Sol was eager to be a Demigod when he can afford the price, it would keep him and his family safe, which was way better than an arrow that can only be used once, it might be able to beat a stronger opponent but it could only be used once every time so it was not very efficient.

"When can you help me advance?" Sol asked the Goddess in enthusiasm.magic

"I'm teaching you how, whether your success or not is up to you," the Goddess pour ice cold water on top of his head.

"Is it hard? Will I fail? How much the chance of success is?" Sol asked to prepare himself mentally.

"Normally it's not very hard, even easy if I had to say, but your case is different, I think you have around forty percent chance of success and that if you do it perfectly," Minerva told him.

"What is different? Am I cursed or something?" Sol got shocked.

"Not really, it's the opposite, you are quite blessed, if you succeed then you would be stronger than normal Lesser Demigod"


"Normally, people take over the control of Apollo's shattered divinity piece by piece and fuse them together to be their divinity, but you have a full Demigod divinity in you, the whole divinity is harder to take over but if you succeed then it could be a great foundation for your divinity."

Sol nodded as he understands, for a greater reward there would be a greater price he needs to pay, it just he could not choose his reward this time.

"What will happen if I fail?" Sol asked her.

"The Demigod divinity would take over your body, you don't need to be afraid of Apollo's divinity as his soul was imprisoned in the underworld but the Demigod is different."

"isn't that too risky? Can't you do something about it" Sol turned to the Goddess as his back start to sweat at the prospect of being possessed by the Yeti.

"You don't need to be afraid, if you take over every piece of Apollo's shard before going after the Demigod's divinity then your chance would be greater, and even if you fail I'm here, I won't let you die"


"I can wipe your shards so you can survive, but remember you will be a normal human if that happens, your every power would be gone," Minerva said sternly.

"Alright, I understand, how do I start?" Sol turned serious as he did not want to be without power.

In his current understanding of the world, those who have power would be at the top and those without will suffer.

Minerva raised her hand and conjured an image of the starry sky in her hand, "Imagine your the world inside you are like this, a lot of starry stars are the shards and one giant start is the Demigod Divinity""once you imagine this, you should feel yourself being sucked into it, like falling asleep, don't fight it, just let it happen, you will enter a meditative state"

"you will find yourself floating in space, just imagine you are on a solid ground, you can walk normally there without any platform."

"you can concentrate on one shard and it will come after you, it could take any form it wants, you need to beat it into submission and it would assimilate your body."


"Just remember, you need to beat every shard before going after the larger one which is the Demigod divinity."

"Once you absorb everything, you need to mold every piece of divinity in yourself into one whole divinity, if you fused them, you would advance to be a Demigod."

"Eh? It's so simple? Can't you explain in detail?" Sol question the Goddess.

"Trust your instinct, that is the best way to do this," She told him with a smile.

Minerva never did it before but knowledge was one of her domains, she did not need to experience to have knowledge about something.

"Ok, I will do my best" Sol closed his eyes and tried to imagine a starry sky.

The world seemed to swirl as Sol got pulled into his inner world, the next moment he opened his eyes, he found himself in space.

But it was different then what Minerva told him, There was a starry sky but there was not just one giant star, there was three of them, one was blue as ice, it was the biggest, another one was yellow, and the smallest was blue.

"What the hell? What is that thing? Did it multiply?" Sol was dumbfounded.

He looked at the three stars in front of him in wonder until he pulled himself out of his stupor, "I need to focus, the little stars first then think about the big one later"

Sol turned his focus toward the nearest star, as he did, his imaginary body moved lightning-fast and appeared right next to the star.

The star was a meter in diameter and it glows red, Sol tried to touch it but before he could touch it, the star got brighter and expanded into a giant monkey.

Sol remember the monkey, it was the first creature he met, the one killed Sasha and went after Anya, it was no problem for him to beat the monkey again in his current strength, but the problem was he is not in his real body.

He could move like usual but it was like he never has a shard, his strength in the imaginary realm was as strong as a normal human.The flaming red monkey threw a punch at him, Sol dodge with ease as he had predicted its movement, he did not stop and counter-attack as he dodges again to the side, a long tail had pierced at where his head was.

Sol might not be as strong as he was in his own body but his fighting ability was way stronger than his old self, he also knew the monkey every move.

Sol planted his right foot half step forward on nothing as he was flying in space and threw a right-hand jab at the monkey face.

The monkey stager back as half of Sol's body weight was on the punch, it was a boxing technique he learned from temple of Mars's people.

Without waiting for the monkey to recover, Sol threw a barrage of jab into its face, with every connected punch, the monkey's body fractured, and as time went the fracture grow bigger.

With a right-hand hook, Sol shatters the Monkey into a thousand pieces, and the pieces fused with his imaginary body, made it stronger as the shards did to his physical body.

Sol look at his imaginary body as it grew stronger, he could sense the power become his own, it did not just affect the physical attributes but also his control of the imaginary world.

Once he finished sensing the change in him, Sol looked at another star to continue his journey to conquer the shards.

A familiar sense of being pulled appear again and he was faced with a bigger shard this time, almost a meter and a half in diameter.

This time it turned into a pair of ratman, they moved faster than the ratmans he fights in the real world as the shard could take any form but their power was still in proportion to the shard's own strength rather than the form it took.

Sol moved with his newly gained power and started to dodge from the rats' pincered attack, he would counter-attack whenever they made an opening.

Fighting two creatures is harder than a single creature but Sol got used to their movement soon and pace.

He started to control the fight more and more and the rat's body start to fracture all over, with a lightning-fast kick, sol sent both rats flying and destroyed them with it.

Sol grew even more confident as his strength grew, he could conjure anything he needs in the imaginary realm after he beat around a hundred shard.

He created his usual set of equipment, a long black robe in place of his white robe as the was no snow but stary sky, a knife, like his usual knife, and bottles of chemicals.

Sol had tried to conjure mythical items like the bronze arrow and his knife in the imaginary realm but they did not have any power like the actual armament, he ends up using a normal knife and a handgun.

As for chemical, they would work as the usual, sulfuric acid still burns and stink while flash bangs explode in a flash of light.

With his completed set of equipment, Sol beat every single star in the sky, leaving three giant stars behind.

The best part in the imaginary realm was he did not get tired, he could continue to fight even if he did not take any rest in between.

He only got a bit tired when he creat things like his equipment so he rests after he created them, it was worth it tho, his equipment helped him finish the fight sooner.

"Now is the hard part," Sol said as he looked at the three giant stars.