[Book II Chapter 48] NEPHRITE: The Summoning Pit
“They’re all converging somewhere higher.” Jayden observed.
Lines of demonic beasts, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, were marching up Mount Gull. It was their first time witnessing such a large scale mobilization.
They were well pass the mountain’s midway point. To avoid the prying eyes in the sky, they were summoning gray mammoths and hiding on their underside to cross the open spaces. In doing so, they’d run across another obstacle.
White wolves patrolled the highest reaches, including the woods. Although they were erasing their scent, this was also a dead give away. Their incursions higher had all ended in a howl after being spotted.
“Do you want Light and I to engage in some covert recon?” Nephrite asked.
Jayden winced. “Yes, I suppose I have to. Kenji hinted the invasion might begin soon, and my gut tells me it has to do with this.”
“We’ll determine what they’re up to.” Light declared confidently. “You can count on us.”
Jayden regarded the eagerness with a hesitant resignation. “Don’t take unnecessary risks. You’re guaranteed to be facing sovereigns. Do you remember the closest exits?”
They both nodded. In an emergency, two nearby rifts leading to Mesanic would be their evacuation options. If we’re uncovered, I doubt we’ll have time to reach them.
They made good time running invisibly along side the migrating herds. Like rivers flowing to the sea, the torrents of demonic beasts began merging together and growing in size. Each time they did so, the unoccupied space for them to travel became scarcer. Eventually there was no room at all. They paused on the last ridge before an ocean of creatures.
<<It’s too dangerous to go farther.>> Nephrite reported through her lovers locket. Their stealth masked all traces of them save for touch. They couldn’t afford to bump up against anything for fear of giving themselves away. Jayden would be disappointed but would understand.
<<Look up there.>> Light answered. Nephrite glanced where she imagined her unseen companion was pointing. Higher on the mountain, she saw beasts traveling downward from different directions. Judging where they were all heading, she estimate their destination a couple of miles away.
<<It’s frustrating to be so close and have to turn back.>> Nephrite said.
<<What if we use those tortoises?>> Light asked. <<They shouldn’t sense us if we move across their backs.>>
Large green shells were ambling forwards among the throng of demonic beasts. Ranging from elephant size to building size, they resembled stepping stones in a stream. Nephrite pursed her lips at the suggestion.
<<Jayden believed this was important.>> Light added.
<<Very well. Let’s go.>> Nephrite sighed. I pray that is something worth gambling our lives over.
Carefully, they hopped across the slow moving shells until they arrived a wide deep valley. All the beast were gathered around the giant pit at the center. Making their way close, Nephrite grew apprehensive.
Ominous blackish-red runes covered the interior of the pit. Even at a distance, she could feel their power. At the bottom was a tar like liquid which somehow felt alive. A cloaked figure in gray stood at the edge. Nephrite felt an instinctual revulsion at the sight of him.
<<Those are fang ninjas.>> Light observed.
A group of humans stood off to the side, most were in shinobi gear.
Every one exuded the presence of an immortal. Nephrite glanced along the front row of demonic beasts and counted several sovereigns. There would probably be more if they weren’t busy maintaining Mount Gull.
<<What do you think is going on?>> Light asked.
Before Nephrite could answer, Lighting lit the sky, and a bolt struck the ground besides the hooded figure, materializing a gigantic tiger. The glowing neon stripes of its navy blue pelt crackled with electricity. Kaygren.
<<You’re finished?>> A thunderous voice echoed across the minds of all present.
“Indeed.” The cloaked man answered. “The enchantments are linked to the eight candidates I found. We can bring them back whenever you’re ready.”
Kaygren approached the pit and glared down with disgust. <<How many will it take?>>If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.
“I understand your concern, but true power requires sacrifice.” The cloaked man responded solemnly. “You’ll be happy to know I outdid myself this time. I managed to get the number down to only thirty thousand. After all, ‘every life is precious’.”
Those words! Her eyes flickered to the Fang ninjas. Did they forsake their oath and bring him back? This alone made the expedition worth it. The world had to be warned that Salazar Rook was active again.
<<So be it…>> Kaygren said then issued a thunderous roar.
The hordes of demonic beasts surged forwards. Withdrawing to avoid being swept away, Nephrite watched thousands throw themselves into the pit. As soon as they neared the surface, tendrils of the tar-like substance dragged them under.
<<Why are they killing themselves?>> Light asked.
<<Sovereigns can dominate creatures without fully formed souls.>> Nephrite explained. <<Kaygren is forcing them to sacrifice themselves to complete a ritual.>>
The mass suicide ended once the runes began pulsing brightly. Next the brown-black liquid began swirling towards the center, rising up and crashing down along the pit’s edge. When it retreated, a giant humanoid figure was left behind. It was covered in shaggy gray fur and had a lizard tail. A demonic beast revenant, and a sovereign no less… Nephrite stomach tightened at the implications.
Holding its head, the creature struggled to its feet. <<I live…? I live!>> It released a deafening screech. Spotting the fang ninjas, it sneered and charged forwards. However, a bolt of lighting blasted the beast back.
<<You aren’t allowed to kill them.>> Kaygren said coldly.
The gray giant spun towards Kaygren with fury. <<All humans must die!>>
<<True, but these ones are allies who have already proven their worth.>>
<<Who are you?>> The gray giant demanded wearily.
<<I am Kaygren, the ruler of this realm and the one who returned you to life.>> Kaygren declared. <<And you are Turok, the mad wendigo who terrorized the Omia tundra millennia ago. A soul so tarnished by hatred and rage it has languished in the Abyss for an eternity. You will lead my armies into battle.>>
So this is what Kenji meant, Nephrite thought. With eight revenant sovereigns, Kaygren could begin his offensive immediately without affecting Mount Gull’s stability.
<<Why should I listen to you?>> Turok snarled.
<<Because you’ll be able to kill many, many humans.>> Kaygren explained. <<Also, so long as you obey, this pit will bring you back as many times as you die.>>
Turok growled contemplating the offer. He then turned to the cloaked man. <<Is he an ally too?>>
<<No, but you can’t touch him either.>> Kaygren responded.
<<Why not?>>
<<Because millions of humans will perish if he lives.>>
Grimacing, Turok turned and looked in their direction. <<What about those spying on us over there. Can I eat them?>>
Crap. <<We leave now,>> Nephrite instructed.
Kaygren frowned, <<What?>>
This was all the confirmation the gray wendigo needed. He leapt across the pit to chase them, trampling through his lesser brethren. <<’No human can hide from me’!>>
With Kaygren and the other sovereigns following behind, Turok clumsily hunt his invisible prey. The wendigo was lunging wildly at them, but miraculously Nephrite and Light had escape its claws so far. The revenant was obviously suffering some form of summoning sickness, or else they’d already be shredded.
Nephrite sensed Light’s growing panic through the lovers link. The revenant had recognized her younger comrade as the weaker link and was focusing on him. He won’t last, and I’ll be next.
Making a decision, Nephrite raced over. Waiting for Turok’s next attack, she landed on his back and jumped off.
The taunt was immediately effective. <<You insolent wretch!>> The revenant gave her his full attention.
<<We separate and head for the rifts.>> Nephrite commanded. <<You take the closer one. I’ll draw Turok away and take the other.>>
<<This is an order.>> Nephrite cut in. She was relieved to feel him move away.
It was her turn to struggle under the revenants assault. With dread, she realized it wasn’t her imagination: he was getting faster and more accurate. She weaved back and forth, but soon she felt one of his claws rip her cloak. Fortunately, its enchantment held.
Emboldened by his near success, Turok snickered. <<You may think you saved the other by leading me away, but, once captured by my sight, my target’s location is known to me regardless of distance. Neither of you is escaping.>>
Nephrite’s heart sank realizing this wasn’t a bluff. Simply fleeing was no longer an option. I must kill him before he fully regains his strength. That’s the only way to guarantee Light’s escape.
Nephrite dove into a pine drove, stopping at the darkest spot, and gathered all her metal around her scimitar. She turned and faced Turok’s charging form, impaling his palm as his claws pierced her abdomen, pinning her to the ground
<<Got you.>> Turok grinned, oblivious to the pain in his triumph.
“And…” Nephrite began, before coughing up blood. The confident sovereign waited for her to finish. She took advantage of this generosity to seal her wounds. “And… I got you too.”
Steel spikes exploded from Turok’s chest. The gray giant collapsed, shock on its face. She’d sent the metal coating her scimitar into the sovereign’s veins, straight to its heart. If he’d been in better state, he’d have sensed the irregularity. Her gamble had payed off.
Nephrite droped her weapon and dragged herself to her feet. Her shredded cloak was also on its last legs, yet somehow it reactivated its stealth as she limped away. The mountain exploded around her, lighting sticking down everywhere. Kaygren is angry, she smirked. Somehow, all the destruction missed her.
Her pace slowed as her strength failed her, yet she refused to rest. If she fell here, her body would be devoured without a trace. She willed her feet to take another step, her mind entering a daze.
At least Light got away. While she doubted the boy understood what he’d witnessed, others would. She’d accomplished her mission.
After an eternity, she reached the rift and crossed over to a floating chunk of earth. She walked through the roosting demonic beasts until she reached the edge. Oh… this is the end… Without the strength to jump, there was nowhere left to go.
She looked up at the moon overhead and reflected over her life, everything she’d accomplished and the things she never would. Pride and regret swirled together. With a sigh, she gave in to the fatigue and released her grasp on consciousness, falling into the darkness.