"This is unreasonable! it was not that beaten up yet, it just lost one foot and it turns into a final form?" Sol protested.

Well this was not a game or a film where the boss turns into its final form, the mother wolf had its own wisdom and it had decided that she had enough, she wanted to end this quickly.magic

It had turned big and all its wound got healed, no burned mark or fur on it was left, it looked as if the wolf never fight.

Even if the real wound was only on its leg that Sol just dealt, it means a lot to him, not his hard work got erased he feel a bit hopeless about it.

He could not beat a two-meter tall wolf now he needed to beat a four-meter tall giant wolf, he just hoped that the wolf would not be as fast as before, but as he had taught his students, big size does not equal slow movement.

The alpha wolf appears in front of him, it bit down on his head, it tried to finish him in one hit but Nerodia would not let Sol die, she used her magical eyes at the last second.

It did not stop the wolf completely but slow it enough for Sol to dodge, his hairs stand on edge as he was so close to dying, the wolf gets so much faster, he could not even think, luckily his reflex did not require him to think.


The alpha suddenly got pushed by a smaller wolf, it looked identical to it but only stand at three-meter tall, it was Moon, she also turned into a giant wolf, Sol was confused at first but he recognizes her soon.

It was the first time he had saw her turn into a giant wolf so he was quite surprised, she never told him about such a power, well she was not that talkative in the first place.Because Nerodia had slow it down, Moon got to land a clear hit, it left a massive wound on its side but to Sol surprise, the wound healed instantly.

The alpha wolf lash back at the smaller wolf, giving it a bigger would on its back, Sol could also saw that Moon healed at a rapid pace but it was not as fast as the alpha.

Nerodia wanted to stop the fight and take Sol away as the fight was not worth it, Moon had wanted to beat her mother to prove that it was a mistake to exile her but never plan to kill her, so Nerodia was not interested to take part in it.

Now her interest got attracted by the mother wolf rapid regeneration, as a snake, Nerodia had a magical eye and ability to resize, but she did not have unlimited regeneration of Hydra or Ouroboros, with such a specimen got delivered to her she could not help but salivate.

There is two power she wanted, the first was unlimited regeneration and the second was deadly venom or poisonous blood, once she has both, she would be as strong as Mythical being in the legend such as Hydra and Basilisk.


The alpha wolf was wrestling with her daughter in close combat because Moon was too stubborn to give up, she was clearly losing but she kept fighting.

Suddenly Nerodia who had turned into a giant snake rush at them to join the fight, the alpha wolf was shocked because it got even slower and suddenly something so massive appears in front of her.

In her true form, Nerodia's ability got even stronger than in her human form as it inhibits her power.

Moon pulled away from her mother right before Nerodia collide with the alpha wolf, it causes the wolf to tumble down.

It got bloodied because of Nerodia's massive weight but it healed already by the time it hit the ground.Sol who could only watch as this fight had got out of his capability, as before he could not fight anything too big because his knife has a limited range.

From his observation, the mother wolf power was all about regeneration, it could heal unlimitedly while made others unable to heal.


Even if Nerodia had the upper hand now, she would be at a disadvantage later as the wolf was tireless and undying.

Nerodia had wrapped her body around the wolf, she tightened her body to break the wolf's bones but it did not die, it keeps biting at her body.

This reminds Sol of the zombies, they would not die even if their body got destroyed, but in this fight, the wolf was even scarier, its bite cause Nerodia to bleed continuously.

Sol wanted to give his vials to the snake but it had its own plan, the snake bite down at the alpha wolf, drinking the cure directly from its source.

This was what Nerodia aiming for, she had concluded the reason Moon's blood could heal an unhealable wound was that it was the source of unlimited regeneration.

So for her to get the ability to heal unlimitedly, she needed to drain all of the wolf's blood and made it her own.

It would kill the alpha wolf but she did not care as her friend did not say she could not kill her mother, she just told them she would not kill her.

The alpha wolf felt that her power got drained from her, as her bloodline was in her blood, when her blood got drained by the snake she felt weaker.

The reason for Moon's ability was exactly the same as her mother was because she had the alpha wolf blood in her.

Within a minute, Moon and Sol saw the big and mighty wolf got reduced into a dried husk of a corpse by Nerodia.

"fuck! Why do we need to struggle so much while you could kill it in an instant?" Sol complained as his hard work seems pointless.