.
Glancing at barren earth, the wolf snarled. <<I know nothing of your village. Go away or feel my fangs.>>
“I have a better idea.” Light responded. “Let’s battle. If I win, you’ll join me and become my companion.”
Nephrite was flabbergasted. He’s totally forgotten our mission.
The wolf regarded the boy as if he were mad. Then, gradually it let out a strange growl, as if chuckling. <<I suppose that’s fine too. Alright, I accept your challenge. If I win, I’ll claim your life.>> The beast slowly rose to its feet, the shadows dancing on its body flaring up.
“Excellent.” Light beamed. <<Don’t interfere.>> He warned the stunned Nephrite.
Three black blades shot out along the ground toward the confident ninja. Light let them slice him, and his body collapsed into sand. An instant later he reappeared above the wolf, slashing downward.
The beast dodged at a lightning pace, reaching the shade of the forest’s canopy. It raced around the clearing, traveling the shadows with unnatural dexterity, while releasing more black blades.
Nephrite didn’t know what to make of the spectacle. More surprising than Light’s ridiculous gambit was the fact that the demonic beast had accepted. Wolves were prideful and loyal. There was a high chance it would honor the deal if it lost.
Several trees were crushed by sand and chopped apart by shadows as the battle raged. I can’t believe Light might win this. The wolf was beginning to slow. However, before the contest was settled, a loud voice rang out.
“Aquatic Prison.”
Water rose up around the wolf. Caught unaware, the beast was suspended in the air inside a liquid sphere. Haron and Arika dropped into view.
“Stay out of this!” Light shouted, furious. “This is a one on one duel!”
“What honor is there in slaying a mortally wounded opponent?” Haron gestured to the wolf. Trapped in the water, the true state of its body had been revealed. Half its chest was gone, with rib cage shattered and organs badly shredded. How is it moving? Or even holding itself together?
Haron released his spell, and the beast collapsed, shadows once more obscuring the damage. With its secret revealed, it seemed to have lost the will to fight.
“Can you heal him?” Light asked. Between the two of them, Haron and Arika could mend most wounds.
“Too much is missing.” Arika shook her head sadly.
Nephrine joined them. “Who did this to you?”
<<Kaygren.>> The wolf snarled weakly.
Jayden landed next to them with crash. “I finished my recon. The rifts led to unfinished realm with nothing of note.” He walked over and knelt before the wolf. “Could you tell us your story?”
The wolf relayed its tale. Kaygren and several others had invade the realm of his sovereign, demanding she join them on Mount Gull. She refused. Shadow wolfs ate humans foolish enough to invade their territory, but had no desire to wage war.
<<Kaygren struck down our sovereign with his lighting and destroyed the keystone of our tethered realm. The pack rallied to stop him, but stood no chance. I was torn apart by a single swipe of his claws. Kaygren then ripped a whole in reality and retreated without bothering to finish me off.>>
<<I tried to give chase, running into the space between realms, but lost my way and ended up here.>>
The wolf laid its head down and panted softly. Its end was near.
“Is there no way to save him?” Light pleaded. “What about the infusions Fang practices? I can host him.”
Jayden shook his head. “Infusions are a delicate ritual with a low success rate. Besides, taking in a beast consumed by pain and revenge would destroy your soul.”
“So there’s nothing to be done?” Light asked
Jayden observed the wolf. “There is one way: an invocation tattoo, a technique created during Salazar’s stay in Fang. The demonic beast is turned into a personal summon bound directly to your skin. However, it requires a willing participant.”
<<Will you be fighting Kaygren and his minions?>> The wolf asked.
“Most definitely.” Jayden answered.
<<Then do it.>> The wolf said.
“I’ll need some blood.” Jayden “Light, uncover your left arm. Haron, Arika, keep the wolf alive until I’m done.”
With unexpected artistry, Jayden inked the figure of the beast. He then used the remaining blood to inscribe a magic circle under Light. Finally, he turned to the beast. “I must extract your core.”
The wolf closed its eyes, and Jayden ended its life with a swift blow. The ninja returned with a transparent orb, pressing it against the tattooed skin and channeling power into the circle. Soon the core had dissolved.
On the way back, Nephrite caught up and confronted Jayden, “Why did you that?”
“I’ve learned not to fight the tides of destiny, nor the god that guides them.” Jayden responded. “The wolf will surely prove a valuable ally.”
“But humoring the boy is dangerous.” Nephrite pressed. “His reckless impulses will get him killed.”
“I have known many like him over the centuries.” Jayden sighed. “It’s pointless wasting energy trying to reform them. Only a traumatic event can knock sense into those types. Either that or death. Nothing else.”