[Book II Chapter 53] CAROL: The monster in the depths


“Wasn’t Zentrias going to avoid using his eyes on humanoids?” Juda asked.

“Yes, that is what he said.” Carol replied.

They were a giant playroom filled with a veritable landfill of discarded toys. The threat they faced were life-sized dolls which appeared disturbingly real. Strong, silent, and swift, they came alive as they neared, wielding vicious blades. And he’s effortlessly ripping them apart.

<<For the first time I’m actually warming up to this fellow.>> Smiley chimed in.

Zentrias had grown increasingly confident as they descended the Nolfis Underground. He’d begun monopolizing all the fighting, only reluctantly accepting assistance. They were left watching the endless slaughter on the sidelines.


<<This is what you wanted.>> Smiley taunted.

Carol had been fascinated when Zentrias had arrived at the Edelweiss orphanage. There had been a harshness to him, a self-assured strength that scared even the adults. He’d cared for nothing and no one, a nihilism never seen in children. This dark side had gradually faded, but she’d never forgotten.

<<You can’t help but be drawn to the dangerous.>> Smiley cackled in her mind.

When Zentrias pressured her into entering the dungeon, she’d seen this as an opportunity. Once again she would witness the part of him buried by his devotion to Yuria. I got what I wished for, but… I made a mistake.

At the time she’d first met Zentrias, he’d already forsworn using his eyes on living targets. The attitude which had captivated her had been a leftover remnant of who he’d been before. She was now seeing hints of that monster, and it was unsettling.

<<your current anxiety is the most savory of dishes.>> Smiley laughed in delight.


Carol winced. She couldn’t hide anything from her summons. That was the price she paid for their aid. Most were satisfied basking in her base terror amplified by her ring, but some took it upon themselves to fuel her insecurities to sweeten their meal. Smiley was particularly prolific tormentor in this regard, and he was too valued to discard.

With a soundless scream, the last doll disintegrated. Zentrias grinned in callous self-satisfaction. “Let’s continue.”

They entered what resembled the abandoned interior of a fort. Cobwebs and broken furniture littered the rooms and corridors.

“Floor 317…” Juda scribbled in his notepad.

“What’s the record?” Zentrias asked.

“The boss of floor 380” Juda answered. Zentrias smiled and strode ahead purposefully.


“Wait…” Carol called out. Although dissatisfied, Zentrias halted as requested. She focused on the source of her unease and struggled to contain her horror. Those are freakish…

<<It might be time for me to earn my keep.>> Smiley commented lazily. Carol agreed.

“We’re facing jack-o-lanterns, except fiercer than anything I am familiar with.” She reported. “They’re scary…”

Zentrias sighed, “Then we do this one together.” Carol was glad he was still able to keep his bloodlust in check.

The jack-o-lanterns’ scarecrow-like bodies were so tall they could barely stand upright. With ghastly grins carved into their flaming pumpkin heads, they attacked wielding one-handed scythes.

Dealing with them took a surprising long time. Their reach and evasiveness frustrated Zentrias, and Juda had to immobilize them in flame traps for him to land hits. Meanwhile Carol summoned a wall of marionettes to keep the others at bay. They might have been overwhelmed if not for the ghastly arm which reached out and snatched away those about to break through. Thanks, Smiley.The author's tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

“What the hell was that?” Zentrias ranted afterwards. “The difficulty spike was insane.”

As they took a short break, the temperature dropped to the point it became uncomfortable. It got even colder when they searched for the exit. Finally, they found a passageway sealed in ice.

“Looks thick.” Juda determined. “It’ll take a while to melt through.”

“Screw that.” Zentrias channeled energy into his fist and shattered the obstacle with a single punch. On the other side, in front of the doorway leading down, was a young girl sitting cross-legged. Shocked by their violent entrance, she quickly composed herself.

“You wouldn’t happen to have anything to eat?” She asked.

Carol shook her head as Dawn Skyfell devoured two days of their rations. What was Astra’s doppelganger doing?

“She’s strong.” Zentrias observed. “Her martial arts barely have any flaws.”

“What… *Munch*… ‘flaws’?” Dawn retorted.

“Oh, they’re there.” Zentrias countered. “Small imperfection below that ice armor. I see them clearly.”

Before the irritated young girl could argue further, Carol dragged Zentrias away and whispered, “Why are you looking at a fellow adventurer that way?”

Zentrias eyes went wide, and he grimaced. “You’re right…”

“So how did you end up here?” Juda asked, changing the topic.

“I was… soloing this dungeon… *swallow*… when I ran out of food.” Dawn answered. “I decided to camp out on this floor and suspend my metabolism through cultivation until someone came along.”

“You were soloing the Nolfis Underground?” Carol repeated dumbfounded.

“Yes…” Dawn confirmed. “Out of curiousity, how close was I to the clearing it?”

“This is an endless dungeon that goes on forever…” Juda revealed awkwardly.

“Oh…” Dawn paused mid bite. “I see…” She resumed her meal with subdued vigor.

“In a couple more days,” Juda offered. “Those jack-o-lanterns would have broken through your barrier. You’re lucky we came along.”

“What do you mean?” Dawn asked warily.

“It’s one of the challenges.” Juda explained. “Creatures keep getting stronger the longer you remain on a floor. Did you not do study and prepare?”

“I relied on a source that was more untrustworthy than I realized.” Dawn replied, anger in her voice.

Finishing her meal, she got up and bowed. “Thank you. This has been a humbling experience. I’d be grateful if you’d allow me to join your group.”

“We can’t exactly leave you on your own.” Carol said, glancing towards the others who nodded.

“This brings up an issue.” Juda spoke up. “With four, we are running dangerously low on supplies. We should head back to be safe.”

“Sorry…” Dawn said softly, wincing.

Zentrias closed his eyes then nodded. “Today will be our last day. Let’s see how far we can get in the next ten hours and backtrack afterwards.”

Great. The dungeon respawn time was twelve hours, and they didn’t want to face those jack-o-lanterns again.

<<You’re just relieved this means less time for your leader to regress.>> Smiley derided slyly. <<A pity really.>>

There’s that too, Carol admitted. Their encounter with Dawn had restored some sense to Zentrias, but she doubted this would last.

With their new member they made great progress, breezing pass the 320th floor boss. At first, Dawn attempted to compete with Zentrias but ultimately failed to match the ridiculous speed with which he dispatched foes. Discouraged, she joined them in spectating the carnage.

“That’s a nifty ability, annihilating everything with a single touch.” She complained bitterly. “I’m envious.”

“It has a drawback.” Juda said coldly. “The synchronizing with that destructive magic appears to warp him into a dispassionate killer.”

Dawn frowned. “That sounds really bad.”

“Carol assures us there’s nothing to worry about, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Juda said sarcastically.

“It probably will be…” Carol mumbled half-heartedly.

“It doesn’t matter to me.” Juda glanced at Carol. “I’m leaving for the Demon World. You’re the one who’ll live with the fallout.”

With the end in sight, Zentrias threw himself entirely into battle, and he cleared wave after wave of nightmarish creatures, his evolving deadliness overwhelming the dungeon’s increasing difficulty. He’s barely aware of our presence anymore. Although she watched with rising dismay, Carol couldn’t muster the will to rein him in.

<<Truth is you’re secretly happy to see this side of him. The part that doesn’t belong to Yuria.>> Smiley snickered.

Carol remained silence.

When they arrived at floor 340, Zentrias launched himself into its foreboding forest, leveling everything. Cyclops, ogres, and worse met their end so fast Carol had trouble identifying them. Finally, they reached the hut in the middle where the boss resided.

The Maven was already outside waiting, bigger and more hideous than her previous incarnation. “Congratulation on dispatching my familiar!” She crowed cheerfully.

“What tricks are you up to?” Zentrias responded apprehensively.

“I see no point in fighting the inevitable.” The crone chuckled. “I’ve sensed death approaching for awhile, although I didn’t expected it to be you. I’m surprised at how attractive you’ve become.”

“What?” Zentrias exclained in shock.

The Maven gave a great grin, displaying her deformed teeth. “You’re one of us now, a hunter of the weak. Everything around you is prey, existing to satisfy your desires.”

“Tell me, the fear in your victims, before their bodies disintegrate, isn’t it sweet?”

“Perhaps it is.” Zentrias sneered, walking forward. “Allow me experience it once more.”

“It’s an honor to fall to one as enlightened as you.” The Maven said, before ruinous energies tore her form apart. Zentrias remained motionless as the scattered pieces disappeared.

“We turn back after a short break.” He declared, before making his way over to Carol and continuing in a low voice. “Once we return to Nolfis, can you erase my memories?”

“You’re talking about three weeks of powerful emotions…” Coral objected.


“I’ll try.” Carol conceded half-heartedly. Smiley roared with laughter inside her head.