[Book II Chapter 46] ROSE: The Land of Lightning


From within the airship, Rose watched electricity wrack the sky around them. They’d just entered Garnen, the Land of Lightning. A hilly landscape spread out under thick gray clouds. Everywhere the ground was struck, the grass glowed yellow in a giant circle, sparkling with static.

“Enjoying Garnen’s light show?” Roxanne asked.

“It’s like a maelstorm, but without the wind.” Rose answered. “Has it really been raging for thousands of years?”

“While I can’t attest to it personally,” Roxanne laughed, “I’ve never seen clear skies here.”

“The plants are the proof.” Lucy added. “Since sunlight is sparse, they’ve evolved new ways to draw energy.”


A deafening thunder echoed throughout the cabin. Nervously, Rose glanced at the diamond shaped object floating a short distance away outside. The metal rods protruding from its top and bottom were crackling with energy. Their safety depended on this row of areal lighting rods which guided the airship traffic.

“Look over there.” Roxanne pointed.

Rose initially thought it was one wyverns but then remembered where she was. At a closer examination, the beast’s size was shocking, larger than the creations her mother brought to the Isle of Dreams. Four powerful limbs extended below the wide wings, tipped with fearsome talons, and an armored knight sat atop its black and gold scales.

“Is that a dragon?” She asked.

Roxanne smiled. “Garnen didn’t built giant walls during the dark age. Instead they withdrew from the borders and cast spells that intensified the weather to a frightening level. When the undead invaded, the dragon riders flew out to direct the heaven’s wrath. Few ever reached the cities.”

“We’re approaching Vandril.” Elliot announced from the pilot seat. “Again, I must thank you for agreeing to this.”


Cindy Rollen, who Elliot Watson currently served, had contacted the butler immortal with a request for a fourth party member, and he’d approached Rose. Upon learning the dungeon they’d be visiting was the Starless Peninsula, a Norani Neverwhere ruins, Roxanne had immediately agreed on her behalf. Hence the new adventure.

“After your hospitality, it’s the least I can do.” Rose responded graciously.

During their stay at the immortal’s estate in Remnant, Elliot had personally tended to their every need with a supernatural dexterity. No matter how fast he is, cooking up a feast in the blink of an eye shouldn’t be possible.

“And there it is.” Roxanne said.

Long flat stretches of earth hovered above the yellow-green hills, far thinner than the fragments Rose had grown accustomed to seeing. Enormous chains held them together, and even more fastened everything to the land below. On this aerial foundation spread out a magnificent city, lightning constantly assaulting its tall spires. Rose watched the redirected electricity crackle all the way to the ground through the metal anchorings.

“If I recall right, it’s always been this way, even before the fracturing…” Rose said.


Roxanne nodded, “Vandril was the hubris of Gregor Almight, Garnen’s founder. He was quite a character. A bit much to handle.”

Rose turned to her mentor. “You knew him?”

“Everyone did back then.” Roxanne laughed. “He made sure of that. Never met anyone more full of himself. As the Lightning Emperor, he wasn’t content building an ordinary capital, forcing the bedrock skyward through his mastery of electromagnetic. Garnen’s eternal storm was a byproduct of the process.”

“That’s pretty extreme.” Rose commented.

“Although I despised the man when we first met,” Roxanne confessed, “I was saddened to learn of his passing. During the Dark Age, Vandril’s defenses were formidable enough that he could afford to lend his aid to others. With near instantaneous travel and power to rival Ethan Skyfell’s, Gregor would appear on the battlefield and instantly turn the tide. I’ll never forget the relief I felt the first time he arrived, the most arrogant of heroes.”This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.

“How did he die?” Rose asked.

“He was felled by the curse of the first undead champion.” Roxanne scowled. “His death taught us their terror.”

They landed in the courtyard of a sprawling property. Among the grandiose architecture, three intimidating individuals were waiting to greet them, along with an entire garrison of knights standing at attention.

Lucy whispered as they disembarked, “The blond-haired beauty is Cindy. The other two are Kassandra and Nicolas Almight, the two leading scions of their clan. Don’t ask about their scars.”

These words drew Rose’s attention to the burn marks on the Garnen immortals. Originating from their right hands, those on Nicholas reached up his neck and part of face.

“This is quite a welcoming.” Roxanne said wryly.

“Only fitting for two legends,” Kassandra declared, turning to Rose. “You are Astra’s daughter? The one coming to assist Cindy?”

“Yes.” Rose answered stiffly.

Kassandra nodded. “Cindy is our guest here and so shall you be as well. Garden will not forget your contributions.”

While Rose was trying to make sense of this, Cindy Rollen stepped forwards, “Could we dispense with the formalities? I believe I can handle it from here.”

“Very well.” Kassandra signaled the knights with a sharp gesture.

As they withdrew, Nicholas Almight called back, “I will be expecting you for sparring this evening.”

“Of course,” Cindy responded. “I greatly appreciate the guidance.”

Once alone, Cindy addressed Elliot. “Thank you for bringing Rose Skyfell. You can go now.”

With a hint of amused resignation, Elliot gave an immaculate bow. “Your wish is my command. Remember you can call on me at any time.”

Cindy visibly relaxed once the airship had left. “Sorry to drag you into this. Let me show you to your quarters.”

“What was that about not ‘forgetting your contributions’?” Rose asked.

Cindy paused mid stride, “Elliot didn’t explain?”

“He only mentioned that the Starless Peninsula is a troublesome place that ‘overflows’ if left unattended too long.” Rose said.

“I see.” Cindy resumed their trek across the compound. “It’s true the nearby town put out a quest to clear the dungeon, but that’s not the real reason I’m organizing this expedition. Those Norani Neverwhere are a source of spell shards, an important material which powers some of Garnen’s defense. Zaer’s Chosen recently did an inventory and judged our supplies insufficient. With the Starless Peninsula about to fall within the Grey Kingdom’s borders, securing more is paramount.”

“Zaer’s Chosen is Garnen’s military order.” Lucy added.

Cindy glanced back at Rose. “Why did you accept knowing so little?” She asked.

“That was my doing.” Roxanne interjected. “I want Rose to learn her Norani spell core.”

Rose remembered her mentor’s explanation. Norani were masters of arcane, fashioning spells more powerful than anything on Enera. The secret behind this came from the cores of their magic circles, which were tailored specifically to the caster’s soul. For Rose to learn her own, she’d have to recover a Norani spell from the Starless Peninsula.

Cindy nodded. “So you have magecraft you wish to pass on… Thanks for satisfied my curiosity.

Rose noted Cindy wore armor similar to knights from before, yet unlike them it didn’t feature the outline of a golden dragon. “You’re not wearing the symbol?”

Cindy shook her head. “I am not part of the order. I came to Vandril to train under Nicolas Almight since I had the affinity for it. This is borrowed equipment.”

“This entire area belongs to Zaer’s Chosen and the Almight clan.” Cindy continued. “You’re free to come and go as you please, but don’t poke around. They’re an overly serious bunch.”

They entered a small mansion. “This is the residence I’ve been allocated.” She gestured to a living room. “And here’s the third member of party.”

A grizzled dwarf was installed on an armchair. “The name’s Doug. Pleasure to met ya.” He saluted without getting up. Then he turned to Cindy. “What about our fourth?”

“Zaer’s Chosen’s are lending us one of their crystal knights.” Cindy reported. “He’ll join us when we leave.”

Doug grimaced. “I knew you were desperate, but really… An artificial saint? Was that all you could manage?”

“There wasn’t enough time to find better.” Cindy declared defensively. “George is competent. He won’t hinder us.”

Artificial saints… Rose had heard the term, but recalled precious little. Fortunately, Lucy explained, “There are several techniques used to create high-level soldiers. In this case, refined crystals are surgically implanted to raise channeling ability. This is only done when facing to a dire threats, since it shortens life expectancy and eliminated any chance at immortality.”

“Anyway…” Cindy spoke forcefully. “We’ll depart on the morrow. Any questions?”

Rose glanced at Lucy, who rolled her eyes and nodded. “The scars on Kassandra and Nicolas’s arms. Could you tell us about them?”

“They both tried and failed to wield Zeus, the formless spear.” Cindy revealed. “The supreme weapon was gifted to Gregor Almight by the dragon Zaer, the lord of lightning, and no one has been able to master it since. This is a sensitive topic, so best not to mention it.”

“If there’s nothing else——” Cindy began.

“Why are you here,” Roxanne cut in, “when you have Elliot Watson in Remnant? Hasn’t he been serving your family for generations? Seems a bit ungrateful…“

“It’s because I’m pursuing immortality, and the safety and convenience he represents undermines my efforts.” Cindy answered. “When he’s around I find myself tempted to rely on him, which I can’t allow.”

“So you do intend on returning after reaching the wall?” Roxanne interpreted.

“That,” Cindy agreed, “or the day I’m forced to give up.”