We have no choice - Part 2
Sunday, continued...
Exasperated, Jane paused and said "We have to be serious, but I think we need to wait until I have someone else from the firm here because we otherwise will go in circles.? More importantly, you need to have your lovely wife join us for the meeting as what I have to say will impact her as well.? Give me say two hours to have someone here."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,
Lu Jingho, having not only heard the sharp no from his lover was worried about what was to happen.? "Fine, make the call but I need something from you before the meeting."
Fully understanding what he wanted, and realising that she needed it as well, Jane made a quick telephone call while Lu Jingho made the arrangements with his wife.? When he returned to the study and on hearing the door shut, Jane turned around, quickly dropping the dress she was wearing to the ground before moving over and freeing Lu Jingho's erect p*nis from his pants and taking it into his mouth.? Quickly bring him to the point he e*aculated in her mouth was heaven.? She needed that.
Coming down off his peak, from Janes cleaver mouth, Lu Jingho picked her up and took her over to the desk where he sat her and commenced caressing her body while kissing her, arousing her and using his mouth to enable her to reach her peak before he was ready to thrust into her.
As Jane came down from the pleasure that Lu Jingho's actions had given her, she looked at a clock and realised that they only had twenty minutes before people would arrive for this meeting.? Slipping down off the desk, she picked up her clothes, and headed out the door saying "We only have about twenty minutes.? I am going for a quick shower, and I suggest you do the same while someone gives the study a quick clean for this meeting."
As she left the study, Jane gave the direction to the staff members waiting around, and hurried upstairs to her so-called assigned room and slipped into the en-suite to quickly bathe and change before returning downstairs five minutes before the scheduled meeting.? Just as she settled back into the study to look at the documents, she was disrupted by the staff advising of the three lawyers she had requested come to the Villa for this meeting.
magic On them being shown in, seeing that she had the opportunity to speak quietly Jane said as soon as the door was closed "Gentleman, this will be the most difficult task with this case.? I have already attempted to explain the situation to Mr Lu, but he has his own views.? He will not take the blunt assessment we reached yesterday when reviewing everything that the National Prosecutors dumped on us."
Feeling brave one responded, "So you want us for backup."
"Actually no.? I need you to explain the conclusion we reached, and I will then support it.? I have worked out that there are ways to tackle this situation, and this is the way here.? Now, between the three of you work out who will be the person to speak, as the Lu's will be here any minute."
Jane tuned out from the chatter, and as the door opened and the Lu's walked in, she noticed the three of them had made an agreement.? Knowing protocol, the three of them introduced themselves, and paused until the Lu's had sat down on the couch.
Jane nodded, and the elected male spokesman, said "Mister and Madam Lu, Friday we received a whole package of evidence in relation to the matters against you Mister Lu, which changes things dramatically.? The authorities, when we questioned them about the matters involving you Madam Lu said that these are not priority, and we can therefore continue to slowly resolve matters."
Lu Jingho, hearing this had a worried look pass across his face.? Jane had attempted to tell him something earlier and he was more worried about their private relationship rather than business.? Before he could say anything, his wife asked, "What is it?"
Having received the question needed, the spokesperson walked the two of them through the material and the conclusions they had drawn over the next thirty minutes or so.? Jane added "We have no choice, given all of this to recommend a plea to everything and striking a deal that will get you out as soon as possible.? It is obvious that the prosecution authorities want to see you locked up for life.?? That we can avoid, but only with a deal."
Lu Jingho sat there stunned.