[Book II Chapter 49] KAYGREN: Another Intruder
Turok’s charred corpse lay among the smoldering ruins of the pine grove. Kaygren sneered as he glared down. Pathetic…
The bulk of the sovereign he’d recruited were similar disappointments, weaklings not worthy of serving under him. However, since he gave up his throne and founded Mount Gull, Kaygren had vowed to make use of every tool at his disposal, even other humans.
Gregor Almight, I’ll eradicate your detestable species. My only regret is you won’t be around to witness it. For the first time in eons, this goal was within reach. He simply needed to ensure enough were slaughtered, and the Dark Age would take care of the rest.
The neon strips on his pelt grew blindingly bright, static dancing around him. Then he was gone, transformed into energy thundering across the heavens. This was Divide Displacement, the technique he’d personally taught Garnen’s Lightning Emperor. Nothing could match his speed.
Kaygren struck down close to the pit and turned on the man who hid his features under a cloak. <<Turok is dead again, felled by someone not even an immortal.>>
“Unsurprising.” Salazar responded. “I didn’t have a chance to warn you, but revenants take half a day to recover their full strength.”
So perhaps he won’t be completely useless. <<Anything else I should know?>> He demanded.
“Watch out for their temperaments. As you saw with Turok, they’re driven to satiate their sadistic urges, which makes them challenging to handle.” Salazar reported. “Fortunately, all revenants possess some level of self-preservation. It’s how they survived long enough to taint their souls black. I advise a strong hand.”The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.
<<That won’t be a problem.>> Kaygren declared. As a former ruling sovereign of the Eternal Tempest, the elemental plane of air, he knew how to compel obedience.
Salazar nodded. “Finally, take steps to ensure they’re not captured and sealed away.”
<<There’s already a plan for that——>> Kaygren began when an enormous winged figure landed besides them. He frowned. Few were allowed to interrupt him this way, but the Storm Eagle had been his loyal subject since the Eternal Tempest. <<What is it?>>
<<There is an intruder near the summit requesting an audience.>> His lieutenant reported.
Kaygren struggled to contain his anger. <<And why didn’t you simply dispatch him?>>
<<Like this one,>> The eagle motioned towards Salazar, <<He’s someone you may not wish to kill. Also, I’m incapable of dealing with him alone.>>
Must be a powerful paragon. <<<Where is he?>> Kaygren asked.
Kaygren materialized on a desolate plateau where a man with blond hair sat on a mount of corpses. Thousands more beasts lay scattered across the rock. His identity was obvious.
Too many intruders in one day. Kaygren despised the frequency of such contrivances. <<How did you reach so far without being being detected?>>
“You’re not the only one with a convenient way to get around.” The laughing man responded, glancing up. “Although I was aiming for the peak. That’s quite the storm raging up there.” The mountain above them was engulfed in a veritable maelstorm, electricity sparking constantly.
<<Outsiders aren’t permitted there.>> Kaygren sneered. <<Or here.>>
Lightning bolts descended and scorched the earth. The Laughing Man dodged the first dozens, but eventually one connected, searing his left half.
Kaygren grinned, ending the attack. No one challenged his domain without consequences. <<Now I will listen to what you have to say.>>
The Laughing Man lifted blacked left arm. “So that’s what it’s like for the unworthy to wield Zeus.” He joked as his flesh mended itself before their eyes.
<<Don’t mention that cursed weapon before me!>> Kaygren snapped, barely containing himself. <<Speak or be gone.>>
With all together too much composure, the Laughing Man leaned forwards on his golden spear. “I have a proposition for you.”