A surprise arrival - Part 6

Friday continued …

James, already use to seeing this said "Yi, do not get angry. There was nothing that you could do to change a thing. ?I can understand why nothing was said, as Anna's pregnancy has always been high risk.? If you knew the problems, you would not have been able to keep it from her.? Anna knowing would have stressed her out, increasing the risks with her pregnancy, and making it more probable you would have had to make the decision about who to save.? That would have broken you."

James paused, taking in the fact that Hou Yi's anger at his words seemed to ebb away.? "Rosemary knew the obstetrician and the other specialists were all prepared for the potential of what could happen, to minimise the risks and ensure Anna and the babies safety.? The thing we have to do is talk to Anna about the reality for your youngest son."

"Why him?" came the almost pitiful question from Hou Yi.? James could not believe that this was the strong forceful businessman he had always seen.? He simply was a devastated husband and father, realising he had to tell his wife a reality she would struggle to cope with and that they would be planning a funeral for one baby rather than double christening.

"Yi, I cannot answer why.? Anything would be a guess and the specialists will have to give you that answer.? It may even trace its way back to what happened around the time she conceived.? But none of us may ever have an answer to that question.

"More importantly you need to cease to be in control of the whole situation.? You cannot control everything all the time; you just must accept that there are situations where you have no control.? This is one of those cases, and from observing my older siblings now that you have children you will have more of those occasions.? Go, be with Anna, as you need to be together."


Nodding his head, Hou Yi moved away from James but had a quick comeback "Just you wait …"

James remembered the promise that he and Alecia made to her father, and they were baring an accident, had decided despite that promise that they would wait for her to complete university before they considered having children.? However, seeing the look on his brother-in-law's face and aware of the relationship Anna had with her in-laws from his interactions he knew he had a threat to give Hou Yi to snap him out of this state.? He quickly said "Continue acting like a child Yi, and all I have to do is call your parents…"

That drew a stunned silence in the room.? But James knew with a look that he had gotten through to Hou Yi, so he moved away to exit the room and allow Rosemary to better explain things to him.? Once he was outside, be pulled out his phone and started to make calls, Hou Yi's family, but his family, Alecia and the Vice-CEO he met earlier to let them know Anna had given birth/

After talking to Hou Yi for ten minutes, Rosemary confirmed a lot of information James had said, and gave him more information.? As she finished,?she said "Yi, Anna should be in her room.? You need to head in and explain to her what the situation is with the younger twin.? I have checked with the staff and the babies should be up here in about an hour, and they want another half and hour to settle everything in.? Anna can then be wheeled into the critical care unit to spend some time with both babies."

"Rosemary, she has been like me, so looking forward to the birth of these two babies, but now to have to tell her that we will lose one…"

"You do not want to be the one to break the news.? Yi, she is my sister-in-law, and do you think I want to be the one to tell her.? Absolutely not.? But if it will make it easier, I will drag James with me into the room and we will be there while you tell her.? It needs to be you, as the two of you have to deal with the reality you are facing."


Nodding, Hou Yi exited the waiting room, and with everyone trailing behind him headed into the room Anna had just been wheeled into, before sitting beside her and picking up her hand.? James and Rosemary stood back watching Hou Yi tell Anna the reality with their younger twin.? Both could see the result when the reality finally hit home with Anna throwing herself into Hou Yi's arms and the tears coming from the two of them.