Sol was in a pinch as he needs to fight a Yeti twice his size without a weapon, If he had an offensive ability then he would have no problem against it, but his ability was evasion oriented so it was not very helpful in stopping the Yeti barehanded.

He tried to recall his knife as fast as he can, it was his shard armament, so he could summon it back whenever he wanted but it still took some time to be recalled.

The Yeti was already in front of him, Sol raised his right foot into the air and kick it forward in a front kick, he kicked the Yeti on the nose.

It staggers back from the kick, Sol learned from a soldier in the temple of Mars that normally people action would be interrupted if they were hit on the nose, he learned many techniques but most of them were too advance.

Sol used front kick as it was easy and hard to dodge, the Yeti running posture also made it easy for him to reach its face.

It gave him enough time to recall his knife to his hand, he swiftly cut at its throat before it had the chance to retaliate.

Gurgling noise could be heard from it while it tried to stop the bleeding, but Sol did not have time to finish the job as the last Yeti run past him while he was busy with the one in front of him.


"No!" Sol looked in horror as it near the snow car behind him, Sol tried to run after the Yeti but he could not stop it in time.

"Please Stop!" Tanya's scream could be heard as she tried to persuade the Yeti to stop, it slows it advance for a bit before it continues to move forward.

Sol had close the distance a bit but it was not enough to stop the Yeti, it's almost upon the snow car when a figure came out of the car, it was Nerodia.

Sol could see that she was shivering in fear but she block the Yeti with her small body, it smashed her head to the side with its enormous hand, sending her flying a few meters before she falls limply on the ground.

"Fuck!" Sol screamed in rage as he closed the remaining distance faster than before, a few sparks of lightning could be seen around him as he appeared on top of the Yeti and slash down toward its neck, beheading it in a single movement.

Sol could feel sudden weakness after the burst of strength he just did, he lands on the ground heavily but he force himself to stand his ground, he did not want to show weakness as the other three Yeti was still alive and about to arrive too.


He looked around to check on his friends' condition, Blacky was bloody but somehow hold his ground while Moon was still in a deadlock with her opponent, her opponent was bleeding nonstop and weakening but they did not seem to fall anytime soon.

Miya tried her best to stop Nerva and Tanya to run out of the snow car to check upon Nerodia while Nerodia herself was laying on the snow motionlessly with a pool of blood under her.Sol had six vials of Moon's blood, he drinks one to restore his strength but it did not help him much as he was not injured but exhausted, the last moves he did were too draining.

he wanted to give the rest of the vial to Nerodia but three Yetis were not going to let him did as he pleases.

He was about to clash with the Yetis again but a loud roar could be heard to his right, it made all of them stagger for a bit and turned toward the source of the roar.

All the remaining Yetis stop what they were doing and start to retread toward the roar, Sol and the other did not go after them as they were petrified in their place.

"Lesser Demigod!!!" Sol widened his eyes in disbelieve, he could clearly feel similar pressure as the evil spirit he killed from the roaring sound.


When he thought about it, it made sense that there was a group of yeti with a bloodline of there is a Lesser Demigod there, every Yetis he met was the Lesser Gemigod's descendant.

"Shit, we need to get out of here!" Sol lamented as he came out of his stupor.

Sol ran toward Nerodia's body, when he got there, she was not conscious but her body was in perfect condition if not for her life force that was so weak.

He picked up the unconscious girl while trying to feed her with Moon's blood, but she did not drink it so Sol tried to give her his blood, he could feel that her condition stabilized for a bit but they don't have any time to waste so he takes her to the snow car.

"Moon, Blacky, We need to move!" he ordered.

Sol went to the driver seat and put Nerodia's body on top of his while Moon helped Blacky got into the snow car.magic

Sol Directly drives toward the way they were going while he put Nerodia's mouth on his neck so she could suck his blood.

"Dad, what was that roar?" Nerva asked him with a trembling voice.

"Yeah, Mr. Sol, What was that?" Tanya chimed in too, the Heir of Venus looked at him while she tried to heal Blacky with a portable gas torch, the hellhound was bloody but he could heal with fire from the torch.

Sol reply with a single word, "Demigod," his voice was solemn.Everyone else in the car turned serious, Tanya's face turned white in shock and fear, "will we be alright? Can we run from that?" she said her concern.

"Honestly, I don't know," He replied, Sol was confused why would the Demigod told the Yetis to retreat or why did it not attacked them directly.

There was too much uncertainty in their situation, Sol had not expected that their luck to be so rotten that they met a Demigod on their way.

There was so much in his mind but the most part was his desire for more power, "If I was stronger we would not be in this situation."

Sol was too eager to depend on Nerodia's power, now Nerodia was even weaker than himself, he realized that he needs to depend on himself rather than others.

"I need power! Only with powers I can stay safe and protect those important for me" He resolutely said in his heart.

He was not the only one thinking about it, Miya was even more depressed, she wanted to be of help but she could not content against someone with a bloodline.

Sol was also thinking about the sudden burst of strength he used to behead the Yeti, he recognizes the strength was some kind of evil spirit energy and divine punishment energy he had absorbed.

"I need to train that power, if I can use as I please that then I might be able to be stronger" He mused as he found a way to grow stronger.

They continued their journey without anymore ambushes from the Yetis, they did not seems to follow them but Sol and his group were not going to let their guard down.

Sol had grown lightheaded as he lost too much blood to Nerodia but she did not seem to stop anytime soon.

He tried to pull her apart from his neck but she would not let him go, in the end, he drink three vials of Moon's blood to replenish his own blood before she stops sucking his blood.

"Fuck, is she a snake or a vampire? Did she want to make me into a dried corpse?" Sol complained in his heart.

Sol might be complaining but he was grateful to the girl, even though she lost her memories and was afraid she still protect his family, if it was Miya or Nerva in her place then he did not think they would survive the blow.

Honestly, Sol was not sure about including the snake into his family as he saw her as a threat but it seems unfair of him after all she had done for his family.

Their journey continued but even after night come, they had not gotten away from the snowstorm, they did not know how long they need to continue but none of them wanted to stop and wait for the Demigod to knock on their door.

Sol could not see the sky but his watch had told him its midnight, the girl was sleeping while he continues to drive the snow car.

He was sleepy too but there was no one other than him that could drive so he opts to take some adrenaline to keep himself awake.

"I hope tomorrow would be better than today" He muttered to himself as he drives.