We have no choice - Part 3

Sunday, continued...

Lu Jingho could not believe who had turned on him.? They were about saving themselves rather than staying quite to protect all of them.? Those rats, they deserved everything that would come their way.? "No damn way am I going to pay for their lies.? I do not deserve to go to jail."

Taking the professional route Jane said "Mister Lu, fifteen of us assessed this Friday and yesterday and reached the same conclusion.? Fighting, with this evidence makes it impossible to defeat the charges in any short time frame.? To discredit them all it will take years, which is time we do not have."

"That is not what I want to here," spat out Lu Jingho.? There is no way he would plead to anything as he knew he did not deserve jail.

Jane could see the argument that was about to happen.? It was one that they had previously, and it always ended up the same.? "Let me put this another way.? We have A, B, C, D and E all providing evidence about a specific incident.? On that incident we may be able to discredit A and E, but not able to do anything about B, C and D on that matter, but have discredited them with respect to other matters.? The problem will be on the incident the evidence of A, B, C, D and E will all be accepted."

"They are discredited, therefore how can I fail."


Shaking her head, Jane moved over and whispered "Remember the deal.? You get what you want, but in doing that you have to agree with what I propose on the case."

She moved back, and added "Mister Lu, we have to be realistic.? The time to discredit all the witnesses will take us at least three of four years to gather every piece that we need.? We have a few months only.? We could only discredit a few witnesses, but the other witnesses would rehabilitate them as their evidence will be consistent with that we cannot."

"And before you ask, we may be able to get a couple of months delay in the hearing, but not the time we need.? Then you have the additional risks that contesting the matter gives you.? The court can impose each sentence on top of each other, giving you no chance to get out.? Negotiation, to get multiple matters covered in the one charge, and as to the sentence will minimise the time and ensure that you get out of jail.? We can push as to how the sentence is served, and we will have sentences that will run together not one after another."

"Mister Lu, Miss Gang is correct.? Yesterday, the conclusion every lawyer that reviewed the material indicated that fighting will now guarantee you spend the remainder of your life in jail.? Negotiation will result in a sentence that sees you free at some time.? The only thing will be how that sentence is to be served.? That is the question we could not resolve, as we concluded that it would be just as likely that you would serve the sentence in jail as it would be by home detention," responded one of the male lawyers.

Defeated, Lu Jingho slumped on the couch, before saying "So your advice is deal, to give me a prospect of some normal life at the end of the sentence?"

Jane responded, in a defeated tone as well "Yes.? We know it is not what you want but balancing out getting out of jail at some point in time against never getting out, we all believe you would take the former rather than the latter."


Lu Jingho, quietly said "I guess I have no choice, just get me the deal that ensures I spend as little time in prison and most of my sentence is home detention." He motioned to Jane, and as she bent over, he whispered, "You used them?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

Jane responded "Absolutely, you were not willing to listen to me, so I had to use them to get you to understand the reality of the situation.? You owe them something today.? Before you ask all are single, and I would suggest that you send them for a treat for a few hours to the shop as a treat and arrange for girls for them."

Lu Jingho nodded, and picking up on the signals Madam Lu said, "Miss Gang, I know you are the main lawyer for my husband, but I would appreciate if I could get your help to arrange for tea for everyone."

Jane nodded and followed her out the door.? As they shut the door, they could hear Lu Jingho say "Gentleman, Miss Gang has said that I owe you for coming here on a Sunday, particularly given what you did yesterday.? She correctly identified that I was not willing to listen to what she had to say, and I needed a reality check.? I know that you will receive your wages, but I need to give you something else as an extra treat."

Lu Jingho put up his hand to prevent any of them saying anything, and continued "You can say no, but if you would like there is a certain shop here in town that is exempted from the normal laws regarding s*xual activities.? You do not have to go, but if you would like a treat I can arrange for you to access their services for a few hours as a means to say thank you.? But if you opt not to take that, I can arrange something else."

The three of them looked at each other.? They had all heard rumours from wealthy clients of a particular s*x shop where the law as to s*xual activities never applied, and now they were being offered the opportunity to get into the fabled private area.? Who would forgo that opportunity?? Together they said, "We will take that offer."magic
