A surprise arrival - Part 5

Friday continued…

Noticing James, Rosemary decided that she needed to get him doing something before he was kicked out by other staff. "James worry about your second nephew later.? Get over here. I need you to help keep count of the sponges. The more eyes we have on this the better."

Nodding James moved over to do what he was requested. He realised though that closing Anna back up was taking longer than expected due to excessive bleeding. That worried him, but about fifteen minutes later the bleeding that seemed to be a problem had finally been brought under control, and they were closing Anna up.

When she was wheeled out of theatre, Rosemary quietly said "We were damn lucky. The Obstetrician and other specialists knew most of the issues that would be faced when we went in. They wanted to fight with me, but given my presence and involvement kept Anna calm, they relented in the end.? That bleeding, while partially anticipated, had us worried for some time, hence I had you get Yi out of there."

Rosemary paused and turned to the two nurses who had been working on the second baby.? The obstetrician was speaking to them, and James was even struggling to understand what was being said.? A couple of minutes later he turned to them and said "They revived the second baby and are taking it to the critical care unit.? But them, and the attendant paediatrician suspects the baby will only live a couple of days.? He will be in a lot of pain, but…"

"Someone has to tell Hou Yi?" said James.


"True, but unlike me you two are family and he is likely to take it much better with you.? He should spend the time he can with the baby.? There is a critical care suite in the VIP area, and we will set it up for the baby to head there, and that will make it a little easier for Madam Hou to be wheeled in to be with her baby before its inevitable death."

With that the obstetrician walked away leaving Rosemary and James to look at each other.? "That whimp," responded Rosemary.? "He is leaving it to us to tell Anna and Yi the truth.? Normally Anna would remain under close observation in the maternity ward, but they are transferring her to the VIP ward earlier than normal to allow her to spend time with the second baby.? At least they can be shielded from everything."

James, after they were changed led the way to the special care baby unit, where Hou Yi was with the baby. Moving over to him Rosemary spoke "Yi she is out of theatre. The obstetrician, based on the scans predicted the problems, but she did have a heavy blood loss. Normally Anna would have been placed into a single room here in the maternity ward to be observed before being moved to the VIP ward."

"What about the second baby?" came the quiet question.? Hou Yi realised with Rosemary's few words that James had been right.? He could have been asked to decide about the life of his wife or one of their babies but thank goodness he had not been asked.

Rosemary and James looked at each other, before Rosemary spoke.? "Yi, that is the thing.? The Obstetrician had suspicions about the second baby, despite nothing being shown on the scans.? He said it was just a feeling he had, and from everything he and I had discussed I had the same feeling.? The baby took a couple of breaths in theatre, stopped breathing but the attending paediatrician and nursing staff were eventually able to revive him.

"But and we hate to be the ones who tell you this, no one believes the baby will live more than a couple of days.? Yes, miracles happen, but I do not believe it will be the case here.? The Hospital is opening the VIP critical care unit and turning it into a paediatric critical care unit.? They will transfer both babies there, and Anna will be moved into a ward beside it.? She will be able to be wheeled on the bed to spend time with the babies, but not get off it.? We can head up to the VIP ward area to await Anna and the babies transfer there."


Turning to Rosemary, Hou Yi's eyes were blazing with anger. The Obstetrician, James and Rosemary had kept the issues a secret. If things had gone wrong, he could have lost both.? Now he simply has to face the inevitable loss of one of their babies, which neither of them were prepared for. In a low menacing voice, he said "Why in the world did you not say anything? Neither of us were prepared."