[Book II Chapter 38] DYLAN: Showdown In The Silent Valley


Dylan stood in a snow covered field surrounded by rocky white peaks, his breath dissipating in the chill air. Tonight would determine if his gamble paid off.

He’d tracked Bao Pan across three major cities on her return to the Radiant Sight Sect. In each, she’d spent the day mingling in high society, bathing in the flattering of sycophants. Once satisfied, she’d secured a private airship to her next destination. This pattern had made Dylan’s life difficult.

With her beauty and stature as an exceptional prodigy of a major sect, Bao was a rising deva of the cultivating world. On top of the constant attention this entailed, five fellow disciples were tagging along on her coattails, content on enjoying the luxurious travel arrangements. By the third day, Dylan had understood there would be no opportunity unless he created one.

After consulting Dowart Fain, Dylan had sent Bao a note:

“I know your secret. Unless you wish your sect to find out, come to the Silent Valley to buy my silence. I await you at midnight.”


Besides luring Bao out, Dylan and Dowart hoped to confirm a theory they’d spent much time discussing inside the Godly Herb Garden. His deceased master, Han Xiao, might’ve inadvertently discovered a conspiracy among the saints of the great sects. In this case, whatever Lin had detected back in New Vale is likely something Bao doesn't want known by her peers. If we’re right and they wiped the Sacred Cloud Sect to keep it hidden, there’s a good chance she’ll take the bait.

Not knowing the local geography, selecting a location had presented a challenge. He required an open space to see how many were approaching. The area also had to be far from airship routes and isolated enough that battle wouldn’t draw attention. He’d resorted to an information broker for suitable picks and settled on this one.

The Silent Valley was the bowl of glacier nestled in an infamously dangerous mountain range. No sane person would brave the region at night, and the frigid temperature keep the surrounding beasts at bay.

A figure in flowing white robes appeared, dainty footsteps gracing the snow pack without leaving a mark. She was alone.

Dylan had been prepared to flee had Bao appeared with company, a scenario he’d discounted. From his research, the Radiant Sect disciple was arrogant and aloof, drifting through life as a celebrity while never forming lasting relationships. She had many admirers, but few friends. No one she could trust for a night like this, and, even if she did, she’s too prideful to call on them.

“You came.” Dylan declared. So there is a secret worthy of risking her life. Today there was no urgency, and he intended to uncover he could.


“I did.” Bao confirmed. “The Radiant Sight’s number one beauty has traveled all the way out here just for you.” She pushed back her long brown hair in a manner that emphasized her shapely body. Dylan had to admit her appearance ranked among the best. If she hadn’t been in that room eleven years ago, I too might have been taken in by that smile.

Bao glanced around, “It’s too dark here… Let’s remedy that.”

Raising her arm, she release a dozen balls of light, which scattered overhead and brightened to become miniature suns. Dylan nervously appraised the apparitions.

<<These are greater will-o'-the-wisps. Watch out, they’re deadly.>> Dowart warned.

“So, what is this all about?” Bao asked, not a trace of worry in her voice.

“I know you are the same as Mingzhu Su, and your sect would be upset to learn this.” Dylan bluffed.


Bao searched his face carefully, “You’re the one who killed Mingzhu! Curse that idiotic Sulai… She deserves the suffering coming her way.”

“So what did he let slip?” Bao continued. “Do you know who ‘we’ are?”

“What are offering for my silence?” Dylan sidestepped the questions he couldn’t answer.

Appraising him, Bao let out a laughed. “You don’t actually know, do you? Mingzhu was laid-back fool, but even he wouldn’t give away anything crucial. That’s a relief. Even if you told others we were comrades, I wouldn’t lose any sleep.”

She gazed upon Dylan with pity. “Did you really expect to blackmail me with such half-backed information?”

The charade is up. “No, I was aiming for your life, not your coin.”

Bao’s eyes narrowed. “So Mingzhu’s death wasn’t a coincidence… How strange, you are targeting us yet are unaware of our true identity.”

A sneer graced her heavenly lips. “In any event, you chose the wrong place to confront me.”

Sensing danger, Dylan jump back as will-o'-the-wisps opened fired. Blinding beams struck where he’d been standing, melting shallow holes in the snow.

<<Remember light-based attacks must be dodged or countered before they are unleashed. Everything depends on your foresight.>> Dowart advised.

I know. Dylan embraced the lesser mystery of mist, releasing a vast cloud of vapor. Immediately the attacks targeting him decreased as the will-o'-the-wisps lost sight of him.

This battle will be unlike the last two. He had neither the element of surprise nor the benefit of advanced preparation. The difficulty of setting up the confrontation had deprived him of such advantages. Despite the risks, Dylan had faith in his martial arts and refused to believe he’d lose one on one.The author's content has been appropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

“How boring.” Bao was hanging back, content to let her summons shot randomly. “At least come out and face your end like a man.”

Dylan grimaced. He’d hoped to force his opponent into close quarter combat by reducing visibility. However, judging by how fast the beams were burning through the mist, this approach was no good.

Dylan switched to the lesser mystery of icy flame, and frost fire engulfed the trusty old sword he’d been using for years. Busy stalking Bao Pan, he hadn’t found time to familiarize himself with his recent acquisition. It’s unwise to rely on an unfamiliar weapon. Besides, it’d reveal my connection to the Sacred Cloud Sect.

Reaching out with his spiritual sense, he seized a large chunk of snow and flung it in Bao’s direction. The mass disintegrated into a white powder as it flew, and he raced out under this cover.

Bao watched him approach with an amused expression. Before he’d closed the distance, alarm bells rang in his head, and he backpedaled from a slew of attacks from overhead. Those projectiles were solid…

“What was that?” He demanded as he constructed a shell of compacted snow to shield himself from the will-o'-the-wisps.

Beo burst out laughing. “Holding that above you… You’re like ——ahahaha—— a silly little snow turtle. I can’t… Bha-ahahaha…” Dylan simply glared as she caught her breath.

“Phew… In exchanged for that bit of entertainment, I’ll enlighten you.” Bao spread the arms and streams of frozen particles rose from the ground to twirl around them. “We Radiant Sight disciples can manipulate reflective surfaces, which is why many of us carry glass shards as weapons. Ice fragments work too, but we can’t create those ourselves. Also…”

The flurry around her coalesced into sharp glowing spikes. “By imbuing transparent objects with light, we can even enhance them and give them new shapes. Do you see now why this was the wrong place to face me?”

Dylan’s telekinesis swatted down the spikes Bao lobbed at him. So what if you can manipulate ice? I can too. In truth, this did complicate matters. The will-o'-the-wisps remained far above, ready to snipe at any moment. Even with a high tier catalyst, it was impressive Bao could maintain so many, especially considering their prior bombardment had to have cost a fair amount of energy.

Gritting his teeth, Dylan sent up an even thicker flurry and dashed forward, zigzagging to dodge shining white spears springing from the ground. As he neared, Bao reached out her hands, attracting a host of bright specks which merged into two swords.

They clashed in close combat, and Dylan was dismayed by the power behind her swings. Size wouldn’t provide an advantage here. As they came to an impasse, blades pressing against each other, Bao moved close and whispered seductively, “Isn’t this body wonderful?”

In a burst of anger, Dylan knocked his opponent away. Bao just laughed, the gleaming ice shards in her hands reforming into razor-sharp whips. Dylan desperately parried the lashes as he retreated out of range.

“It’s hilarious that a upstart runt like you believed he could best me.” Bao shook her head.

“You’re not much older.” Dylan fumed.

<<This opponent is near immortality, and her martial arts are superb.>> Dowart observed coldly. <<You won’t defeat her like this.>>

Dylan nodded, channeling hard. The temperature dropped, and a chilling wind engulfed the glacier valley. Faint hues of green and pink colored the landscape around them. Bao frowned at the changes.

In his journey to perfect Four Element Transcendence, Dowart Fain had visited the Black Citadel. By witnessing the geomagnetic storms raging across the frozen wasteland, he’d gained insight and refined the lesser mystery of icy flame into a superior form, integrating the concept of air.

The will-o'-the-wisps renewed their assaulted, but their beams warped and curved without hitting anything. Now that Dylan had mastery over the cold illusions of the Arctic, they no longer posed a threat. Smirking, he circled Bao, his form flashing in and out of view as copies sprung up in his wake, mirages conjured by the northern lights.

Bao lashed out with her whips, striking several fakes. Seizing the opportunity, Dylan leapt forward to deliver a crippling blow, but stopped when a spectral sword appeared in his adversary’s raised hand. The blade’s lucid magenta began radiating so brightly he had to withdraw and avert his eyes.

“Congratulation on making me draw Starlight.” Bao snapped angrily. “Now it’s your turn to explain. What is this nonsense?”

“You’re about to be defeated by the Greater Mystery of Auroras.” Dylan mocked solemnly.

“The Greater Mystery of Auroras…” Bao’s eyes widened. “That’s part of four element something or other. You are the boy who got away!”

Dylan’s heart sank. Mingzhu Su hadn’t shown any reaction, so why did Bao? No, maybe I killed him too fast.

“You have no idea how much we searched for you!” Boa ranted. “We scoured all new entrants to the major sects and even some of the lesser ones. In which obscure corner have you been hiding?”

“You’ll die without ever knowing.” Dylan replied flatly.

Bao ignored him. “This means if I look into your background, I’ll find the child and finally eliminate that potential threat.”

Dylan temper flared. “You’re afraid because she can detect your presence. That’s why you slaughtered the Sacred Cloud Sect!”

Bao froze. “The girl can sense us? Already? She must only be eleven. How did she even learn the Sacred Cloud’s martial arts?”

A chilling determination swept Bao’s face. “I can’t let you escape.” She whispered. A purple aura spread from the sword and covered her features.

The Will-o'-the-wisps resumed firing again, but this time their beams were aimed at Bao. She redirected each towards him as she charged forwards. Unable to fully deflects the short ranged attacks, Dylan evaded awkwardly. To make matters worse, the strange glow from that sword was hampering his ability to project images and mask his location.

“Don’t think me as weak as Mingzhu Su.” Bao cried out. “Who do you struck your master down?”

Before Dylan could be consumed by fury, Dowart’s voice reached him. <<Calm down and use Resplendent Delusion.>>

Right, no reason to hide it now. Dylan brought out the white blade and was astounded when it instantly attuned to his current state, enhancing the greater mystery of auroras. This is a divine tier catalyst.

Bao’s cadence faltered upon recognizing the weapon. “So you wield one of Zhong Cai’s masterpieces too…”

The two legendary blades clashed in a contest which was settled by power, not skill. Through the leverage provided by Resplendent Delusion, Dylan gradually asserted his dominance over the glacier valley. As the temperature dropped ever lower, one by one the will-o'-the-wisps flickered out. Once the last was extinguished, northern lights spread across the starry sky.

On the dark snow-swept field, Bao was surrounded by a legion of flickering apparitions. Even with Starlight’s aura offering some protection, it was too much. Dylan disarmed the Radiant Sight disciple by severing her hand. Crawling away clutching her injury, she glared up at him.

Dylan held his blade at her neck. “Time for some answers.”

Bao wasn’t listening. “I’ll never forgive you. My existence was perfect. The most captivating of beauty, status respected by all, a godly level of natural talent… How dare you take it from me?”

“You’ll pay. No matter how long it takes, no matter how many lifetimes, I’ll hunt you down. Your descendants too. You hear me? All trace of you will be wiped from the world!”

Bao screamed, her form shining brightly. Then the light shot up into sky, sailing across the heavens and vanishing to the south. At the same time, her body collapsed limply.

<<Her soul left voluntarily…>> Dowart stated slowly. <<Our enemies are more than what they seem.>>

Dylan stared down at the lifeless husk. Up until now, he hadn’t cared why the Sacred Cloud Sect was attacked. Nothing those eight could say would ever earn his forgiveness. Their motive was mystery he’d explore after their deaths. I can’t afford that any longer.