Christmas Plans or Christmas Pains? - Part 7

Wednesday, continued …

Anna turned looking at James and Hou Yi before saying "Seriously, why am I here. I have a lot to do given my working hours have been cut."

"A few things. We have that charity event tonight …"

"Speaking of that Yi, where is the best place I can buy gifts for it. I only found out about it last night and neither Alecia nor I have done anything."

"I will get Assistant Wang to line up a personal shopper to help you at M Mall with that."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,



"My darling husband," came a sugary response "Do you really want the whale I will be in a maternity dress to go?"

"Stop being silly Anna, you will look fine. Plus, Phillipa and her parents are here for Christmas. They had this planned before her grandfather died and decided to still follow through with it as it will be the last chance they have."

"When did you find out?"

"I received a message from her about an hour ago confirming that they would be there. Now to get to the more serious matter. Given how annoyed with me you were about the Christmas presents, I figured I needed company to tell you something else …"

"You better not want to ruin my Christmas or …"

James, knowing how important Christmas was to Anna responded, "You better not Yi. If you are, let me know as I am leaving."


"Calm down," responded Hou Yi laughing. "Between the Yao family, my family and those seven idiots we always have a big Christmas. It started out for the triplet's sake to give them normality where we put everything else aside, but it now is an excuse for a quiet day together. This year it will be at the ancestral home, but before you go out running to buy gifts for each other the rule is the triplets can get a gift, and then you buy a gender-neutral gift for what I understand you all call a Kris-Kringle. The Triplets gifts can be no more than 150 US dollars and the Kris Kringle gift no more than 50 US dollars. We always work the value in US dollars so that if we buy something in travelling the value is constant."

"Party!" responded Anna.

"To quote a Christmas Carol Yi 'You better watch out, you better not cry,' with her behaviour. My darling sister is Christmas mad and you will have to cope with it."


"Call me spoilsport all you like. Do you remember last year? You had everyone awake at 4am, and by 10am we were all ready to kill you. You wanted presents open early and then were militant in what we did."

Anna simply stuck out her tongue at James, and Hou Yi could not help himself but to laugh.


After taking a deep breath, Hou Yi spoke "Seriously Anna, there is a more important thing I have to let you know. I heard that Yang Lin gave birth to twin girls overnight. I just thought you needed to know in case someone wanted to make an issue of it."

James observed Anna, who despite having a look of sadness pass over her face due to that cheating ex said "Well, we are less than three months before we have our child. Why would I worry about their children, when ours is more important? At least we have our heads held high, our baby was conceived when we were married, not while cheating on our partner. But we better be nice and send a small gift. Take the high moral ground."

Hou Yi nodded, and Anna quickly said, "I better get back to my office, so I can finish on time."

When she left James turned and said, "That turned out better than I expected."

"James, you know your sister, I am betting she went back to her office and is crying. Go enjoy your day and we will see you tonight. Just let me deal with your sister as she will otherwise hide how she is feeling."

The two of them left Hou Yi's office, James stopping to speak to Assistant Wang, who was making the shopping arrangements for him, and Hou Yi who headed to the legal Department. As he exited the elevator, he walked past everyone trying to get his attention and headed straight to Anna's office. When he could see into Anna's office, he observed that he was right and walked straight in and gathered Anna into his arms, ignoring Jodie who had been trying to comfort her telling her everything would be alright.