[Book II Chapter 37] ROSE: The Fortress Of Regret
Negating her weight, Rose propelled herself high into the sky. It was her first attempt at a long distance flight, but she was confident. The pair of bangles on her wrists were catalysts she acquired before departing Xarst. With their aid, her palms were releasing continuous jets of flame.
There’s the Crystal Wall. On the horizon, the dark unearthly quartz glittered with all the colors of the rainbow. The fortifications defending Remnant were the work of Jay Belleron. After decades of mourning, the immortal had developed the ability to solidify the pain of loss. Erecting the Fortress of Regret, he’d extended the outer walls around the entire nation.
Glancing southwest, Rose could just make out the peach colored ramparts protecting Arland. Both are massive, but Remnant’s are taller. She estimated the Crystal Walls to be half a mile high. Amazingly, they were also a thousand feet thick. The top was lined with buildings and other structures she recognized as long distance weaponry. More are probably built into the wall itself. There was plenty of activity, with soldiers patrolling and workers hauling supplies on transport vehicles.
Captivated by the sight, Rose was shocked when a gigantic shadow appeared overhead. A building-size mechanical suit loomed above her, made of the same gleaming material as the wall. Hovering, not sure what to do, she finally called out, “I’m Rose Skyfell. I am heading to the Fortress of Regret to meet Roxanne Sibil.”
She waited nervously. There was no way she could fight or escape this war machine. I should surrender if necessary.
A voice echoed from the machine. “Your entry has been approved. Allow me to give you a lift.” The knight extended a half-opened hand.
Rose deemed it wise to accept the offer and landed on the palm, gripping the enormous fingers. They took off at a tremendous speed. At least I’m saving time.
Remnant was the flattest portion of Enera she’d seen. Apart from a few chunks of earth that stuck up, the effects of the Fracturing had been completely erased. As they traveled, Rose noticed several gigantic domes dotting the landscape. “What are those?” She yelled over the ferocious wind.
“Jay Belleron has enclosed Remnant’s towns and cities in protective shells which can be sealed off in an emergency.” Came the answer from who she assumed was the pilot.
Rose had no words to describe the structure which grew and grew as they approached the Remnant’s north. The Fortress of Regret was a titanic edifice towering into the sky. It’s wider than the Isle of Dreams and almost as tall.
Just as Wise predicted, Lucy was waiting on the terrace where she was deposited. Ignoring her, Rose rushed to the railing to better examine the fortifications.
“Impressive isn’t?” Lucy chuckled. “Even I didn’t fully grasp its scope until I arrived.”
“What’s the point of building so large?” Rose asked. “And how long did this take?”
“Nearly two thousand years.” Lucy answered. “As for the why, follow me inside.”
Lucy guided them into a rounded corridor and through multiple sprawling intersections. Rather than the interior of a man-made structure, it felt as if they were crossing underground tunnels whose layout made no sense. Like a giant ant nest.
Off the brightly lit main hallways, smaller off-shoots led into darkness. “What’s down these?” Rose asked.
Lucy smirked, “Go and see.”
Accepting the suggestion, Rose chose one and walked a fair distance through the pitch black. Soon she saw light, and the sound of music drifted to her ears.
She exited on a rooftop with a city stretching around her. Below, a marching band was leading a parade down the street. The cheers of thousands rose from the crowds.
“We’re in the Ether.” Lucy said, joining her. “You’re watching a celebration which took place in a nation which no longer exists, a giant simulation that repeats itself over and over again.”
“How many of these are there?” Rose asked.
“Tens of thousands.” Lucy responded. “Everything Northeast of Nordric was wiped out. The surviving immortals from those regions banded together together to found Remnant, and Jay Belleron raised the Fortress of Regret from their memories, a monument to all that was lost.”
“Since then, Jay has sought out others, saints and immortals, to volunteer their recollections, expanding the fortress into the behemoth it is today. That’s why he invited Roxanne.”
“So she too has…?” Rose stammered.The narrative has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the infringement.
“Thanks to her, the fortress has a new wing.” Lucy affirmed.
They continued their journey. At one point, the organic corridors gave way to conventional architecture. The style was similar to Lily’s Rose Palace. It’s no surprise. She came from a country near ground zero.
They turned down a rectangular hallway, and Rose was shocked when she gazed into the multi-colored gleam of the surfaces around her. It’s transparent! A maze of twisting passageways hung in the darkness on the other side, stretching into the distance. She gasped at the scale.
Behind her, Luly chuckled.
“You made a detour to bring me here.” Rose accused.
Denying nothing, Lucy resumed her leisurely gait. Soon they came to a rectangular space miles deep. Tube-like structures covered the length of this giant atrium, constructed of more of the see-through variant. Rose pondered their purpose until an elevator shot up one. She watched the occupant disappear.
“That’s the first person we’ve seen.” Rose commented. “It’s pretty deserted.”
“Only a month ago, visitors from around the world flocked to witness the memories enshrined here.” Lucy explained. “The situation has since changed. Now people are less interested in the past and more concerned with the present.”
“Was it really that popular?” Rose asked.
“Yes, especially the halls of Valor, which record the Dark Age’s greatest battles and those who perished in them.”
They entered another section of winding passageways. Again, Rose was impressed at the ease with which Lucy navigated the labyrinth.
“How do normal people find their way?” She asked.
“They channel a little power.” Lucy reached out a hand and touched the wall. A small fairy popped out, its form seemingly made from a starry sky.
“What do you wish to see?” It asked in a distant voice.
“We’re searching for Roxanne Sibil.” Lucy answered. With a nod, the sprite took over guiding them.
Lucy pointed to the stone around them. “Jay Belleron’s creation, lament, isn’t an ordinary unearthly material. It’s a enchantment giving physical form to grief. The more there is, the stronger it becomes.”
“Sounds powerful.” Rose said.
“It is, but only within Remnant.” Lucy agreed. “That mobile armor which carried you here would turn brittle if it flies too far away.”
Rose recalled her swift interception and the impressive defenses at the border. “Remnant’s security forces are impressive.”
“After the fracturing, Jay Belleron established a military order called Legacy. Their motto is ‘nothing more will be lost’. Wielding weapons and armor fashioned from lament, no one is taking this dark age more seriously. They’ve been preparing for this day for millennia.”
“We have arrived.” The fairy gestured to the dim passageway ahead.
This time Rose found herself on a crowded street, among groups of people talking and laughing merrily. Above, hundreds of red foxes lined the buildings, their fur glowing brightly. Whenever they waved their tails, a ball of fire flickered out and floated up towards the full moon. Several children ran by, one brushing up against her.
“They have solid bodies and can even interact with you to an extent.” Lucy explained. “For them, this is a holiday honoring their guardian beast, and they can’t comprehend anything beyond this.”
Stalls and vendors were everywhere, most selling snacks and sweets. Rose’s mouth started watering.
“Don’t eat anything. Nothing here is permanent.” Lucy warned. That’s so unfair. Everything smells so good.
Roxanne was at the center of the town on a balcony overlooking the festivities. At the table with her was a black-haired gentleman in a fine suit.
Jumping up, Rose greeted her mentor. “What are you doing here?”
“Reminiscing.” Roxanne smiled. “This place was my hometown.”
Rose glanced at the partying below them. How many of her former acquaintances are dancing among these phantoms?
“This fortress is amazing.” Roxanne continued once Lucy had joined them. “To recreate this scene from my youth… The nostalgia hits hard.”
“It was your memories which made this possible.” Said the man seated with them. “Thank you for accepting Jay’s invitation. Preserving the past means a lot to him.”
“Hum,” Rose ventured. “Can you introduce your companion?”
“Of course!” Roxanne gestured grandly. “This is Elliot Watson, an old friend. His affinity is destruction and he’s super strong. We adventured together once long ago. Back then, he was known as the Lord of Ruin, but he goes by different title nowadays. Care to explain why you’re called the immortal butler?”
With a sigh, the man nodded. “I loved a woman once, and she was my everything. A saint at the time, I left her to adventure, promising to return once immortal. Shortly before I succeeded, the Sirk uprising began, and our country was overrun by the beasts. While Roxanne and I bought time for our people to escape, they scattered to the four winds. I had no idea where to find her after that.”
“I tried searching, but one disaster followed after another. Once Sola reappeared, I gave up and devoted myself to preserving this world.”
“After the Fracturing, I finally tracked her down. In the seven years since we’d parted, she’d married, had a child, and passed on… One of the countless victims of that era.”
“I brought her orphaned daughter to Remnant and gave her everything I failed to provide her mother. Since then I have been serving the eldest in her family line as a butler, hence the name.”
Roxanne shook her head gently. “You’ve changed so much Elliot… You’re almost unrecognizable. How in the world did you transition from mismatched leather gear to those fancy clothes? You’re wearing white gloves, for crying out loud!”
The man smirked. “I used to be quite the battle maniac, didn’t I? It was the Dark Age which finally quenched my thirst. After that endless war, the life of a simple servant was just what I needed.”
“On the other hand…” Elliot stared at Roxanne. “You’re exactly how I remember, even if less lively. I am so grateful to see you again. I was crestfallen by your capture, and, by the time I learned of your escape, you were already sleeping at Xarst.”
A silence lingered above the night’s boisterous revelry. “Sorry about what happened to Cedric Grinfield.” Rose offered.
“We’re all saddened by his absence, but it ultimately matters not.” Elliot stared far off. “I’m confident we’ll see him again one day.”
“Speaking of the future,” Roxanne said. “Elliot has offered to let us stay at his estate while I spend some time wandering this fortress. I’m sure you’re welcome to join us too.”
“That sound enticing, but is it alright to impose?” Rose asked.
“I welcome the company.” Elliot affirmed. “It’s been too quiet since the latest mistress I serve took up residence in Vandril. She has made clear she doesn’t want me around, and so I am mostly keeping away until this rebellious phase passes.”