Sol had decided that he would only bring Nerodia with him while Miya and Moon would keep Nerva safe in the camp for him.

Nerva told him that she may be able to give him the approximate location of the evil spirit if she could see it from the camp.

So now he needs to think of a way to get in the city unnoticed by an army of zombies that worked like a surveillance camera for the evil spirit.

He had thought about using the sewer again, but they need to be able to observe the surface too so they can find the exact location of this Evil Spirit.

He had thought about disguising himself as a zombie but he declines the idea because according to the Goddess, each zombie was connected to the evil spirit so it will surely know that he was not one of them.

Using a camouflaged car also was not viable, the zombies may be stupid but the evil spirit would not be fooled by camouflage, it was a combination of an uncountable individual, it must have the thinking power of a supercomputer.

"Ugh... if only we could fly then we can just fly on top of the city and they would not notice us" Sol muttered to himself.


"Hey Nerodia, don't you have any idea on how to get into the city unnoticed?" Sol tapped his palm toward Nerodia's metallic blue scales.

"Hssss... do not touch me with your filthy hand!" it hissed at him, "I do have a way to get into the city unnoticed but if you want to get there too then it gonna be a bit more complicated and uncomfortable."

"Please do tell me, we do not have much time or any other way to overcome this" Sol looked at the snake for a solution.

"you will not like this" it replied still not telling him her idea."Tell me anyway, like it or not I don't have a choice," Sol said heroically, all of his past achievement has got his ego inflated.

"You remember I can make my body bigger and smaller right? I can just make my body small enough to go unnoticed by them" It said flatly, while she had no emotion showing, Sol could feel that he really not gonna like this.

"Is it too late for me to decline?" Sol lamented in his heart, his inflated ego was nowhere to be seen.


"So you can make me smaller to?" Sol cut in hoping that she would say yes.

"Normally no, but if you are inside my body then there would be no problem to make you small as well" She finished, Sol could see its eyes were glinting.

"Fuck! Do you want to eat me? No way, let's think of another way" This time Sol did not keep his displeasure in his heart.

"Hooo... didn't you just said you would do it anyway? If I do not remember wrongly, you even said that heroically" it mocked at him.

"ugh... you remember it wrong!" Sol replied shamelessly, he did not care about his dignity if his life was on the line.

After a few more hours of brainstorming, he did not get any viable ideas, reluctantly he agreed with the snake idea with a few minor changes.


They were going to the city with the sewer at first until they reach the approximate location of the evil spirit, then they would go out to find its exact location with mini mode.

Sol could feel his hairs stand on ends by this decision, had he has any other idea, he would not even entertain this plan.magicTwo days later in the camp of Minerva, Sol and his family were eating lunch when suddenly, Nerva turned her head toward the city and her face turn pale.

"It's... it's there! I could see the evil spirit, it is about to descend!" She stammered and while reaching for Sol's arm.

"Can you let me go sweetheart? It's time for me to go," He whispered to his child.

"No! Can't we just run?" Nerva looked at him with eyes full of tear.

" We can't keep running, the city is the safest place, there is no guaranty that we will not meet another evil spirit elsewhere" He tried to reason with his daughter.

Sol reach out toward her head and patted her then kissed her on the forehead, her face turned to beat red as a tomato and she reluctantly let him go.

Sol took all his belonging that he had prepared since two days ago and he used a snow-car to drive toward the sewer.

Nerva had marked an approximate location on the map for him, he also got a satellite phone for both of them so Nerva can contact him in case the evil spirit move away.

When he reaches the sewer entrance he could smell a familiar pungent smell he had smelled a few days ago.

He moved toward the city through the sewer but to his surprise, under half an hour he already met with familiar glowing blue eyes.

"Fuck! The zombies already get into the sewer!" Sol hurriedly runs toward the zombie rat and plunged his knife through its head, killing it in a few seconds.

"Nerodia, Change of a plan! We get into mini mode now!" before even more zombies get to them Sol decisively told Nerodia to start with the second part of the plan.

Nerodia dropped down from his arm and turned her body into a giant snake, big enough for Sol to get in her mouth.

"Get in and do not move too much," It said and opened its mouth, Sol could see the deadly maw in front of him.

If he had any other choice then he would not willingly get in there, "Me and my big mouth!" he lamented to himself while getting into the snake's mouth.