Time passed by quickly, Sol had not slept in the last 48 hour as he needed to drive them to safety, as long as they stayed in the snowstorm then they would not be safe from the Yetis.
He suspects that the snowstorm was not natural but generated by the Yeti Lesser Demigod, it was highly probable because the Yetis was not affected by it and there was no sign of the storm was weakening.
"Don't tell me there is no way out of this storm?" Sol thought depressedly.
Nerodia was sucking at his blood from time to time, it helped him grow stronger while she recovers herself but it was not as fast as he would like.
Sol could feel himself getting near the threshold of Demigod but it was just an illusion, everytime he got closer he realizes that there was more distance that he needed to pass through.
"I can not depend on Nerodia to help me get past this distance" Sol muttered.
The most realistic way for him to grow stronger was by killing a creature stronger than himself, if he absorbs their shard then he would grow way faster than from feeding Nerodia.
As of late, he was like a mother breastfeeding her youngling, the difference was he feed Nerodia with his blood rather than milk.
The last two days, Sol was trying to simulate the burst of strength he did against the Yeti, but he never got it right, no matter what he did, he could not get hold of that feeling.
"Dad, look ahead! It's the way out!" Nerva's voice pulled him out of his concentration.
In front of them was the edge of the storm, it ends there like there was some kind of barrier dividing the storm and outside.
Sol was about to be happy but he noticed another thing at the edge of the storm, eleven Yetis was standing there, blocking their way.
"Fuck, we need to breakthrough!" Sol muttered in frustration, he looked back at his companion with seriousness, "Moon, Blacky, can you defend us when we rush out?"
Both of them nodded and jump out of the snow car, Moon directly turn into a giant wolf and rush at the Yetis with the hellhound behind her in support.
Both of them was not strong enough to beat eleven Yetis with a bloodline, but to hold them back for a few second was not a problem.
Moon tackled three Yetis at the same time with her momentum, it opens up enough space for the snow car to pass through.
The closest Yeti tried to block them but Blacky's smaller body slam into its side, it made them both roll on the snow.With the opening both canine created for them, Sol drives them safely out of the snowstorm, but as they pass the barrier dividing the snowstorm, their face turned in fright.
As they get out of the snowstorm, they could feel a familiar pressure they felt from the roar, the scenery around them also different then their expectation, rather than open space, it was rocky ground without snow that was surrounded by walls of snowstorms.
It was as if they enter the eye of the storm, the only difference was there is no snow in the area, they could see everything around them including a giant Yeti at the center of the opening.
The giant Yeti was almost twice as big as the Yetis behind them, it was holding a bronze stick that stabbed to the ground.
It was the source of the ominous presence they had felt before, it looked at them in anger and roared at them.
The bloodied Blacky and Moon had run into the clearing when it roar reach them, they were shocked too as their hope of freedom was turned into despair.magic
A group of Yetis also follow them into the clearing, blocking their way back, there was no way for them to escape the fight.
Everyone was in despair when that happens but a little girl scream pulled them out of their despair, "Dad! That arrow! Take that!" It was Nerva's little voice.
Everyone's attention was focused on the bronze stick that the Demigod tried to pull, they could sense strength beyond belief from the stick.
With little hope of survival, the group got ready for their last stand against the Demigod, Sol runs out of the snow car with a barrel in both hands.
"Blacky! Come here!" he shouts at the hellhound.
Even though the hellhound did not like the man, it still follows his command as everyone's life was at stake.
Sol pours out the content of the barrel on the black dog, it was a black liquid that he had prepared in case they would need to fight against something on the threshold of Demigod, he did not expect that he would use this trump card against a Demigod.
The black dog was covered in the black liquid when Sol light the liquid with a lighter, Raging fire explode out of its body as the black liquid was crude oil.
Sol hurriedly stepped back from the fire as the Hellhound grew from a medium-sized dog to five meters flaming dog.
In Sol's estimation, it got as strong or even stronger than Nerodia when she was at her peak, "I hope this is enough to hold that thing down" he looked at the giant Yeti that already running at them.
"Moon, take care of the smaller Yetis, Miya help her as best as you can, Blacky hold that giant down!" he commands as he ran to the side, evading the Demigod.Blacky giant body almost as big as the giant Yeti, It runs at the Demigod to tackle it down only to be locked by the Demigod's arms.
The Yeti Demigod was not as weak as a newly born Demigod evil spirit that Sol killed, it sent the Giant Hound crashing to the rocky ground with both arms.
The Hellhound quickly recovers as fire burn unceasingly on its body, it continues to tackle the Demigod without care of injuries as it could heal as long as there was a fire.
It might not be able to beat the Demigod, but it could keep it occupied as long as it did not go down.
On the other hand, Moon was also trying her best to stop almost a dozen smaller Yetis, She could somehow hold on with her regeneration and the help of Miya and Tanya in distracting the Yetis.
Tanya kept telling the Yetis to stop attacking, the effectiveness of her persuasion grows weaker each time but it was enough to give the giant wolf the reprive she needed.
On the other hand, Miya getting rather beat up as she tried to use Sol's technique to make two Yetis hampered each other, she used her smaller body and greater agility as much as she could but she could not beat a creature with a bloodline with her meager strength.
At most she could keep them occupied until Moon beat some Yetis she was fighting with, luckily they were out of the snowstorm so they were not at hampered by the snowstorm.
Every Yetis was weakening too, they continued to lose more and more blood from injuries inflicted by Moon.
Miya was trying to dodge a punch from a Yeti when it suddenly stops midway and grabs her instead, it did a feint.
Caught off guard, Miya was grabbed by its giant hand and rose to the air, the Yeti was trying to smash her to the ground when a flash of light explode in front of its face.
In shock, it let go of Miya, the cat fall with grace as it lands on both leg soundlessly and put some distance from the Yeti.
It was Nerva who threw a bottle of Sol's homemade flashbang, she threw them from the top of the snow car.
Nerva was hiding in the car when she was that Miya would be caught by the Yeti so, she pulled the stunt.
The Heir of Minerva had the ability to analyze and predict people's movement so she had enough time to prepare her moves, it was some kind of prophecy power but from prediction.
After the stunt, Nerva directly jumps down from the snow car and hide inside it as she had predicted if she stays out, she would attract some of Yeti's attention.
With the little girl help, the fight against the group of Yeti continued without casualty, on the other side of the clearing, Sol was crawling toward the supposed arrow.
He had tried his best to be lowkey, if he attracted the Demigod's attention, then there was a hundred percent chance that it would go after him.
As for his chance of fighting the Demigod, Sol did not want to think about it, at best he would last a second against the almighty being.
"Almost there, a few more meters and I can get that thing" Sol looked at the arrow in hope.