[Book II Chapter 39] OLIVER BRACK: The Insufferable Brat


High up in Novgard’s castle, Stella Gladesong finished her report. “So in addition to Kaygren and his demonic beasts, we face former Masks of Xarst.”

This was just a formality. While immigration technically fell within Oliver Brack’s purview, House Gladesong was overseeing the evacuation of Hearth. Stella is keeping me abreast as a show of respect.

All Aery immortals came from the six great houses or married into them. Their names were Skyfell, Wellor, Karel, Gladesong, Raven, and Brack. Although House Skyfell ruled Sovengard and Aery as a whole, the other five controlled large swaths of territories, holding great sway. Novgard belonged to house Brack, and Oliver had been appointed its governor with Queen Kalista’s blessing.

“How will that affect your plans?” Lord Oliver asked, leaning back on his throne.

“I’m requesting a dozen shielders from Stormwind. Other than that, everything remains the same. Airships will be grouped into convoys which I will personally oversee. We’ll be escorted by three immortals and a contingent of Valkyries. With the ninjas Hearth provides, that should prove sufficient.”


Oliver nodded. Stella alone could shut down the demonic beast threat. The only danger is long range attacks from the Torak’s acolytes, which the shielders are meant to counter. A needless precaution since I very much doubt they’d be foolish enough to try.

Stella Gladesong was a monster, unrivaled in long ranged battles. Anyone earning her ire would discover the terror of being in the cross-hairs of Enera’s number one sniper. Capable striking targets hundreds of miles away, her arrows outstripped even Lily Morgana’s ‘godly reach’.

“Frankly, I didn’t expect to find you so agreeable.” Stella added. “It’s a pleasant surprise.”

Oliver frowned. True, he’d instituted policies to strictly control the inflow of outsiders, but he wasn’t simply acting of his own accord. His approach was widely supported until recently.

A pragmatist faction had arisen across the great houses which believed Enera’s survival should be prioritized above all else. According to them, housing refugees was a necessary evil. As with all old powers, Aery had amassed ample food stockpiles for such an eventuality. Stella was among the pragmatists.

Oliver strongly rejected this thinking. Two thousand years ago, they’d been inundated with refugees. Back then, Eary wasn’t floating in the sky, and all entering required was crossing the border. Nowhere can absorb that many that fast. It’d taken centuries to integrate the vast slums remaining afterwards. A saint at the time, Oliver vividly recalled the chaos. There won’t be a repeat of that.


“The relocation was agreed to by all the houses, including my own.” Oliver answered. “I had no reason to make your life difficult.”

The population of Hearth was in no way comparable to the ramble in Neon’s slums. They came with a military force equal to half a great house. Harboring them guarantees the loyalty of their shinobi. Having fought the undead hordes, Oliver welcomed this strength.

Besides, the people of Hearth intend to return to Harakoune once the dust settles, making them the perfect guest. Why would I oppose this?Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.

Once Stella had left, Oliver turned to an aid, “What’s next on the agenda?”

The old man smirked, “About that, Dawn Skyfell was spotted approaching. You should prepare to greet her.”

Oliver sighed, noting the four valkyries stationed in the room going stiff. The insufferable brat is back.


Beyond immortals, the foundation of a nation’s power lay its military orders. By commanding the reverence of common folk, armed organizations enhanced the physical abilities of their members. The largest and greatest of these even afforded additional advantages in the form of special skills, unique spells, or enhanced affinities related to their history. These legendary institutions were called military orders.

For the longest time, the Frozen Legion had been Aery’s only military order. Then the HEAVENLY DAO instituted the five extra years, and women of all backgrounds grew interested in adventuring. The immortal Anastasia Vellor set up an organization to support them and recruit promising candidates. This Valkyrie Core eventually grew into a military order, producing a benefit envied by all. Right up to the day of her death, a Valkyrie would never look a day over forty. This allure of eternal youth transformed the Valkyrie Core into a juggernaut rivaling the Frozen Legion. The two military orders now shared responsibilities, with the Frozen Legion protecting cities and the Valkyrie Core guarding strongholds.

Dawn Skyfell landed on the castle balcony, majestic ice wings disintegrating. According to his valkyrie guards, only a couple of weeks ago she still suffered from a crippling fear of heights. Now, having overcome her ‘one weakness’, the girl insisted on flying everywhere, rejecting Aery’s advanced airships. An independence which makes her even more difficult to manage.

When Astra Skyfell had send her daughter to her cousin, queen Kalista, the move had been seen as a veiled threat. Succession was a rare affair in Aery, with the throne passing down to the descendant of Frederick Skyfell who won over the great houses. If support was divided, the matter was settled in a contest of strength between candidates. Astra has enough to support to force a duel. Even if Kalista recruits Bracus Karel as her champion, the odds would be stacked against her.

Since the queen didn’t wish to give Astra an excuse to return, Dawn was sent to House Vellor where she was personally trained by Anastasia in the Howling Maw. After six month in that accelerated dungeon, the girl had overcome all the immortal’s trials and was declared an errant valkyrie. Queen Kalista had then dispatched Dawn to him to assist her adventuring experience. No doubt because Novgard is furthest removed from Sovengard.

“I’m back.” Dawn walked in, radiating a cheerful demeanor. She paused to address one of guards. “Soloing the Deadly Peaks wasn’t nearly as hard as you made it out to be.”

The guard said nothing, grinding her teeth. Since her arrival, Dawn had challenged and defeated every valkyrie stationed at the castle. These losses were made worse by the girl’s young age and barely disguised arrogance. They want her to fail more than I do.

With many who would welcome Dawn’s downfall, Oliver was eager to curry favor by arranging it. Sadly, foul play wasn’t an option. Any death would be investigated, and queen Kalista would deliver his head to Astra to avoid a confrontation. However, it was a different story if the girl got herself killed all on her own.

With this in mind, he’d proposed soloing one of Aery’s saint-level dungeons. Dawn had been receptive to the challenge, and Oliver had believed he’d found his solution. This confidence had wained each time the girl returned alive.

“So you’re back again…” Oliver said.

“I am.” Dawn declared. “While it was fun, I think it may be time to venture out into the world and join a party.”

Oliver frowned. Has the girl rained in her easily manipulable pride? “So you’re finally seeking the support of others?”

“Never.” Dawn said sharply. “I don’t need help. That said, I’ve come to a realization. Not having anyone to talk to is boring. Also, what’s the point of displaying my brilliance if there is no one around to witness it?”

Oliver nodded. Adventuring by herself isn’t feeding her ego enough. This means it’s nearly time to give up. “Can I interest you in one last challenge before you go?”

Dawn cocked her head. “Didn’t I already finished Aery’s hardest saint-level dungeons?”

“You have.” Oliver answered. “I’m suggesting a dungeon outside our borders, one that has never been completed alone.”

“Go on…” Dawn said.

Got her. “It’s called the Nolfis Underground. You can find in the Undermist, a short trip from Neon…” Oliver explained the details.