Nerodia let go of the former alpha wolf and turned into her smaller version, she went up to Sol's left arm and took her old place.
To digest the blood she drains from the alpha wolf she needs to rest and digest it peacefully, her chance to absorb it was not a hundred percent so she needed to do it while the blood was still alive.
Sol did not have any time to bother with her antics as his attention was on Moon, she looked at the dried corpse in silence.
He knew that Moon only wanted recognition from her mother so he did not know how would she feel now that her mother died without giving her any recognition.
Moon just stand there in silence, she looked at the giant corpse without a word, the other wolves had kneeled down in submission as they beat the alpha.
Sol waited in silence as well, ha wanted to give her some time to digest her feeling, after sometimes he went to her side and started to pet her head to comfort her.
"it's ok, her soul could see you, how strong you are and your new family is, she surely regrets her decision at that time" he whispered at her.
Moon didn't reply, she throws herself into his chest, hugging him, he could feel her tears and wet fur sticking into his skin.
Sol's armor and clothes were in tatter from the fight, he would need to make another armor to replace his current one.
Sol stayed in that position for a while until Moon calm down, while at it he did not let his guard down, in case the wolves had another idea.
On their way down, the wolves had followed them but Moon bark at them a few times so they turn back into the mountain top.
Sol dragged the alpha corpse back with a rope so he could offer it to Minerva to get another favor, he had something in mind.Sol clearly understands that he and his knife was unsuitable to fight anything bigger than a human, he had hoped to ask the Goddess to give him a solution.
This was not the first time nor the last time he would need to fight something massive so he needs to get past this hurdle.
The corpse was not that heavy because it had been drained dry by Nerodia, even then he needs to use his all to drag it back.
He tied the corpse to his snow car after he got to the mountain feet, the snow car was barely strong enough to drag it back but its movement was not that great.
It would be way faster for Sol to drag it back, but Moon was in no condition for a long journey, nor he want to left the car behind, he would need to return the car by tomorrow.
It takes them so longer than expected that they reach home by sunset, Moon was looking blankly outside all along the way.
When he reaches the temple outskirt, it made such a ruckus that people start flooding the road.
"Look at that! Someone is back from the mountain direction!" the first people to spot them shout.
"What is that behind them? That's massive!" they started to notice the alpha copse he dragged back, it was was bigger than the car so it was not had to spot.magic
The image of a car dragging a giant corpse with a sunset behind them was so epic, it inspires awe and admiration.
Word starts to spread and people start to gather to watch the show, when they got close enough to saw Sol they were shocked.
"It's the heir killer! He is the one dragging a giant corpse!" they shouted in excitement."he might be the strongest person in this city! Look at how big that thing is, it can not be a normal creature!" another chimed in.
Nobody knows who was it but there was a shout, "are you guys stupid? This is not a good thing! The heir killer has a bad reputation, he likes to take young girls against their will!"
People started to panic, "it's ok, he only has an interest in creatures, we just need to act normal!" someone tried to calm the masses.
Sol had gotten close enough to heard Ashura trying to keep people calm, he can't help but curse in anger, "Fuck you Ashura! I caught you red-handed this time!"
He promised himself to settle the score with the heir of mars once he got back, he still needs to drop the corpse at the temple of Minerva and send Moon home, she was not in a good condition.
He stopped his car near the temple and dragged the corpse by hand because he needs to go up a ladder into the temple.
People become even more shocked as the corpse was massive, they did not know that it was not as heavy as it looks.
Sol indeed strong and normal person would not be able to drag the corpse as he did, but their misconception convinces them that he was so strong.
He put the corpse inside the temple but, Minerva did not come up so he could only leave without any gain.
He went home with Moon after that, at home Miya and Nerva was waiting for them, Sol told them what happen and let them comfort Moon.
With that their journey to get Moon's revenge was finished, the result was not that great in Sol's eyes, Moon got even sadder and people start to fear him.
In the next few days, Moon's condition got better but Nerodia was still not moving or talking even if Sol poke her.
A group of people deliver an invitation to him, it was for Temple representative meeting, they deem him worthy to take part in it.
After asking around, Sol got to know that the meeting was about reconnecting the road toward the neighboring city.
"why they invite me to the meeting? Didn't the priestess of Minerva represent the temple of Minerva?" Sol mused at the invitation.