Christmas Plans or Christmas Pains? - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

Twenty-five minutes after leaving XF International James was being shown into Hou Yi's office. As he entered James saw a worried look on Yi's face, and all he could do was ask "Yi, what is it?"

That shook Hou Yi out of the thoughts he had. He paused and turned to James "I have to tell Anna something."

"What is it? Why are you concerned?"

Hou Yi paused before answering "James, there is something Anna and I had not said, as it really did not worry any of you. You knew Lu Jinho married Yang Lin?"

"Anna told me about it."


"Well Yang Lin was about two months pregnant at the time."

"That cheating b*stard."

"Yang Lin gave birth to twin girls last night. It has been announced by her family, and I need to tell Anna about it before she hears it from someone else."

"Call her and get her up here so we can tell her. I can talk to you about what I need to after she has settled and gone."

Hou Yi picked up his phone and called Anna. His call was answered by Jodie who indicated Anna was on a teleconference with ANX which would be about another hour before it ends. She confirmed as soon as the teleconference was ended, she would have Anne come up.

After ending the call Hou Yi said "James she is on a call and will be a while. What did you want to talk to me about?"


"I have made my decision about what I want to do work wise, and Alecia is OK with it."

"You decided which hospital you want to work at. Who do I need to call?"

"Your human resources department. I will take the offer of a job here if it still available."

"You are sure? You are not settling?"

"Yi, I know you offered it in part to me because I am your brother-in-law, but as I realised in speaking to the hospitals while I have the technical skills, and they may be better than much of the staff employed in various hospitals I am still struggling with the technical language despite the leaps and bounds in my language development. That will be dangerous in an emergency. The job, as you offered it to me will not have those risks and based on what you have told me it will be generally in line with Alecia's hours and study."

"Given you are sure, let me make a call."


With that Hou Yi telephoned the Human Resources Director asking him to come to his office, as well as via email requesting Assistant Wang get the Medical Director of the staff medical facility here.

Within ten minutes both were in Hou Yi's office, and some twenty minutes later the procedures were all completed for James's position. As Hou Yi's phone rang, James and the Medical Director were talking through the practicalities as to James' position while the Human Resources Director was leaving his office.

Five minutes later Anna arrived up at Hou Yi's office, and observing that this was the Lady Boss, the medical director excused himself, inviting James to come in during the next couple of days for them to further talk and sort out his roster.

Anna, as the door shut, turned to James before saying "You decided to take the job offer?"

"Absolutely Sis. While I have had a real crash course in the language and can hold most conversations in the medical field I struggle technically. I would be a risk to patients in a hospital setting in an emergency. Here, however that is not going to be a real issue. Plus, more importantly, I can keep an eye on you ensuring you behave." James had a smirk on his face when he finished.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

"Bite me James …"

"No, you can bite your husband that sounds disgusting for me to do it."

Hou Yi watching then banter between his wife and brother-in-law knew that despite how much they loved each other they were being childish. "Come on you two, or do I need to find a babysitter for you being as childish as you are."

Anna and James turned around and together said "Get a life, and get use to it," before bursting out laughing.