Sol decided to fight with the smallest of the giant stars, the blue one, according to his understanding of the star, the bigger they were the stronger their incarnation was.

If Sol went for the biggest or the second biggest then he was not sure about his chance, with the smallest star he could at least have a chance.

When he looked at the smallest star, Sol felt the familiar pull and he found himself beside a giant ball of light, it was so big that his eyes could see as he was too close to it.

Sol started to sweat as he fears it would turn into the giant evil spirit he had killed or the alpha wolf Nerodia had killed, but out of his expectation, it did not get bigger but smaller instead.

The ball of light compressed itself into a meter diameter ball of blue fire and started to morph, within a few seconds it already forms a familiar human figure.

"is that me?" Sol looked at the star's incarnation with shock as it morphed into his image, a tall male with a black coat and knife in his hand.

The only difference was his blank look and glowing knife, the knife glow with blue light like the blue star, Sol could feel the knife strength, it was familiar strength he knows.


"So, I'm fighting myself who have an armament without an armament on my own?" he grimaced as the deck already stacked against him from the very beginning.

Sol threw a flashbang bottle at his doppelganger before rushing in with eyes closed, when he opened his eyes, Sol was shocked as his opponent was not blinded by the explosion of light.

The doppelganger had shielded his own eyes with his black coat to defend against the explosion of light.

With his plan ruined, Sol aborts his offensive and jump back to find another opening, but his doppelganger was not going to let him be.

Losing the initiative, Sol become the one under pressure as his doppelganger flash his knife forward, it was way faster than Sol's current speed, if he had to compare then it was comparable to his actual body's speed.

"Fuck! This thing is too strong!" Sol tried to dodge but it was not successful as the knife cut his side.


Sol could not conjure anything mythical so he could not create a vial of Moon's blood to heal himself, he could only regenerate normally.

The doppelganger did not stop its attack, it continued to press on Sol but Sol was prepared this time, he had a lot of experience fighting against a faster enemy and familiar with his own fighting technique and habit.

Sol blocked the in-coming knife by moving in advance to keep up with the speed, he was not able to dodge so he chooses to block.

Blocking an armament with a normal knife was almost useless, he could only hinder the armament for a bit so Sol could dodge the incoming attack.Sol's knife would be broken with each class so he needed to conjure a new knife with every exchange, it slowly exhausts him but he could not stop, if he did then he would have a knife upon his throat.

"Fuck! His is not fair, how could I beat someone who is just like me but better in every aspect? In essence, I don't have any advantage at all" Sol complained.

Sol's fighting style was using his advantage to counter his enemy disadvantage, but this fight was different he did not have such a thing.


The doppelganger keeps the initiative as Sol did not have a chance to counter-attack at all, he could only defend.

"I can't continue this way, it doesn't get tired but I do, with every knife I conjure I grow weaker" Sol contemplated his situation.

"If I don't have an advantage then I could just make it," Sol told himself as raised both of his arms.

The doppelganger tried to cut at his throat but Sol did not block with his knife, he uses his own knife to cut at the doppelganger left foot.

Right before the knife connect with his throat, Sol used his raised left arm to block the knife, it saved his throat in exchange for losing his left arm.

On the other hand, Sol's knife cut on the Doppelganger's right foot he cut the tendon resulting in the doppelganger's fall.

Sol had lost one arm that decreases his offensive ability in exchange for his enemy mobility, if you were to ask was it worth it, the answer is yes, at least he has one advantage.

Sol pulled his distance from the downed doppelganger and pulled out a bottle of Sulfuric acid, he threw them at the doppelganger but it caught it easily and threw it back.

he dodges to the side and keeps throwing bottle after bottle, the result was the same but he did not stop.

When the doppelganger caught another bottle, it explodes in a flash of light blinding him, Sol had conjured one flashbang bottle that looked like a sulfuric acid bottle to fool the doppelganger.

Sol drew his knife and cut it at the blinded doppelganger, he threw it at the doppelganger head but it dodges with ease as it also had his predictive ability.

Sol had expected this as he had conjured another weapon but it was not another knife, he conjured an assault rifle and a longsword, he used the chance to do the unpredictable as his opponent was blinded.

He stabbed at the doppelganger heart with his sword, the doppelganger did not dodge in time as his range was longer than it had expected.

But Sol did not stop as the shard's incarnation was not a living being, they didn't die when their heart was destroyed but died when they got shattered into thousand pieces.He raised his gun and point it at the doppelganger's chest, he pulled the trigger and let the bullet hit the downed doppelganger.

Sol never learn how to aim an assault rifle but he did not need to, he was at point-blank range, he keeps firing without end at it.

When his bullet was shot, he would conjure another one on the cartridge this way he would not run out of bullet until the doppelganger was destroyed.

It drained on his stamina so it became a battle of endurance as Sol did not infinity stamina, the doppelganger could not retaliate as the bullet impact was too strong.

It's body start to fracture all over but it would not get destroyed no matter what, Sol was stunned at the revelation.

"What is different? It should be destroyed any minute now, if this keeps up the I would not have any stamina left" He lamented as he continued to blast at its chest.

Time continued to flow as the fight never end, Sol was almost at his limit when he looked down on the doppelganger's arm the familiar knife still glow with intensity.

"That's it!" Sol suddenly realized the knife must be something special.

Sol unplugs his sword from the doppelganger from the heart and slashed its arm, the knife fell from its arm and the doppelganger explodes into a thousand-piece of light and was absorbed into his imaginary body.

He could sense the knife become connected with him like his armament, "is armament suppose to have imaginary-self in my inner world?"

Sol became confused as the Goddess never told him anything about it, he would have an easier time if he knew that the knife was the core of the doppelganger.

He pushed it to the back of his mind as he needs to rest, he was so exhausted after the fight, he had conjured an uncountable amount of bullet in the fight.

Within his imaginary body, Sol could feel that he had enough shard to form his divinity and become a Demigod albeit a weak one.

He started to contemplate whether he continues to fight the giant star or end his conquering at that point.

"Is it fine to stop halfway? Minerva never said anything about it, look like I need to move forward" he told himself.

Actually, it was alright for him to stop there, Minerva never expects that his armament would have so much shard piece, normally an armament only take a small part of hard but his knife was a bit different as it took more shard than normal.magic

Sol rested for what feels like a day before he was at his peak condition, in the real world a day had not passed but Sol had been in his inner world for more than a day, the difference in time was quite big.

Sol decides to conjure more things in preparation for his next fight as he did not want to get exhausted again in the middle of the fight.

He created a few spare knives, a bag full of chemicals bottle, a handgun, an assault rifle, and a ton of weapon cartridge with bullets in it.

Once his preparation was over, Sol looked at the next smallest star, it gave him a bad feeling.