Sol looked toward the colosseum arena in horror, the fog around the colosseum was blown away by what looked like a black hole.

It looked like a black hole but instead of sucking everything, it actually pushed everything away, Nerodia had turned its body as big as a house so it won't be blown away.

As for Sol, he was holding on to his knife that he had pierced to the ground, his body was flying off the ground because of the force.

"Fuck! What is that? They did not tell me that even before its descend, it already so deadly" Sol cursed, if he did not pierce his knife to the ground in time, he would have been sent flying away so far and would die on impact against the ground or a building.

Sol had been hanging on his knife for a few minutes before a figure crawled out of the black hole, it looked like a giant Gorilla with four arms, all over its body was covered in black fur, but upon closer look, it was not a fur but an innumerable black hand growing on its body.

It almost two hundred meters tall, when it landed on the ground, the earth quaked badly that some buildings get demolished by it.

It landed then roared at the sky as if saying that it was there and it challenges the world, Sol could not understand its roar but he could intuitively know that it gonna bring disaster for the living where ever it went.


While Sol needed to reoriented himself and gather his strength to counter the pressure it had by only standing there, Nerodia had already moved toward it.

Nerodia's body grew even larger than before, it reaches a kilometer long and fifty-meter diameter, it had opened its eyes trying to stop the abominations movement.

Sol had thought that Nerodia would at least be able to keep it unmoving for a few seconds but the abomination did not seem to be affected by its magical eye.

It caught Nerodia's body with two hands while the other two smash down on its head, the collision sent a loud booming sound through the city.

Nerodia felt dizzy but it would not stay silent and being the abomination's punching bag, it used its long body to strangle the giant's body, immobilizing two of its arm.

The abomination fell to the ground but it wouldn't let go of Nerodias neck, it exerts its strength trying to strange it.


The fight had become a strangling contest between giant monsters, the monster trying to keep Nerodias head as far as possible so it won't bite it while punching it on the face every time it freed a limb from the snake.

Sol watch the monsters wrestle against each other in shock, "Fuck, it is so big, how can I harm a monster that big with a small knife!" he complained out loud.

They kept rolling on the ground while fighting, sending earthquake and destruction with every move they made.

Outside the city, people could see the fight, it made panic and the heirs were busy to keep people calm, they didn't have the luxury to sent people to fight that thing.

Even if they have, nobody would voluntarily fight that thing, had Sol know he needs to fight such a being, he would never accept the job.

Nerodia was clearly at disadvantage, every time the giant hit it, it would leave an indent on its scale, some hit even sent scales flying everywhere, Sol could even see blood on Nerodia's body.


Sol had prepared weapons in order to fight that thing but none of it is useful against something that big.Without any other way he runs toward the two monsters, he needed to at least tried to damage it.magic

When he come close toward the two, both of them did not even notice this presence, they were to busy in their fight to be bothered with an ant, like him

Sol could see the black arms covering its body, when he came close they automatically try to grab him, he did not want to know what would happen if they got him.

He needed to be very careful, not only keeping his distance with the hands but also from both giant's sudden movement, if by any chance they land on him then he would be turned into a bloody paste.

Sol tried to cut a few hands but they would immediately grow back, the cut of the arm also disappeared, after a few time he cut an arm, his knife already sharp enough to cut it off in one swing like there was nothing there.

"fuck this is impossible! I could cut it but I can not hit it, what the use of cutting it if it keeps growing back?" He lamented for his condition.

"Ugh... I need to find somewhere vital or I will never hurt it" he concluded and tried to find somewhere vital.

After a few times almost got flatten into a bloody paste, he still could not find anything, In desperation, he climbed their body to find a vital at a higher point.

Because Sol afraid of the abomination's hands, he climbed on Nerodia's body instead, it was hard to climb that he needed to use his knife to climb.

Luckily Nerodia's scale was thick enough that he climbing it did not consider as harming it or he would be struck by divine punishment.

Sol kept climbing and searching for any vitals but he still could not find it, while Nerodia already got very beaten up by the thing.

Nerodia had tried to disengage so it could run but the giant would not let it go so its only option was kept fighting.

"Is there nothing I could do to harm it?" Sol started to think of a solution, which is the strongest thing he could use against the giant?

"Ah! That's it! if it's that thing then it may be able to hurt it!" He got a sudden inspiration.