If you asked Sol how does it feel to be inside a snake's mouth, then he would probably answer, "It is so Fucking horrible!"

After Sol got inside Nerodia's mouth, it closed its mouth shut, Sol could feel its flesh pressing him from all sides.

Inside its mouth was warm, damp, and sticky, in conclusion, it was very uncomfortable for Sol to be inside the snake.

"don't move too much!" it hissed at him, Sol could hear its voice from all around him because he was inside her mouth.

When it talked, its mouth was vibrating all around him giving him fears of being swallowed, Sol tried to grip at something only to make the snake hissed at him.

Before long he could feel the flesh wall around him getting tighter around him as if it wanted to compressed him, it was Nerodia trying to make her body smaller.

It was also hard for Nerodia, Sol was too big for her, it usually waited for its food to be partially ingested before make its body smaller, that way it would not strain its body.


"AAAA... I'm gonna die!" Sol screamed in his mind, he could feel the pain of being compressed, he thought the process was a failure.

The next second, his pain was gone and he could feel that the flesh wall around him had stopped getting tighter.

"It finished? Thank God!" he was so relieved, he had sworn that if he survived this fight, he would never ever do that again, it was so scary and painful.

Sol could feel that Nerodia had started to slitter froward, but he could also feel that its movement make him get deeper and deeper into its throat.Sol panicked and trying to climb back up to its mouth, he did not want to know how potent its stomach acid knowing that it could eat a whole rat colony alone.

While he tried to keep himself away from the snake's stomach, he got a hiss from the snake because he keeps moving in its mouth.

Nerodia was very displeased, it had a hard time trying to move unnoticed by the zombies but there is something in its mouth that would not stop moving and it tickled the snake.


Their journey was so long, Nerodia had made its body as small as possible so its movement speed was not very fast.

"Fuck! How long do I need to stay in here?" Sol cursed at his rotten luck, he hoped that it will end soon but his hope was never fulfilled.

The journey was a torture for both of them, Sol needed to keep himself moving in a tight and damp environment while Nerodia needed to keep quiet while something tickled it from inside.

For the first time, they had the same thing in their mind, "I want this to end"

After almost 24 hours of continued struggle with their own torture, finally, they get out of the sewer at the evil spirit approximate location.magic

"Are we there yet?" Sol question the snake, his body felt sore all over from continued struggle and being pressed by a wall of flesh.


His clothes were wet and sticking to his body, it was not just from the snake's saliva but also from his sweat, he was sweating a lot from continues struggle and the heat.

"hiss... Not yet, I have not found the Evil Spirit, but if you wanted to get out and being surrounded by zombies, then be my guest." It hissed at him clearly irritated."Nah... I will pass, you can continue your search" Sol awkwardly replied.

He wanted to get out so badly but if he had to choose being surrounded by undying zombies or being held captive in the snake mouth then he would choose the latter any time of the day.

On the surface of the city, everywhere was covered in zombies but when Nerodia got closer to the Colosseum, it could hardly find any zombies.

It entered the colosseum to find it strangely empty while logically it should be filled with zombies, it can also sense fluctuation in the air like some rippling electrostatic.

Nerodia could sense something dangerous in the air, its instinct was tingling like crazy, that thing it could not see was so dangerous that it may be able to kill the all-mighty snake.

It got into a room that was big enough for it to get big so it could let Sol out of its mouth, but Sol who had tried to stay calm in there suddenly feels his body expanding, he could feel nausea like never before.

Before Nerodia open its mouth, Sol already vomited in its mouth, his vomit got all over his body, "oh come on! Can today be even worse?" he lamented.

Well it can, Nerodia tastes something acid and very disgusting in its mouth, by reflex it spat out Sol from its mouth, sending him flying to the wall.

"Ack..." Sol screamed in pain, he hit the wall so hard that his scale armor was not able to absorb everything.

"Hsss. Disgusting human! Why did you vomit in my mouth!" Nerodia hissed in complaints.

Sol wanted to argue back but he did not have the energy to do so, He was so tired from the long journey, "are we here?" he got straight to the point, ignoring the snake complaints.

"It's inside the colosseum, but it hasn't descended yet" it replied while turning its body into a smaller size.

"ok, let's rest first while we wait" Sol propose, he wants nothing more than get rest, he directly sit on the floor with his back on the wall.

They had to wait for five more hours before Sol could feel there is a heavy fluctuation from the colosseum, the Evil Spirit about to descend.

Luckily the five-hour rest had helped him get back to a fighting condition, had he needed to fight right after the journey then he would not last even a second in a fight.